Did have a quick a flick through and didn't spot a thread on this, sorry if I missed it if there is one.
But anyways. May seem like an odd thing to ask you all, but this a debate that has been goin around mine and the other halfs familes for quite awhile now, it actually is becoming a family tradtion to have this debate when we all get togther lol.
My partner, his bro in law, his dad and my dad all say bottled Coke tastes best. One of my partners sister, my sisters and his mum say canned is best. Me?? I don't taste a damn difference lol
Basically, which do you think is the better Coca-cola bottled or canned, or are you like me and can't taste a difference?
I did hear from somewhere that something to do with how they are made effects the taste, but not sure if that is true or not.