We're all likely killing a shiteload of microscopic organisms every second just by living and doing the things living entails. We're likely also harming and/or killing several plants and bugs as we walk along natural floor such as various grasses. When we sleep I hear we also swallow a number insects and spiders on average. That doesn't help them.
Like wearing leather? That usually comes from the hide (and quite possibly rump

) of an animal such as a cow or crocodile. Some might die naturally, but I'm guessing a lot would be harvested at a certain time 'manually'. And by 'manually' I mean with a knife, gun or some other killing object. Sure, it might be done when they harvest meat for our meals, but either way, it's definetely killing a living thing for us all. And many things can be synthesised in part from a part of whichever animal.
I just figured, I'd mention it, as even if you choose to be a vegan or one of those often badly malnourished people who only eats dropped fruit, your life will STILL come at the expense of much life.
Fetuses may be living things, but that rarely stops us humans...