I agree. It's sad that people choose machines over other people. It's hard to believe, really. You'd think human life has more significance than some mere video game that's meant to be played as a hobby, not as a life-changing/worshipped/more-important-than-lovedones contraption. Seriously. If you think FF7 is better than a person.. you really need to get out more. And I'm not trying to put anyone down.. it's just ridiculous that people hold a mere video game above someone they love or could love.

The only thing that I see "life-changing" about Final Fantasy 7 is that it lead me to these forums and allowed me to meet Nathan. That's really the only thing it does is brings people together. And that I thank it for. But I don't think it's more important than people.. it's just a video game. A HOBBY.

And to add to that.. in a fire, who would you save? Your beloved person/animal? Or your video game collection? Really now..
I could not have said the better myself. That pretty much sums up the whole point of this thread. I would give up FF for a loved one. If you wouldn't you may need some serious help. Really, who replaces human interaction with Final Fantasy?