Loaf, do the both of us only equal a one man wolfpack?
I dont know where this turned into a which is more funny, Hangover or Bridemaids debat. When in general, both movies are not funny.
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Loaf, do the both of us only equal a one man wolfpack?
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
If you're a man who doesn't find it funny when women tell dirty jokes about their vaginas, which is pretty much what all female comedians do, you are not only a sexist pig, you're most likely also a rapist.
Watching the Oscars this year talking about equality/ being very political; Hollywood trying to create a better image and this happens. (I did find it hypocritical that the Oscars touted all this and what happens during the "Earned It" performance - woman in sexual clothing too hammer in their objective nature but that is a separate discussion). This movie made with an all female ghostbuster crew and Rowan's gif shows what seems to be objectifying woman. Totally opposite of what I imagined was the goal of this movie. Or....... maybe she just realized she forgot to clean her gun properly and is giving it some lube. Who knows???
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