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Thread: Habits...

  1. #1
    Whistling Songbird Habits... Asectic's Avatar
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    Kiyore, Ire


    I don't know if this has been posted before but if it has, sorry. Anyways, basically I'm talking about what habits you people get into (no offence or anything if its bad..)

    For me I'm not entirely sure whether it's the fact that I'm sleeping late or not but everyday at school between the 1:00 to 1:40 pm period which is mostly geography, I always feel dazed and later I get the urge to sleep so badly. My eyes tries to shut down and fall asleep and soon my body follows. And this is not something that usually happened to me before... Maybe I'm just getting weak phyiscally.

    Anyways, why do ppl think that these "habits" occur. It may be for the good cause or of the bad. And do they stop or not? Cause I'd really like to get rid of this, whether or not it may be my cause or not that this is happening. Even on some days where I sleep early, I still feel slightly sleepy but not as much as that my body forces me to shut down.

    So... if any do know, please help -.- (Eh basically not really helping me but list some of ppl's and if they ever got rid of it or not, that's the main point of this thread)
    Last edited by Asectic; 05-30-2008 at 05:39 PM.

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    Oh hey there, thanks for opening! Here is a little section filled with my goodies here and there.

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    Unknown Entity
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    "It was nice meeting you!"
    - Said a second nobody ever~

  2. #2
    I used to get that every Thursday between 1pm and 4pm. My weekly sociology lecture in community college.

    I'd sit there, awake at first. But then my eyes would just start closing of their own accord. I couldn't stop it. All, and I mean all I wanted then, was to sleep. I called the rebellion of my eyelids SLES, since it happened to others in my class - we all had Sociology Lazy Eye Sydrome. It stopped after sociology stopped.

    Now I am much the same in boring situations, but for some reason now crave prawn nigiri instead of sleep. Go figure.

    Tips: write out song lyrics. Talk to people on the sly, pass notes, pass the time. Makes the time go faster - and on that note, stay away from watches/clocks when you're tired in class or at work. To quote The Clash - in situations like that, 'the minutes drag and the hours jerk.'

  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    F*ckin' Australia!
    I have a habit of over-analysing things at times and missing what was intended, especially if it was something really simple. It has both it's good sides and it's bad sides...

    I also have a habit of being lazy when it comes to some things. It's hard for me to work up the resolve if I can't see the end result being worth the work involved. An example would be an RPG that doesn't interest me too much gameplay-wise. I'm known to leave the occasional one, and there are a few I find too painful to bother maxing my character's levels. They have to be pretty bad though, as I even managed it on FFXII on my completionist playthrough.
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    Synthesized Ascension Habits... Zardoch's Avatar
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    Feb 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    I have a habit of over-analysing things at times and missing what was intended, especially if it was something really simple. It has both it's good sides and it's bad sides...

    I also have a habit of being lazy when it comes to some things. It's hard for me to work up the resolve if I can't see the end result being worth the work involved. An example would be an RPG that doesn't interest me too much gameplay-wise. I'm known to leave the occasional one, and there are a few I find too painful to bother maxing my character's levels. They have to be pretty bad though, as I even managed it on FFXII on my completionist playthrough.
    Check and check, I have both, lol. Some times I just read over something or listen to something and my mind clicks as I miss the point. Usually happens when I'm not really concentrating on what someone is saying or writing, or when I am concentrating and things might be getting a little heated. Hell, maybe I drive way off course and say something completely different from the original subject.

    Then the second habit there is something I go through a lot. In most RPGs, I'm someone who levels up more than what the games want me too, so when I face the next boss I pwn their ass. Eventually I just find the games boring. FFX is a good example. I went through the game, got nearly everything, and all my characters were pretty damn powerful. In the end, it just didn't feel all that fun anymore and I left it to gather dust. Sold my copy a couple weeks back too.

    Other habits of mine depend on what mood I'm in. It's a bit chaotic with me.

  5. #5
    Over checking things...
    Doing more work then needed...
    Redoing work thinking it was wrong, then finding out that it was right the first time and trying to redo it again...

    Yup, somewhat obsessive compulsive myself.

    Also, when I say the word, "Herb", I don't pronounce the "H" so I just say "Erb".
    Always did that, don't know why...
    Have a friend who's last name is Erb, but I've been saying Herb as Erb before I've known him. lol

    Um... I write in a manner that doesn't reflect how I talk, if that's a habit.

    I... uh.. sleep when my mind is inactive... Like being excessively bored and such.
    Just drift away... lol
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

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  6. #6
    The joke is far too true Habits... loner-kid's Avatar
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    I have a horrible habbit of not going to bed till almost midnight, strangley I never feel perticually tired

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

    My TFF Family
    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
    Unknown-Entity - loner-kid's hilarious 'friend'
    Raider - my ginger brother

  7. #7
    Australian Goof Habits... Craven's Avatar
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    I have a habit of having to watch a movie before I go to sleep. I have no idea why, i've just always done it. Lol.

    Click for proof I was actually here in 2008:

  8. #8
    The reason we develop habits is the same reason you get good at something if you practice it. Your brain simply gets used to it and it becomes almost like a reflexive action under given circustances.
    If you do something enough, your brain picks up on this and remembers 'under a situation as this, I seem to do this'. It works it's way into your subconscious and performing it becomes more and more automatic each time.

    As for my habits... I have a weird habit of rubbing my hands when I'm thinking.

    Back. For a while. Maybe.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Habits... Dimi's Avatar
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    Habits eh?

    I bite my fingernails when I get nervous. I'm currently trying to break free from it though. I just had a relapse of biting off the thumb nail.

    I'm a bit paranoid whenever I leave the car. Like when I get out, I have to check and see if everything's locked including the trunk. I just have this obs--well more like fear of either getting my car bombed or getting it stolen.

    That habit also applies to doors and even the stove handles in the kitchen. ><

    I wouldn't say I have obsessive compulsive disorder. Maybe borderline but I'm completely sane.

  10. #10
    Registered User Habits... Halie's Avatar
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    I got rid of my knuckle cracking, so you can get rid of this ^^. Although, I don't know if what you have is really a may just be some sort of change in your body. But who knows?

    My habits
    Slamming doors
    Switching off lights (regardless of whether anyone needs the light on or not. I still do it. Although, I'd call it more of an OCD).
    Correcting people (Grammar, etc.)
    Biting people out of lust for chicken
    Letting off excess gas (kidding XD)
    Being overly posessive
    Being overly obsessive

  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dystopia View Post
    I got rid of my knuckle cracking, so you can get rid of this ^^.
    Thats one of my habbits - the second I have got rid of it though, someone else clicks theirs, and it make me want to click mine. Not that I have ever smoked, but I guess its like trying to give up having people smoke around you...

    When I send people a text, I never write using "Text Speak" - sometimes for longer words though. Have no idea why. Guess I'm just used to writting "normaly" lol.

    I stopped bitting my nails years ago, but it seems to have come back - funnilly enough, just before my exams. Gotta stop that one...

    Drawing on tables, or doing doddles on little bits off paper or in text books. Can't help it when your bored though, right? ^_^

    Colouring my nails with black perminant ink - again, out of bordom. ^_^!

    Doing ALL my washing at the last minuite. I could have school the morning after, and then find the time to do it lol! LAZY!!! I have had all holiday to do it too! XD

    I think thats it for now lol...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  12. #12
    Full Time Glompasaurus Habits... Raider's Avatar
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    Behind you
    I Chew my nails
    i cannot speak in text speak when texting
    i chew everything
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    Gilles De Rais was all leik Blah Blah Blah.

    Athna Loveil - Awesome Cousin
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  13. #13
    Bananarama Habits... Pete's Avatar
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    ummmm cocaine?

    I'm surprise that one hasn't come up yet; though I kid.

    I don't necessarily have a lot of bad habits. I do some things that annoy people, but they're not necessarily bad habits.

    -Sometimes I'll leave dishes out until the next morning, out of sheer forgetfulness.
    -When I play baseball or softball, I tend to stick my tongue out a little bit when I'm at bat. If I get clocked in the head, it won't be pretty.
    -I also tend to spit a lot when I'm playing ball. Not really my fault though. I'm almost always wearing a catchers mask, and it drops to the floor anytime theres a play, so it gets full of dirt and clay, which gets to my mouth. Not the best taste in the world.
    -I also tend to be overly polite, believe it or not. Sometimes I can overkill people with pleases and thank yous. Yea, bet you guys didn't see that one coming
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  14. #14
    Dystopia, do you seriously lust after chickens? That's illegal. And biting people over it is just odd...

    Must switch all plugs off before leaving house.

  15. #15
    The World's Enemy Habits... Rob17's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Athna Loveil View Post
    For me I'm not entirely sure whether it's the fact that I'm sleeping late or not but everyday at school between the 1:00 to 1:40 pm period which is mostly geography, I always feel dazed and later I get the urge to sleep so badly. My eyes tries to shut down and fall asleep and soon my body follows.
    LOL, i was just looking through the general forums when i came across this, yknow a friend of mine from col had these exact symtoms to the letter, we'd be all in theory and the next thing you know hes sprawled across his desk with his bag as a pillow and for two years straight to this day he's never bin able to stay awake between 1:00 and 1:30 no bs, but only in college though lol

    Ive got a bad habit, a rele bad habit of slamming doors, im forever havin ppl rush up to me and ask 'wats up?' an i always say 'nothing why?, what the door, thats just a normal push hehe.


    p.s. OH YEAH, ive got a terrible smoking habit aswel, i forgot to mention it cz i dnt tke it very seriously so, but i get about it by ma non-smoker mates and ma ex lol
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 06-03-2008 at 08:11 PM.
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  16. #16
    Imperius Rex Habits... Storm's Avatar
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    Ah lots of nail biters here! I hate you all!!!
    Just kidding, but nail biting as well as tooth grinding are some of my pet peeves.

    My bad habits are:
    Tapping feet/fingers,
    pulling dead skin off my body,
    being posessive over my belongings (if I notice anyone entered my room and moved/taken something without consent I get pissed off)
    saying the most inapropriate/explicit parts of my speech louder than the rest of what i'm saying (I never notice I do it and only found out from someone that I do it recently)
    not answering phones,
    caffeine addiction!
    PSN username: Raikujaku
    A meow-ed member of PRK9

  17. #17
    Sleeping in... I just can't stop sleeping in... zzzzz... XD

    Refieth|Cesa|Miguna (Rune Factory)

    shiny lapras' lake. join today.

    TFF Family, Avvy Credit & Other Randomness:

    My friendly neighborhood pilot, FF Ace Cid
    My rocking on niece, Unknown Entity
    My grammar obsessed cousin, Doc Rocco
    My crazy sister, X SlAyEr
    My morally ambiguous cousin, Silver
    My anime addicted sister, Athna Loveil
    My seriously awesome uncle, Fishie
    My random, friendly, and sugar-eating aunt, Xeim
    That zany cousin that magically appears from time to time, Meier Link
    My Haruhiist brother, Morik the Rogue

    Avatar credit to Shiro

  18. #18
    Registered User Habits... winterborn86's Avatar
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    Norwich, UK
    ooooh habits. lets see

    Nail bitting (alto i must say im doin very well wiv em that the mo)

    turning the key in the lock 3times before goin to bed

    jumpin in to bed (started as a child thro a fear of mine, dnt ask lol)

    pressin down on my finder joints to make them crack

    making strange and random noises

    makin parts of my body feel even like if my arm brush againt the doorframe i gota do it to the other side to make it feel even or i feel weird (i duno what the hell thats all about tho, it worries me lol)

    My TFF Family

    My FFVII addicted nephew: Secret weapon
    My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
    My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
    My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    makin parts of my body feel even like if my arm brush againt the doorframe i gota do it to the other side to make it feel even or i feel weird (i duno what the hell thats all about tho, it worries me lol)
    Don't worry, it's not all that weird. That was one of my habits when I was younger. I've pretty much got over it now, though. And the strange and random noises one, too.

    Refieth|Cesa|Miguna (Rune Factory)

    shiny lapras' lake. join today.

    TFF Family, Avvy Credit & Other Randomness:

    My friendly neighborhood pilot, FF Ace Cid
    My rocking on niece, Unknown Entity
    My grammar obsessed cousin, Doc Rocco
    My crazy sister, X SlAyEr
    My morally ambiguous cousin, Silver
    My anime addicted sister, Athna Loveil
    My seriously awesome uncle, Fishie
    My random, friendly, and sugar-eating aunt, Xeim
    That zany cousin that magically appears from time to time, Meier Link
    My Haruhiist brother, Morik the Rogue

    Avatar credit to Shiro


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