That simply isn't true. I am an atheist, and I do not believe in a God, but if frogs started to rain from the sky and the Apocalypse was imminent, I would have to be thick headed to deny its transgression. But getting into hypotheticals about the ability to prove the existence or non-existence of a deity is irrelevant, since that isn't a likely scenario.
Jin answered most what I was getting at (there was a time when Jin and I ruled ID, and I miss that), but my point is somewhat different. Admitting you cannot possibly understand the existence or shape a deity would take is one thing, but all of us have our perceptions. Have you ever watched a football game with someone who said they didn't know who would win or by how much? Well, none of us know who will win or by how much. But we have our belief as to who will win and by how much, and that is what really atheism versus theism comes down to.
I am basically stealing all of this from Dawkins, but it makes sense if you really think about it.