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Thread: Halloween!

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. Halloween! Violet's Avatar
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    I'm feeling a bit Halloweenish this year, if you ask me. It's awfully cold in California, it may even snow here o_o. It seems every Halloween is either rainy or extremely windy, it sucks! I'm thinking of hanging out with my friends if my family doesn't have any plans. I was reading a book at the bookstore about different ideas you can do for Halloween. It was pretty awesome.

    Random pic I found on google(somebody has time on their hands):

    What are your plans?

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    What is your favorite horror movie?

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    Last edited by Violet; 10-13-2009 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Bananarama Halloween! Pete's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    I'm probably going to dress up with my friends and head down into the Village for the Halloween Parade. We'll either drink there or head up to some bar.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    Good question. My friends and I have been talking about it since last year's disaster, but nobody has anything conclusive yet. I said we should all be either Mortal Kombat characters or dead celebrities. So regardless, I'll be Sub Zero or Billy Mays.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Not with the fam, but my friends and I go into the city and wander around and drink.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I've always been a fan of Jaws. But my favorite Halloween-y horror flick would have to be Friday the 13th.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Nope, but I always loved those skull shaped lollipops when I was a kid.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    We don't decorate the house, but the people in my grandma's neighborhood go all out. Maybe I'll take some pics if I remember my camera. They're nuts.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  3. #3
    Lady Succubus Halloween! Victoria's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    Uhm.. I'm not really sure, but considering it's a Saturday, I'll probably be playing Tekken 6 with a friend since it comes out that week.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I'm probably not, but if I get my way, I'll probably dress as Poison of Final Fight/Street Fighter fame.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Nope, there isn't.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Jaws is one of my all-time favorites. That and Blair Witch Project (Although the latter requires a dark room, big screen, and people to watch it with.)

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Again, nope.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!)
    It isn't, aside from a Halloween themed flag hanging at the porch and a welcome mat or something I think.

  4. #4
    What are your plans?
    Not sure specifically, but my friends always have something planned. (some party)
    Also there is neighborhood by my old elementary school, that I always used to go trick or treating at. There are Huge Mansions in the back that give out Gigantic candy bars lol. It's the only neighborhood I actually get a little scared. I'm in the mood for sweets this year so I might go there for old times sake.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I want to be Waldo. Nothing too crazy haha.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Tee peeing peoples houses of course

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Hmmmm. I don't really have one not a huge movie person.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    1 c. butter
    2/3 c. evaporated milk
    1 1/2 c. white sugar
    1 1/2 c. brown sugar
    1 c. corn syrup
    Combine all the ingredients except the vanilla. Cook to a firm ball stage. Prepare in a large heavy canner. Pour in about 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 of the large Tupperware bowls full of popcorn. Stir until all the popcorn is well coated. Pour out onto buttered cookie sheets and spread to cool. Can make into balls or leave on the sheets and pull off as you like.
    ( you can also use Marsh mellow, its easier)

    It's best to use the Mexican Style Hot CoCoa, it's a block of chocolate powder, kind of hard to break apart. You cook it in a pot with milk until it dissolves. Add Cinnamon and Vanilla extract. Top with whipped cream or marshmallows

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    Not too many actually, the neighbors kids are always coming to our house for candy anyway. My dad keeps candy in the house all the time for them. We're probably going to get mobbed by midgets on Halloween.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 10-13-2009 at 08:30 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  5. #5
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    Well on the 30th, I'll be taking a 4-5 hour road trip up to Minnesota where I will be dancing and clubbing to some DJ Tiesto until the wee hours of the morning with my friends. After that, we will probably drive back the next day, and I should be home in time in the early afternoon ready to do some partying. Should be some good times.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    Not sure. Last year I dressed up like Bob Marley, got really trashed and made out with my friend's sister, so who knows what will be going down this year exactly lol.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Not really. In the past I used to dress up as things and go about getting candy with my family, but I'm not 7 anymore so we stopped doing that.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Not really a big fan of horror movies but I did like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    We drink Caribou Lou atHalloween parties, if that counts lol.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!)
    I don't live in a house anymore but if I did I'd be sure to decorate it. Until then I'll have to talk to the managers at the hotel and see what they have to say.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  6. #6
    Registered User Halloween!
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    What are your plans?

    Working from 9-5 (yes, on a Saturday), then I'm going home to take my little cousins out trick-or-treating. After that, I'm going with some friends to a big costume party around town.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    I saw a cute ladybug outfit at a costume shop near my house (similar to this), but I don't think I'll get it. It's kind of expensive. I'm going costume shopping later this week, so hopefully I'll get something when I go. I don't really have a specific idea, so I suppose just whatever is priced right for me.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    We decorate our house, carve pumpkins and we roast the pumpkin seeds in either cinnamon and sugar, or just salt them. Nothing too special otherwise.

    What is your favorite horror movie?

    I'm not a big fan of horror, so I haven't seen too many horror movies. I suppose if I had to pick a favorite, I would also go with Jaws.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    Um. The pumpkin seeds I guess are interesting. All you do is wash the seeds(to get the pumpkin guts off), wait for them to air-dry, and put them in a lightly greased pan. Sprinkle a little sugar and cinnamon (or salt if you would rather have that) on them and pop them in the oven. Bake until the seeds are crunchy.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),

    My family goes all out with decorations. Christmas is bigger deal than Halloween at my house, but we still have a TON of decor that we set out for the Halloween holiday. If I get my hands on a camera, I'll take pictures and edit them into this post.
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  7. #7
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Halloween! Joe's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    Well there's one of two likelihoods. In the event that certain things Don't work out, my family will possibly be moving to Ohio on the 31st. In the event we don't have to move, one or more of my friends tends to have some kind of party every year, so I'll probably go hang out with them.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    If I can find any of my awesome sweaters, I'm going to be the white Bill Cosby. Otherwise, I'm not going to shave for two weeks, and attempt to pull off Billy Mays. If I go as Billy Mays, I will definitely be yelling at old people about the number of awesome products that their lives will benefit from.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Typically, whenever possible for the last two years a few of my friends have gotten together and we've hung out, wandered the town, gamed in costume, and just generally had a good time. Hopefully that'll work out again this year, but with our schedules all being different idk if we'll be able to get in touch long enough to make plans.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    EVIL DEAD and EVIL DEAD 2. Not Technically horror, more slapstick humor than anything, at least in the second, but still two of my favorite movies.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Nothing off the top of my head, but I really wanna make some pumpkin bread. If we go grocery shopping soon I may consider attempting baking a pan for the first time.
    (TFF Family):

    My TFF Family:
    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
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  8. #8
    Air from my lungs. Halloween! Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.
    What are your plans?
    Hopefully, I'm going to go hang out at my friends house. She might be making homemade pumpkin pie. I want to carve pumpkins..

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I don't really know yet. I might just have my friend put fake injuries on me. I would love to be a pirate.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    We used to take the kids and go trick-or-treating around the neighborhoods. But we don't live in Nevada with my siblings anymore, so I just go hang out with my friends every Halloween. Oh, and we do carve pumpkins usually.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    The Shining! Man, I can't get enough of that movie. HERE'S JOHNNY!

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    My mom makes Sloppy Joe sandwiches for every October. They're really good.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!), None this year, unfortunately. The most we'll have is a pumpkin in the window.

  9. #9
    What are your plans?
    I'm refusing to believe that I'm too old for it, and going trick-or-treating with my friends again. We always go to this one friend's neighborhood because she lives in the middle of all our homes. After trick-or-treating for an hour or two, we'll head back to her house and have a movie festival until we fall asleep or our parents come to pick us up.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    I'm dressing up as James from Team Rocket, and one of my friends is going to be Jesse. We were going to have a Pokemon theme, but the person who was going to dress up as Ash decided she wanted to be umbreon instead, and our Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny wanted to be crayons together. =/ At least there's still Brock, Misty, and Team Rocket...

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Not with family, but I just hang out with my friends. We candy hunt, play night tag with glow sticks, then watch movies.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I hate horror movies...except the Final Destination ones.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Those vary from year to year depending on how bored we are at midnight and what my friend's parents will let us do in their kitchen.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?
    I've got a poster of Rudolf hanging in my window because I don't want to take him down. He's faded and kind of ghostly now, so maybe a little scary too?

  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    Not sure... I had a totally awesome plan with a friend of mine. We were going to dress up as rag dolls from Coraline. I believe that plan is now off, seeing as we're not talking at the moment. ¬¬

    But I was thinking of having a few friends over for some horror movie watching and popcorn munching. *shrug*

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    Depends. Either a rag doll, werewolf or a vampire whore.

    This is me and my brother a few years ago. Small pic... I'm on the left.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I have a few favourites. I liked Darkness Falls, Ghost Ship, Silent Hill, Gothica, The Toolbox Murders and Shrooms. There is really a whole list of horror films I loved... I just can't remember the names...

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!)
    We carved a pumpkin one year, and put a candle in it. Another year, we had a flag outside the kitchen window. Another year, we put bat wings on Rolo, and made him scare the kids away. *shrug*
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 10-14-2009 at 01:35 AM.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  11. #11
    What are your plans?
    Probably only going to a Halloween party with a few friends. I thought about having a party at my place, but I suppose my parents wouldn't appreciate this thought. xD" But who knows?! Maybe I even stay at home if my friends don't have time. ^^"

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I don't think I'll dress up as anything but myself. Unfortunately I don't have enough time (and money xD) to make a costume. .-." I'd most likely dress up as a witch, if I had enough time or found a good costume. xP

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Unfortunately.. nothing. T.T My parents don't care much about Halloween, they're always happy when I'm the one to give the kids sweets when they come to our place. But there's nothing else. .-."

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I don't like horror movies. xD"

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Pumpkin everywhere. My mother always makes a pumpkin soup, but I don't like it... xD"

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    ... Pumpkins. xD" My mother's the one who always gets the decoration. Which means she just gets some pumpkins. Decoration doesn't interest me much. ^^"

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    What are your plans?

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Go party

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Don't have one

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?

  13. #13
    Crash Boom Bang Halloween! Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    What are your plans?
    A quiet night in ¬_¬ I WAS supposed to be going out for the weekend, but it got moved forward a week because people are idiots and we had to rearrange, so now I'm just gunna stay in. OR actually, I might go to my mums to avoid the trick or treaters...

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I WAS going to go as either a ring master, an English Gentleman, with top hat tails and monocle ( I WOULD have made that work female or not) or a bunny

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Not a thing. This year would have been the first year I ever bothered doing out for Halloween

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Oh, erm, I dunno, I just love horrors in general

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    Never used any...I'm such a miserable old coot

  14. #14
    Registered User Halloween! Dimi's Avatar
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    Halloween's like Christmas to me. I love this time of the year.

    What are your plans?

    The night before Halloween, I am going to my friend's Halloween party. On Halloween morning, (and hopefully not hungover) I'm going to help set up at my local church for the carnival they're going to have later on in the evening. I haven't decided if I want to do any shifts yet, but I'm still contemplating if I want to go to Knott's or to that Rob Zombie concert.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    A zombie.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    This has been going on for about three years now. But at midnight on Halloween, we play a game of King's Cup.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I love horror movies. I have more than one: Creepshow, Halloween (Original), Friday The 13th and most recently, Trick R' Treat. I recommend it. It's one of the original and innovative horror movies out there right now. I can seriously see that movie becoming a "must see" tradition around this time every year.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Orange jello shots!

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),

  15. #15
    I will finish the hunt Halloween! Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    What are your plans?

    Well, my and my husband are going to take the kids trick or treating around our neighborhood. After wards we are going to drop them off with grandma and head to the HOP to have a few drinks. It will be the first date we've had in a LONG time. LOL

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    I wanted to be a milk maid, but the costume is stupid expensive. So I will probably just grab some lingerie and fox ears.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    Actually I get the kids pictures taken professionally in their costumes every year. Halloween is my favorite holiday so I take their pictures for Halloween instead of the more common Christmas pictures. We also like to go visit my father in Dallas and attend the Halloween Party his company has every year.

    What is your favorite horror movie?

    The Others & Thirteenth Ghost

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    Not really; might make some Halloween cookies this year

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),

    No decorations. We're a young couple so we rely on our parents to decorate still. LOL
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  16. #16
    Master of the Shadow Key Halloween! KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    What are your plans?

    Heading out to a party

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    I'm torn between Neo from the matrix (a classic for me), Rorschach from Watchmen, or buying the mask Scarecrow used in Batman Begins, modifying it, getting a hood, a gas mask, a noose, some fake syringes, and a burlap sack and go as the Scarecrow from the Arkham Asylum video game. What do you guys think??

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    We usually lurk outside the house at night, popping out from the shadows to scare kids before going out ourselves.

    What is your favorite horror movie?

    Alien and Aliens, masterpieces of suspense.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?

    No, not really

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),

    We used to go all out, dead bodies, spiderwebs, zombies, corpses bursting from the ground. However, we're scaling back a bit (need to save that money).
    "Take a chance.....roll the dice.......pick a card....whatever suits your'll lose either way...."

    Organization XIII in a nutshell, in their most core personality:

  17. #17
    I invented Go-Gurt. Halloween! Clint's Avatar
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    What are your plans?

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    If I have to dress up, I think I'll go with a suit. While tuxedos are all fine and dandy, they're also gay.

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Nobody I know celebrates Halloween. We all think it's a really stupid holiday. If I wanted to go out on the streets and beg for food, I'd get myself addicted to crack first.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    Ghostbusters and Waterworld.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Semen, clam, and toothpaste soup.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?
    None. I ain't afraid of no ghost.

  18. #18
    A Plain Old Derp Halloween! Padraic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    I'm feeling a bit Halloweenish this year, if you ask me. It's awfully cold in California, it may even snow here o_o.

    Lol we already had snow here just today

    What are your plans?
    Prolly go trick or treating with some pals

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I dunno... maybe a gangsta little costume needed

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Not really besides going out...

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    The Ring, that was laughably stoopid.., not scary

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    I`m just 14 and don`t cook so no

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    Pumpkins, and cats... real cats

  19. #19
    Halloween! Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    I'm feeling a bit Halloweenish this year, if you ask me. It's awfully cold in California, it may even snow here o_o. It seems every Halloween is either rainy or extremely windy, it sucks! I'm thinking of hanging out with my friends if my family doesn't have any plans. I was reading a book at the bookstore about different ideas you can do for Halloween. It was pretty awesome.
    You're telling me! We just had the biggest storm the Bay Area has seen in almost 50 years. Thankfully, I wasn't one of the people who lost power, but still, it was pretty massive.

    What are your plans?
    Driving down to Claremont (LA area) with some friends from up here and visiting our college stomping grounds.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    Probably Arthur Dent. I found my bathrobe, and I can bring a towel, and it satisfies the requirement of being easy to do. I could also find some black marker and do Scar again. That was a fun thing to do. (Anyone who's seen my FB picture, that's me as Scar )

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    Nope! I'm boring! Though once I went with three of my friends as the Four Horsemen of the Economic Apocalypse. I got to be stagflation!

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    I have the world's most hyperactive imagination. For god's sake, Scream made me stop being able to go into a dark room for a month. I don't watch horror movies.

    Though I guess, even though it's an anime, I'd say the first season of Higurashi definitely qualifies as horror.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Nope! I'm booooring!

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?(If you have any pictures, show us!),
    Pumpkins, and cats... real cats
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  20. #20
    Gingersnap Halloween! OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    What are your plans?
    I don't know yet. But seeing as I am in the most haunted town in the South and have never been on a ghost tour... I think a couple friends and I are gonna do that. And then drink Punkin' Ale.

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?
    I have a witch costume. It's actually a little pretty, and not at all skanky. I'm pleased. It has copper ruffles that match my hair.... which sold me immediately. But while I was at Party City, I went a little nuts. I also have those cool vampire teeth that stick to your canines.... and so... witch/vampire/dog walker?

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?
    The last few years, I've made pumpkin pies from pumpkins. And I always carve a pumpkin. Although, this year, I used a styrofoam craft pumpkin. Way less messy. And less mold.

    What is your favorite horror movie?
    A Touch of Satan or Manos: Hands of Fate.

    Have any interesting recipes/concoctions to eat during October/Halloween?
    Pumpkin piiiieeeeeee. Is not interesting, but certainly delicious. I'm sure there are man icky things I could make, if I wanted to have a party, but I... don't.

    What kinds of decorations have you used for your house?
    PUPPY PUMPKIN. I carved a puppy pumpkin.

    I also have pumpkin lanterns hanging on my staircase and a fake spiderweb on my fake fireplace. I know my roommate thinks it's pretty classy. And there's this little black owl thing that I got from Party City that oddly reminds me of a cat I used to have. And I have candy corn lights hanging on the doorway to my bedroom, but they'll stay up all year because I like the light.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  21. #21
    Finding this place a little dull... Halloween! xTidus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    In My House :D
    What are your plans?

    Scare little trick or treaters with ViviMasterMage and Gilgameshed_up!!

    If you're dressing up this year, what are you going to be?

    Dunno, Anyone got any odeas for mee ??

    Is there any special/unique tradition you've invented that you do with your friends/family?

    Scare children !!

    What is your favorite horror movie?

    Got to be .. Hmm .. Jason X ^,^

    xTidus: "What are you doing?"
    ViviMasterMage: "I'm eating your hair... Why?"
    xTidus: "You have problems..."
    ViviMasterMage: "You smell nice!...I do have problems!"
    Both: *giggles*

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