I used to get that every Thursday between 1pm and 4pm. My weekly sociology lecture in community college.
I'd sit there, awake at first. But then my eyes would just start closing of their own accord. I couldn't stop it. All, and I mean all I wanted then, was to sleep. I called the rebellion of my eyelids SLES, since it happened to others in my class - we all had Sociology Lazy Eye Sydrome. It stopped after sociology stopped.
Now I am much the same in boring situations, but for some reason now crave prawn nigiri instead of sleep. Go figure.
Tips: write out song lyrics. Talk to people on the sly, pass notes, pass the time. Makes the time go faster - and on that note, stay away from watches/clocks when you're tired in class or at work. To quote The Clash - in situations like that, 'the minutes drag and the hours jerk.'