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Thread: Have you done anything you really regretted?

  1. #1
    Have you done anything you really regretted? rJ floW's Avatar
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    Reppin the old skool since 1984

    Have you done anything you really regretted?

    Now i know all of you have done something (or not done something) that you regretted after the fact, it happens...but i mean like, "oh i shouldn't have said that" or "OH i wish i never tried that" or "Goddamn why must i always booze before a actuarial final"...

    but i mean, like something MAJOR in your life?

    I think mine would have to be the first, and subsequently the last time, i tried Meth....I've tried my fair share of things; hallucinogens, amphetamines, depressants, prescription dexedrine....but when i tried that Meth it was ****ED. Thank god i didn't smoke it or I'd be a fiend with methmouth, i only blasted a couple lines of it, and i could easily see how you could be hooked on it....thats my latest big regret...and sure enough, it was alcohol and drug induced, as i was hittin my bong all night with my buddies while drinkin and poppin perks....and this meth was clean Ice, nothing cut....never again, not even blastin PURE MDMA made me THAT ****ed up.....

    i think mine is a little extreme, but how bout anyone else?

    *Please do not say, "I wish i asked _____ to the grade 11 xmas dance" because im talkin something when i used a racial slur when i REALLY shouldn't have and i ran really fast hahah*
    tHe ChOsEn
    rJ floW
    Lionhart2001 aka Pete
    Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
    Neo Necron
    This is why bitches love me

    Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-

  2. #2
    Someting major in my life I regret is opening a letter. A letter that would lead me to my father, take away every ounce of innoscence I had, and leave me with pain an suffering. I would also stay in school, and follow my dreams more closely. Even if people didn't.

  3. #3
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    The gooooooooooooooooogle ads are talking all about meth now. Good job, Wolf.

    Anways, something I've done but really regret is buying my car. It's got me pretty much financially ****ed for the next few years and it's something I don't even give a rats ass about anymore. Yay! I have a new car! Tch. My **** is 10 inches, too. Seriously.

    I hate myself when I was younger, a lot. I would always try to fill in the low confidence I had with being better than other people, one way or another. Nowadays I still try to be the best, but not so much with materialism.

  4. #4
    Hahaha wow, they have Gay/Lesbian Drug Clinics now. Good to know that segregation is still the hip thing.

    Regrets. I regret New Year's Eve a while back. That's my one "I was drunk" story. Got drunk, hooked up (but did not do the sex with) this girl I knew liked me.

    I was still all emo about being dumped by the girl I dated for a year (and got NO play from) which was like a week before that. So yeah. Low self-esteem + Captain Morgan's = Ewww. Ew ew ew. She wasn't even unattractive, just.... Eww. Like those girls that you know, and like as a person, but wouldn't want to ever do the naughty with because they're a little unsavory? Yeah.


  5. #5
    Lord Have Mercy Have you done anything you really regretted? Bunny's Avatar
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    I regret joining the military. Not because I hate it, because I really honestly do. But mostly because it was a spur of the moment thing. I was sitting around one day and decided "Hey, the Navy might be fun." Few days later, I walked into the office and said "Yeah, sign me up?" and I was pretty much in.

    Quite possible the worst thing to ever do. I wasn't even drunk or high.

    I regret high school. All of it, entirely. Well, except my freshman year. I had friends then. The last three years of my high school, I didn't have a single friend. I knew people, and people knew me, but I never did anything with another. I wish I joined some clubs, did a sport or two, was more outgoing, and I wish I got better grades. I can't change that now, and it is incredibly depressing and regrettable that I was the way I was then.

    I regret my last words to my mother being a half-hearted "Bye" to her, because I was playing video games. It isn't entirely too regrettable, because I had no idea that those would be my last words to her. But looking back on it now, I wish I had given her a hug, kiss, or at least said I love you.

    I also regret not attempting to get to know my father at all. I have the chance, any time I want I could call him and tell him that I want to meet him. But for some reason, I just.. can't do it. I have a hard time talking to my best friends, what the hell do you say to a man you haven't spoken to since.. well, I can't really remember the last time I talked to him. Is this a regret? I don't know.

    But hey, that's life.

    In short, I suppose I regret that.

  6. #6
    I regret NOT doing something.

    So there was this guy I really liked, right? I knew I would never see him again because we lived on different sides of the world. Even different HEMISPHERES. It's definitely winter where he is.....but anyway, I should have kissed him. I should have told him how I felt. He may or may not have had a clue about it, but I should have kissed him.

    We had just hugged goodbye, and we both turned to walk our separate ways. I looked back and he was gone in a mass of people.......and it was over. I kick myself now for not doing it. But I guess there's nothing you can do.

  7. #7
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I guess...I regret not having said a proper goodbye to my half sister before she disappeared... It's been years since I saw or knew of where she is. I just regret not having said a real goodbye. I don't even think I said bye at all. I just let her go.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 04-14-2008 at 07:54 AM.

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  8. #8
    This ain't no place for no hero Have you done anything you really regretted? Tiffany's Avatar
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    I regret staying with my abusive boyfriend, even after I found out he cheated on me.

    I was so emotionally weak, I was so afraid of being alone that I didn't care at all the price I had to pay to have someone there with me. So pitiful. I put up with him sleeping with his ex girlfriend, putting bruises on me the size of grapefruits, all because I cared more about him than I did myself.

    Never. Again.

    I'm my own person now and I'll be damned if I make that same mistake twice. Life is too short to be worrying about it on fucktards like that.

  9. #9
    I regret staying with my ex for two years, Now that I'm away from him I feel so free, but I really do feel like I've wasted a lot of my time.

    I also regret not taking the chance to move with my sister in Nevada...
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    So I'm totally all about crayola crayons, crop circles and pokemon, if you share any of these intrests, hit me up =D

  10. #10
    Vagabond Thief Have you done anything you really regretted? Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    Bleh.I've had my share of regrets.I regret fighting with my brother alot in the past.I regret doing the horrible things I have done in my life.Alot is too personal to put on here but there is a huge list of regrets.
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
    Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
    Martin-My awesome Tff lil bro who lets me cry on his shoulder!
    Unknown Entity-My wonderful banner making sis <3
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    My geeky maple story loving bro-joesteel64

  11. #11
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Kinney's Avatar
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    I dont think I regret something more than lying to my parents and one friend of mine with some real shit and now I cant find my way out of this and I'm really sad because of that. When you lie to somebody and you keep the lie alive and you keep saying it and saying it it gets bigger and bigger until it is a whole bunch of mess that you cant find your way out.. I should have listened to some people who told me not to do it, and now I'm really in big trouble because I dont seem to find a way out without hurting the people I love and making them hate me =[.
    Lying is what I regret
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    the hardest part about growing up is
    letting go of what you were used to
    and moving on with something you're not

    I don't wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in love

  12. #12
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Leroy's Avatar
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    You know, everytime I start doing shots of tequila? I regret it. Why is it so much fun getting drunk? I mean, It's a pain in the ass once you actually are, and even moreso the next day if you get really hammered.

    Also, I regret not having put money aside sooner for my car. I'm still quite a bit short. Damnit!

  13. #13
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    You know, I almost joined the Navy, about a year before Bunny did, I think. Like, right out of High School. This recruiter guy had been coming around the house, trying to get me to go. I was going to go take their test thing up in Portland. That was how close I was to joining. Then my friend, who was joining the Air Force, and my family talked me out of it. In any case, I suppose that was a near regret. Although sometimes I regret not joining the Air Force with my friend.

    I also regret letting myself run on cruise control through my first three years or so of High School, and nearly failing Algebra II my Junior year. I had like a 2.97 going into my Senior year. I also regret not taking the SAT's or the other things that might've gotten my a scholarship, so that I could go to a university if I had wanted to... if I'd done well, that is (although seeing how well I've done at the Community College level, I know I could've done a lot better in High School.) I got straight A's first term senior year, and mostly A's second term senior year, but it was too little, too late pretty much.

    I also regret not looking for a real job during High School, so I could have experience, before the job market started to really suck in Oregon (one of the worst unemployment rates in the Nation, if not the worst. And Albany is the worst place in the state too, I think.) Nobody will hire me because I don't have "experience." Not even friggen' SelecTemp. Where do you get experience, if not there? It's bullshit. Although... I haven't tried really hard to get a job; haven't been out there every day, looking. So I guess I regret my lazyness, too.

    Overall, I regret lazyness the most. I regret how I've developed this gut that makes me resemble a middle-aged man who's let himself go, or something.

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  14. #14
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Chickenballz's Avatar
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    Taco, I totally feel you on the 'not-getting-a-job' and laziness dealys. Well not so much about the 'not-getting-a-job' since my friends keep offering me ones but I keep turning them down because I'm like, "F*** that biatchs! No way am I working in a Chinese restaurant again." So really, it's all attributed to my laziness. So many times I could've done something but then I just say "f*** that".

    And that brings me to my next point. Getting my driver's license. I should've got it two years ago, like, when everyone else was doing it, but I just didn't feel like reading the manual. "Then wing it!" And fail, then have to retake? No way man, that's money. Hm, maybe I'll just go do it tomorrow.

    Honestly, aside from regretting overall general situations (eg my wasted youth), I don't think there's a defining moment where I was in a "F*** ME F*** ME I can't believe I did/let that happen."

    Which is a good thing, I'd assume.

  15. #15
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Karel's Avatar
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    I picked up a huge rug on Friday.. was doing fine.. until I bumped into some and my back.. kinda just went CUWACKK.. and so I've been with a horrible back pain..

    then I made another mistake and let my bro step on my back.. nearly crushed me painful.. but atleast he fixed it which wasn't too bad

  16. #16
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Juice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickenballz
    Taco, I totally feel you on the 'not-getting-a-job' and laziness dealys. Well not so much about the 'not-getting-a-job' since my friends keep offering me ones but I keep turning them down because I'm like, "F*** that biatchs! No way am I working in a Chinese restaurant again." So really, it's all attributed to my laziness. So many times I could've done something but then I just say "f*** that".

    And that brings me to my next point. Getting my driver's license. I should've got it two years ago, like, when everyone else was doing it, but I just didn't feel like reading the manual. "Then wing it!" And fail, then have to retake? No way man, that's money. Hm, maybe I'll just go do it tomorrow
    Amen to those two things. xD Ive done the same, especially with my license, i really need to pull my finger out with that one.

    Otherwise... i have a few regrets. I wish i'd never cut myself, so i wouldn't have gross scars. Or thrown up on purpose so i wouldn't have such horrible stomach aches anymore. And i would definately go back in time and slap myself everytime i wanted to sleep with someone just because of low self esteem.

    On a less serious note, i wish i'd done better last year in school so i wouldn't be repeating subjects i know i could have passed if i'd tryed. And i'd prbably not have quit my job, even if it was just a burger bitch job at Maccas.

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    Contrary to popular beliefe, i am sober sometimes

  17. #17
    Hmm, my biggest regret has gotta be trying coke. Sure I only did it once, but like RJ it was a huge step up from anythinge else I'd done and it is one of the real gateway drugs. Stuff like acid, shrooms, weed are recreational drugs. Coke, meth, heroine are lifestyle drugs and not to be ****ed with.

    Another regret was being a runner for a friends older brother fresh out of high school. I really didn't want to get a min wage job like everyone else who didn't go to college right away, and it was insanely good money for the time I put in but an incedent took place that was the scariest moment of my life and I'll never put myself into a situation that could bring something like that up again.

  18. #18
    Have you done anything you really regretted? tro's Avatar
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    i regret when i used my bebe gun when i was told not to then the next day i found that it had been snaped in half (step father/abusive to my mom) saposivly it was my fault for not listening.

    right here im going to regret for my mom for spending like 8 years with the abusive person. the funny thing is they were married for like 1 month befor we left him without a trace of where we went lol.

    i also regret takeing advantage of everyday things like food/water and electricty.
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  19. #19
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    I regret getting married to my current wife. Not only has she made my life miserable but she also spent all my money while I was in Iraq and cheated on me. Now she is still making my life miserable as we go through our divorce. Make sure you are with someone for a really long time before you take that leap into marriage.

  20. #20
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Hell's-sword's Avatar
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    Umm where to start

    Well i was at a family re-union on my dads side and (bearing in mind that i havent ever met any of them) i had a few bears and my dad decided to chat sh*t down my ear so i went out side to calm down but after about ten mins he came out and started being sarcastik so i K.O'ed him i never wanted to it just happend now we dont talk and he wont forgive me... V regretful.
    We have spent our time drenched in opulent splendour but when midnight chimes will gilded souls surrender.

  21. #21
    I regret hating my home so much before I left it.

    You really don't know what you've got till it's gone. I want to go back to last year and yell GROW THE **** UP, DEAL? at myself over and over again. I regret not appreciating what it was like to live with my mum. I regret making myself seem so distant and detached from my family that now I've left they never call me. It's not their fault. I did it. I could've died four times over, and they'd only find out when the uni called them asking for rent.

    I regret not knowing what my home was when I had it, and I regret not paying enough attention in Higher Chemistry.

  22. #22
    Registered User Have you done anything you really regretted? Dimi's Avatar
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    There's nothing that I've done where I can honestly say that I truly regret something. I've gone through a lot in my past. And a lot of the things I've done to myself were my doing. And if anything, I do look back at times on it and say "Wow, what was I thinking?" but then I realize that I wouldn't be the person who I am today because of it. I live my life by having no regrets and even I do something that I didn't mean to do, I just brush it off and try to move on from there.

  23. #23
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I regret to have always been a goody-two-shoes at school... it feels as if i was never a kid, and now my GCSEs are only a few weeks away, i WANT to muck about and stuff... I wish i took my chance to be a kid when i had the chance, lol!

    I think thats the only thing i regret - i'm more interested in what happens in the future than stuff that has happened in my past, although a quick visit is ok with me, lol!

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  24. #24
    Have you done anything you really regretted? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    The only thing I currently regret at the moment was at my job, which may or may not have a bullseye for its logo. I was a cashier. When I finally addressed that I had a problem with this one co-worker, and got the courage to report the obivious sexual harassment. However, when I finally brought up the incident, even though everybody knew what was going on and 2 people witnessed it, they still found the evidence inconclusive, and he didn't lose his job; instead they moved me to the floor. Now I recieve less hours and the co-worker still harasses me, even though he isn't allowed into my work area. Sometimes I think a good swift kick in the nads would have had a more lucid effect on whether he would dare bother me again. And besides that, I should have gathered that bureacracy and corporation crap would have complicated things.

  25. #25
    Numb Have you done anything you really regretted? Ryayukou's Avatar
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    I regret dating my ex-boyfriend. While he is a Marine, and I have nothing against the military at all(my dad is a retired Air Force captain), he turned out to be a ego-maniac asshole. He played with my heart, lied to me about where he was at, CHEATED on me, treated me like crap, talked shit about me when we broke up (when I thought we broke up peacefully), and is now dating my ex-friend. I wish I'd never gone out with him. Big big big mistake. Never again.
    Last edited by Ryayukou; 04-14-2008 at 03:14 PM.

    SOLDIER's back, back... back again... SOLDIER's back... tell a friend!

  26. #26
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I also regret dating a guy from a few years ago, I don't know why I even did. He was not a great person overall and I wish very much that I did not date him. After a while, too long, I had enough of him and ended it but I wish I was smart enough to break up with him much sooner than I did. Then I find out like last year that he had a girlfriend and he got her pregnant which did not surprise me in the least.. he wanted to come here to live with me and I did NOT want that. I did not trust him, that girl could have been me. ><

    There are probably other things I regret too but I think that's a big one for me. I'm so grateful that I'm with Josh now, eternally grateful. He's such an awesome guy and such a kind and loving person. Thank you for everything Josh.

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  27. #27
    I regret too much...

    I regret not being able to protect everyone who died because of my inability to save them...
    I regret not being able to help those who needed me the most when I couldn't give it to them...

    Sometimes I even regret living... but I still need to for a little longer at least...
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
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    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

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  28. #28
    Cilla vs. Games Have you done anything you really regretted? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I regret dating someone I dated for two years. Only dated them for that long because they were two controlling and it took that long to break up with them. I guess as well I regret dating the guy I currently am dating. :/

    I regret the fact that when I was younger I was too afraid to tell anyone how I felt because I felt like they would understand and so I would get really angry at myself and feel helpless and then take it out on myself. I havn't really grown out of that though.. not yet anyway.

    There is a lot more I regret but it's personal.

  29. #29
    Registered User Have you done anything you really regretted? xXx Rikku xXx's Avatar
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    Re: Have you done anything you really regretted?

    i really regret spending the weekend with someone =(
    wont go into anymore detail :3


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