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    Football! (the real kind, not the European variety)

    My 2007 season thread was successful, but I neglected 2008. Alas.

    With training camps starting and preseason games right around the corner, surely everyone is excited, right? So who are you rooting for this year, how far do you expect them to go, and who do you expect in the Super Bowl?

    As much as I love my Dolphins, I have a hard time predicting playoffs, with the Patriots ready to take back the division and with the wild card chances being very slim. I am really feeling a Steelers versus Bears Super Bowl, but hey, thats me.


  2. #2
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) RagnaToad's Avatar
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    The European kind is the real kind, not a 'variety'.

    Nothing more to say.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    The European kind is the real kind, not a 'variety'.

    Nothing more to say.
    American 'football' is just rugby with more homosexual overtones.

  4. #4
    I invented Go-Gurt. Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Clint's Avatar
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    I've been rooting for the Eagles for years, but they always choke, especially when a big game is on the line, like the Super Bowl. They made it a few years back, I was all excited that they could actually win, and then they decided to piss me off by losing. I'm predicting that they'll do what they do every year and choke when a big game is on the line, and one of the teams that always wins the Super Bowl will win again.

    Quote Originally Posted by RagnaToad View Post
    The European kind is the real kind, not a 'variety'.
    You're wrong. I googled "football," and the first website to pop up was the NFL website. I'd say European "football" is a variety.

  5. #5
    Bananarama Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Pete's Avatar
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    It's all about the Jets. Finally have a coach that seems to know what he's doing and has the right attitude for the game. Plus, apparently he puts his QB's through hell in training camp, which supposedly makes the real deal feel like a breeze. Just look at Joe Flacco last year. I think that Sanchez will be able to do just the same, despite the fact that we don't really have a legit receiver.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  6. #6
    Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    It's all about the Jets. Finally have a coach that seems to know what he's doing and has the right attitude for the game. Plus, apparently he puts his QB's through hell in training camp, which supposedly makes the real deal feel like a breeze. Just look at Joe Flacco last year. I think that Sanchez will be able to do just the same, despite the fact that we don't really have a legit receiver.
    Wasn't Rex Ryan the Ravens =defensive= coordinator, meaning that he probably had very interaction with Flacco?

    As for me, I'm a lifelong..well..Cardinals fan. And even more awkwardly, for once my team isn't the joke of the league. Go figure. I feel like they're the best team in the NFC West by a pretty decent margin. When their defense gave consistent effort last year, they were easily one of the five best teams in the league. The problem was, as soon as they wrapped up the division, they basically stopped giving that defensive effort. If they can get consistent play from the defense, I can see them legitimately being a Super Bowl contender if they stey healthy. If they don't, and the defense shows up when it feels like, we're probably looking more along the lines of 6-7 wins.
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  7. #7
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Yeah I am still going to support my Cowboys through think and thin. I haven't been able to catch up with football over the last few years due to work but I am planning on sitting down and rooting for my team this year. The Jets need to pull it together and win something, they are my secondary team.

    I will have to look into the preseason to see what my specualtions are going to be for the year but I think it is going to be a good season none the less.
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  8. #8
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I root for the Packers. They haven't been doing too well lately. Aaron Rodgers is fairly good, actually, but he's not as good as Favre was. Although I don't really think he was the problem last year... from what I hear (the Packers weren't on TV a whole lot last year, so I didn't get to see them.)

    My friend is Chargers fan, so I root for the Chargers frequently. They had an amazing comeback last year... only to fall short against the Steelers. Felt like a brick wall that they just could not surpass. I feel that a lot watching my favorite football teams... Anyhoo, with a rather strange twist, I also like the Vikings, because my dad is a Vikings fan. I root for them when they are not playing the Packers, pretty much. I also like any team that has former Oregon State players on their roster.

    Here are the teams I don't like: the Patriots (the CHEATERS!! Ha. They've won too much. I'm tired of them. Plus, Tom Brady left his hot wife and child for some other bimbo. Hollywood-style douchery); the Cowboys (America's team? I didn't vote for them! All I see is a franchise trying to buy a championship... and failing year after year since the mid 90's); The Indiana Colts, because of Peyton Manning, his commercials, and his ego; Any team Terrel Owens is on; and Sasquatch and his trashtalk has me hating the Bears each year (yer goin' down this year, sucka! ...unless you don't...)

    I also used to hate the Lions, but they're in such a sad state of affairs, how can you really hate them? Plus I made a friend from Michigan when I was in Yellowstone, so... yeah. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer MOm

    edit: *reads Meier Link's post* Oh, ouch! Ha ha.

  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Polk's Avatar
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    I'm a Green Bay Packers fan until the day I die. We should get to see Aaron Rodgers shine as quarterback this year, with a full season under his belt. The defense should be greatly improved over the mediocre performance from last year, with the inclusion of Dom Capers as Defensive Coordinator, and a couple of strong defensive draft picks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfire
    I root for the Packers. They haven't been doing too well lately. Aaron Rodgers is fairly good, actually, but he's not as good as Favre was. Although I don't really think he was the problem last year... from what I hear (the Packers weren't on TV a whole lot last year, so I didn't get to see them.)
    That can be disputed. Rodgers put up great numbers last year, but in the same respect, can be blamed for not making big plays when he needed to. In my opinion, the defense was more to blame last year for giving up a lot of late game points, when we had a lead (7 out of their 10 losses last year were by four points or less).

    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfire
    I also used to hate the Lions, but they're in such a sad state of affairs, how can you really hate them? Plus I made a friend from Michigan when I was in Yellowstone, so... yeah.
    It's sad, they're the only other team in the NFC North that I don't hate. It's like hating a retarded puppy. You have to have no soul to hate them these days.
    Last edited by Polk; 07-30-2009 at 05:21 PM. Reason: Dom, not Don. Doy.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  10. #10
    I'm one of the people who likes several teams. Both the Manning brothers I always root for. So yes I'm stoked they have their rings already. I also always go against the grain and like TO. He talks too much but I feel bad he doesn't have a ring, so I could give a shit about the Bills most of the time but I'll be hoping they spark something this year. And then my team I always liked thanks to their jerseys as a kid I say go Vikings. Not that they ever get that far but why not.

    The Patriots on the other hand I have to root against. Brady has had more glory than almost any player and seeing as I live here the fans are unbearable. I can't fully express my joy in the almost perfect season they had, brought down by the so called doofus Eli.

    And just for the complete rebuild of the Jets I'm curious on how they'll do. Not that I've ever been a big fan but I don't hate them either...they're just there. God bless the Man-genius?

  11. #11
    Bananarama Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Pete's Avatar
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    Oh Man-genius is coaching the Browns now. We've got Rex Ryan now, who seems to really have a take no shit attitude. Then again, we got him from the Ravens, so when you deal with murderers you kinda need that attitude. Mangini had a strange policy where nobody would really say anything to the media regarding anything. Ryan seems very against the closed door, tight lipped ways of Mangini, and I think it's gonna give this 09 squad some much needed attitude and spunk.

    Hopefully we can make something out of Gholston this year, because back in college he was ridiculous, legit beasting. Last year he just looked lost and got beat A LOT.

    But until October, it's all about baseball and the Mets for me. I don't have enough in me to fully devote myself to three teams who are notorious for disappointing.

    Yeah, I'm referring to the Mets, Jets and Islanders. Throw in the Knicks come November, and my teams have a combined 124 seasons without a championship.
    22 for the Mets ('86), 40 for the Jets ('69), 26 for the Isles ('83), 36 for the Knicks ('73)

    AAAAAAAAAND that was post 8000 folks. Goodnight.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  12. #12
    I do what you can't. Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hellfire View Post
    ...and Sasquatch and his trashtalk has me hating the Bears each year (yer goin' down this year, sucka! ...unless you don't...)
    Of course. It's only natural to despise your superiors .

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Yeah, I'm referring to the Mets, Jets and Islanders. Throw in the Knicks come November, and my teams have a combined 124 seasons without a championship.
    22 for the Mets ('86), 40 for the Jets ('69), 26 for the Isles ('83), 36 for the Knicks ('73)
    I've got you beat, hands-down. I'm a Chicago Cubs fan. There's 101 years right there (1908). I'm also a Bears fan (1985), so there's another 23 years. That makes 124, and with only two sports! I can't stand basketball, and I don't follow hockey, but I suppose if I did, I'd be a Chicago fan with both of them as well. I like watching hockey, but don't keep up with any teams.

    I am, of course, a Chicago fan. And -- I'll try to be as non-biased as I can be here -- they look pretty damn good this year. They actually have a Quarterback with Cutler. Not just some guy who wears a low number and grabs the Center's ass every play, but a Quarterback. The last few years have been a rotation between Grossman, Orton, and Griese. Now, Griese, you've got to give credit to, because he's old, and he's been in the game for quite a while. Orton, for all of his problems, was consistent. I had a lot of respect for him. He was consistently mediocre, but at least you know what to expect. He wasn't going to win any games for you, but he wasn't going to lose them for you, either. Grossman ... not so much. I mean hell, the guy went from a QB Rating in the 130s one week to 0 the next -- yes, the number 0, that's z-e-r-o. Griese's the guy you want on the bench to help coach the younger QBs, and Orton's the guy you want on the bench for a backup (he'd make a hell of a 2nd String QB). Grossman's the guy you don't want.

    Their defense has been slipping in the past couple years, but mainly that has been because they've been focusing on digging their offense out of the septic tank in the backyard. Now that they have a good QB, they'll be able to replace their aging line. Their receiving corps isn't the greatest, but it's young and good, and now they'll have a chance to work with the same Quarterback week after week, so that's pretty promising.

    The Packers, though, are in for a surprise. I think so, anyway. See, what you have in Green Bay is a team that has been built around Brett Favre. Think about it -- how many good Receivers and Tight Ends have the Packers had in the last decade or two? Now how many good Halfbacks have they had? While the Bears have historically focused on their running game and their defense, the Packers have been mostly offense-oriented. This is fine -- great, even -- with a Quarterback that is good, that you know will be there the next week and the next year. They've gotten Receivers, TEs, and even an Offensive Line that are tuned to specifically to Brett Favre. Now that Favre's out, they have another good, young QB to take his place -- but think about it. How did Aaron Rodgers learn? By watching Brett Favre. How many risks could Brett Favre take, and get away with? How many hits could Brett Favre take, and walk away from? You replace him with Rodgers, and you're going to have a QB taking too many risks and not being able to pull through them. Hell, Favre's got the all-time interception record anyway (something most Packer fans don't like to be reminded of), how is that going to look without Favre? How is it going to look with a QB that takes the same risks but can't make the same throws? How's it going to look when they can't fall back on their running game because, even though they used it a few times successfully last year, the league has adjusted to it and they haven't been paying much attention to bettering it?

    Should be interesting to watch. Especially if you hate the Packers.

    Anyway ... since everybody else is listing them, I guess I'll go through the teams I do and don't like. Of course I'm a Bears fan. I'm also a Falcons fan, and I usually root for the Dolphins. I used to like the Buccaneers, but that was only when Warren Sapp was with them, after he knocked the hell out of Chad Clifton (Packer) and I had to listen to a bunch of whiny cheeseheads bitch about how it was a "cheap shot" ... but since Sapp left, I don't care about the Bucs anymore. If it has absolutely no bearing on the Bears, I'll root for the Vikings or Lions, but that's a rare occasion.

    I, like many others, cannot stand the Patriots. I was just friggin' giddy when the Giants beat them in the Super Bowl. I'm no friend of the Cowboys, especially since they Terrell Owens, but I heard something from him last year that could be changing my mind -- he was talking about how the team did, how the offense did, how the defense did, and what they all need to do. It wasn't about how they needed to give him the ball more, it wasn't all about what he did, he was actually talking like he was a member of the team. Then, of course, there's the Packers ... who I used to have respect for, until I moved into Wisconsin and now have to listen to rabid Packer fans trying to say that Favre is the best QB of all time, and that Rodgers will be the next. And then trying to say that A.J. Hawk is better than Brian Urlacher. Hahahahahah, silly cheeseheads.

    Oh yeah. And the Raiders are a bunch of gangsters, thugs, and bitches.

    And one more thing:
    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post
    American 'football' is just rugby with more homosexual overtones.
    Real football doesn't have giant orgies in the middle of the field every time the ball touches the ground.

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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    And one more thing:Real football doesn't have giant orgies in the middle of the field every time the ball touches the ground.
    Yeah they just have the orgies when the balls not on the ground

    Also only pansies wear full body armour

    Nah im jk, i hate both sports. They are so yawn worthy it turns me away.

    Ice hockey is the only American/Canadian sport i like, go red wings !

  14. #14
    Bananarama Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Pete's Avatar
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    This is true. He didn't really interact with Flacco so much as coordinating with the QB coach to put him though hell. Basically he made sure the D was as vicious as possible in training camp, so that games wouldn't be as bad. This gave Flacco experience early on with both physical and verbal onslaughts. If you train the D to be vicious to your own QB in camp, just imagine what they'll do to the other team. Ryan already said that this was gonna be the plan for his QB's this year.

    Flacco was kind of proof that this worked. Nobody knew who he was beforehand, and he made a name for himself, taking the Ravens to the playoffs. Granted he wasn't as big a story as Matt Cassel stepping out of Brady's shadow and putting up ridiculous numbers, but **** the Pats.
    Last edited by Pete; 07-31-2009 at 06:43 AM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  15. #15
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Ha ha ha, I wasn't expecting that. Maybe something like the equivalent of what I said, but then again, just goes to show you that Sasquatch is a real Bears fan! But what was that about how the Bears haven't won a Super Bowl since 1985? And when was the last one the Packers won? 1996? And who's won more Super Bowls? And who won the first two Super Bowls? And who's won more championships altogether? Although the Bears have been more recently, and they do have the most recorded wins of any NFL team, I have to give you that.

    I don't really care that much, though, as per I'm actually from the West Coast. You'll have to fight with Polk about it, more. I like it, though, that you were like, "I don't like how proud these fans are of their team... I'm gonna root for their biggest rival. 'cuz I'm a REBEL." Mad props to you on that, man! Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  16. #16
    Air from my lungs. Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Violet's Avatar
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    I'm a Bears fan because my entire family is a Bears fan. We came from Chicago, so there's really no other team we root for, except maybe for the Miami Dolphins. Anyways, yeah.. that's all I have to say about that. I'm not an avid football fan, but I do watch Superbowls every time mainly cause of the half-time.. and the snacks my parents make.

  17. #17
    i know i'll probably get lots of cruel replies to this, but i'm a raiders fan. i'd like to say we'll make playoffs sometime soon, but it's basically just wishful thinking as long as Davis is owner. on that note, i see the Saints taking on the Colts in the Super Bowl. Their offenses are just too high powered to lose, in my opinion.

  18. #18
    Synthesized Ascension Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Zardoch's Avatar
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    Why the hell is this thread so dead?

    Anyway, let's get back to it.

    As a Bears fan through thick and thin, this is beyond embarassing. Replace the O-Line, get some fresh guys on the D-Line and corners, and this team would be doing a lot better. Given it's apparent at Cutler's problem with INT as he tries to survive without getting crushed almost every down, that's something we can fix. So pretty much I'm waiting for next year. Oh, and we need to replace Ron Turdner.

    Luckily, my second fall-back team is doing AWESOME! Eazy Breezy is coasting to the superbowl with the undefeated Saints kicking some pretty hard ass. I don't see them stopping any time soon, especially after watching Drew throw 3 twenty plus passes--in a row--during the Falcons game. I haven't seen that in a long time, though I'm sure I could be reminded of Brady, but **** the Pats.

    Vikings look pretty good too, though I'm unsure if they can get to the SB. I've seen some impressive stuff.

    On a side note, the 49ners might actually look good in a couple years. Once they get a QB and maybe some new defensive guys, they should be certainly looking at more winning seasons. Singletary is just an awesome guy.

    GO BEARS! Next year anyway, lol.

  19. #19
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Polk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Baneheart
    Vikings look pretty good too, though I'm unsure if they can get to the SB. I've seen some impressive stuff.
    If I know anything about Brett Favre, he'll choke in the first round of the playoffs if they don't lose the last 6 games of the season and miss out completely. I apologize in advance to any Jets fans for bringing up terrible memories.

    The Packers looked shaky for a while there. Shitty special teams, and an offensive line that couldn't hold a group of slightly irritated 5-year-olds. Not to mention they lost to the GOD DAMNED BUCCANEERS. WHO ****ING LOSES TO THE ****ING BUCCANEERS? But, three games later, and they look damn good. The running game is still shaky at best, and the special teams is still pretty shitty, but Aaron Rodgers has been looking great, Charles Woodson's been playing out of his damn mind, and the offensive line's been shaping up since Mark Tauscher's return.

    I am cautiously optimistic.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  20. #20

    Quick! To the gay pile!

  21. #21
    Registered User Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govinda View Post

    Quick! To the gay pile!
    lol, we invented football (what Americans call soccer) we gave football its name American football is just rugby

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  22. #22
    Death Before Dishonor Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Josh_R's Avatar
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    I already have superbowl predictions

    NFC: Saints
    AFC: Colts

    It's gonna happen everyone needs to except, Favre will choke last minute like Polk pointed out. Saints will go undefeated this season and will win the superbowl. There has been only one maybe two teams that went undefeated in the regular season and lost the superbowl.

    My favorite team has always been the Steelers with the Broncos closely at second. At the start of the season I thought their odds to win a second consecutive superbowl were good. Then as the season progressed they started to decline. Damn Willie Parker can't stay healthy long enough to do anything, that's okay Rashard Mendenhall is doing good so oh well...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  23. #23
    #LOCKE4GOD Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Alpha's Avatar
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    Rugby will always be better. That is all.

    Oh, and real football is the European one. The one with the round ball.
    Last edited by Alpha; 11-28-2009 at 01:23 PM.

  24. #24
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Oh, and real football is the European one. The one with the round ball.

    OK, can anyone explain to me why is this called football because 90% of time they play with their hands.

    And another thing, why do Americans think that this is the real kind of football?

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  25. #25
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Because America is better, didn't you know? Whatever we do, we do it best; better than anyone else. If we invent a game and call it "football," that is the true sport of football. ...I don't know why it's called football. Maybe because on certain occasions, the ball is kicked. *shrug* Live and let live? I'll watch my futbol del americano, and you can watch your football that actually involves the foot and the ball most of the time.

    So how about them Bears, eh? Who's been the superior team so far this year? ...the Vikings, but the Packers are second best in the league, at least! I'm happy that Al Afalava is doing well for the Bears (an Oregon State kid.) People are really sold on the Saints, though? Anyone remember the Tennessee Titans team from a year ago? I do. I am more sold on the Colts at this point, honestly, because they have been there before in the past decade (or ever, for that matter. Yeah, Saints ain't never been to the Super Bowl, have they?) I'd rather the Saints won; sooner root for them, but eh. Personally, I hope Chad Ochocinco and his boys in Cincinnati can somehow pull one over the Colts and make it to the Super Bowl. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  26. #26
    Death Before Dishonor Football! (the real kind, not the European variety) Josh_R's Avatar
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    Telegraph I to was hoping that Ochocinco and his boys were gonna go superbowl but they lost to the Raiders, who the f*ck loses to the Raiders. They should be ashamed that they lost to the Raiders. If it were up to me they would not be #1 in their division anymore but its not up to me so this is just a pointless rant. And just so you know the COlts who I hate are gonna f*ck them in their ear ***** hard...

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  27. #27
    lol. i laughed when the raiders beat the bengals. i'm a raiders fan, and even i think they had no chance to win that game, till the 4th quarter. here's hoping we can beat the steelers next week, just to mess up that entire division.

  28. #28
    Football Was Invented in Scotland - The discovery was made due to a 1663 grammar book, called "Vocabula" - Softpedia


    Up. The. Lot. Of. You.

    (PS We're responsible for asphalt and ATM's too)

  29. #29
    ....ATM is just icky, and you know that.

  30. #30
    Pffft. My life would sucj without ATMs. Imagine not being able to withdraw booze money after the banks have closed. You can thank Scotland for your 'American' freedoms!

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