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Thread: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

  1. #1
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Have you ever been so into something (be it a hobby/activity. Not exactly talking about a person but if that's how it applies to you then feel free to share) that you love it so much and then lately it has become attached to a hurtful/negative memory or event that doing this one thing that you love has become painful as well? Now you feel stuck in a rut and down all of a sudden because of this.

    How do you deal with that without giving it up? Or how do you find new interests/hobbies so you can take a break from it and maybe later come back once the depression is over, etc?

    Well I'll quit being vague - drawing has that effect on me lately. The very thing that motivated me to draw seem to be crumbling into pieces. I have come to a point that I still love art regardless but right now my inspiration is crushed so I dunno where to go from here and it's kinda making me feel depressed. >_<

    I am trying to get back into gaming though but nothing has jumped up to me and caught my interest so far.

    Yikes sorry for sounding so emo. But basically I am just curious to know if this has happened to anyone here so I don't feel so stupid for feeling this way lol..or if anyone has any advice.

  2. #2
    Otakus rule the world!! Finding New Interests/Hobbies chikala95's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    I don't think it's about forgetting or losing those hobbies due to a bad memory. If you seem down I would advise to just take a break from it.

    I don't see having bad memories involving a hobby/interest to be a burden, see it more as a stepping stone. If you can surpass the feeling of not wanting to go near it then in some ways it makes you a stronger person.

    Just have a few days away from it until you find some inspiration. It's like having something embarrassing happen to you at school or work and your afraid to go because of it. But if you gather enough courage and hold your head high, then it will make you a stronger person and it will show people you don't care about your mistakes.

    At least, that's what I think...

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  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Finding New Interests/Hobbies Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Time heals all wounds. Ive said it to myself over and over in times I've felt emotional pain, and it really does stay true to itself. If you have a painful memory attached to something you enjoy doing, just remember that its because that activity was something that you did during the period of time you were with a person/going through a stage etc.

    You need to continue drawing and make new memories doing so. Its hard to explain, but you need to keep going even if it reminds you of what pains you. Thats the only way to break though that and be happy you know? Think of it as dealing with the emotional stress and building character.

    Theres no need to give up a hobby because of some emotional distress. Work through it.

    (dont mean to sound harsh, just straightforward)

  4. #4
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Thanks Chikala and Rowan - both of you made interesting points. Looks like taking a break from it and not giving it up at the same time is the best option. Been wondering that maybe I can just draw something unrelated to what's hurting me about it right now...or draw something that expresses my feelings about it. We'll see....

    Well of course this thread is not just a 'helpline' for me. So you all feel free to share your experiences.

  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy Finding New Interests/Hobbies Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Ill just add one more thing. The best way to deal with something is to wait for it to numb first. Distract yourself by any means necassary that will stop you thinking about whats making you upset, then deal with it whens its as much of an issue anymore.

    for example. its like dentistry. You dont fix the tooth before having a local anesthetic to numb the pain first. Numb, then fix. Otherwise it will hurt too much. Thats the best way I can come up with to describe it anyway.
    Last edited by Rowan; 12-05-2011 at 08:15 PM.

  6. #6
    G'day Finding New Interests/Hobbies NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Sometimes motivation for things just disappears. I'm like that with gaming. I love gaming, I used to play a lot when I was a teenager, but now as the years go by, I find it difficult to really get into a game. I don't have any other hobbies. I have no advice for your situation, sorry. Hope you figure it out soon, or find something else you can love to do.

  7. #7

    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    I was into guitar heavily when I was younger I started at 12. Then I felt unfulfilled with it cause nobody taught me and had to do it myself. So it was frustrating. Either way life got tough and I stopped playing as much cause I couldn't get to the level I wanted.

    Then my mom died at 17 and I didn't touch it almost at all for almost a whole year. Only here and there. Then after that I slowly got back into music. But I was older and started being smarter about my approach. I wasn't so much better just wiser to things, and not as self critical. It made me happy and wanted to be better so I read up on all ends of it, got books, did some theory. And have taken a couple lessons from teachers when I could afford it.

    The best thing I could say is when things seem tough try drawing new places and sources. I love certain bands but listening to them doesn't inspire me. Sometimes it's something as simple as seeing someone redo a video game song on youtube to go "Hell yeah!" And if you keep reading, listening, or watching what you can and have an open mind you'll always have fresh material to keep you inspired and interested.

  8. #8
    Kiss with a fist. Finding New Interests/Hobbies Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Time heals all wounds.
    I've had to tell myself that quite a few times, myself so it bared repeating.

    As for your situation, I haven't had quite the same thing happen to me. The only thing I can really think of is writing. I write a lot to relieve stress, to express myself artistically, and/or to have fun. Sometimes a combination of all three. However, there have been times where I've been too upset about something to even write to relieve the stress of the situation. When presented with that sort of scenario I normally hit the gym for longer than usual and blow off steam that way; I quit smoking awhile ago, that was my biggest stress reliever so I go for the next best thing (besides drinking ;P).

    I think it's definitely better to tackle the issue itself: what's really bothering you, or the troubling memory, etc. 'Numb it' like Rowan suggested, then deal with it. Keep up with your drawing and just work through whatever it is you need to work through; giving up something you thoroughly enjoy for something else because of a bad memory won't serve any real purpose, it would just be avoiding the problem. That's just my humble opinion, I hope it gets better for you! <3

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  9. #9
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Sometimes, I think you just get burned out on your interests and you need to take a break and then the right thing will come along and draw you back in. Like I haven't been much of a gamer lately until KoFXIII and Zelda came out.

    Hell, I wasn't too inspired to post on TFF for a while, but now things like this topic got me interested. That's the only input I can provide.

  10. #10
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    So far the concensus is ...uh take a break from it and come back later on?

    Yeah I wish I could do that now but I have a couple of art commitments that I need to finish ($ paid commissions). I guess after that I can do whatever I want. I've got a few doodles in my sketchbook that I might finish as artworks later on but I am not so sure atm. It's like the inspiration comes and goes in a blink of an eye to the point of me being frustrated.

    Like Dranzer said, I need new ideas, expand my horizon. I may need to pick up a new book (though I hate reading so that makes it even harder for me)..or maybe watch a new series or play a new game. I just find it hard to actually start doing this, like I have no energy to bother atm. But yeah, time heals all wounds, I know I'll get over this feeling sooner or later.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Sometimes, I think you just get burned out on your interests and you need to take a break and then the right thing will come along and draw you back in. Like I haven't been much of a gamer lately until KoFXIII and Zelda came out.
    I wouldn't call what happened to me 'burning out' with drawing, Heck, I was in the middle of coming back from my Art Block and that event/realization happened and it hit me out of nowhere. But either way, I think I should just stop thinking about drawing for doesnt help though that I have a 1.5 hour commute (x2 so that's 3 hrs..) every day when I got nothing to do/think about. I got my sketchpad and I usually doodle during the train ride. Yeah I should probably pick up a book...but reading has never been a huge hobby of mine and I tried -_-

    Quote Originally Posted by Cain Highwind View Post
    Hell, I wasn't too inspired to post on TFF for a while, but now things like this topic got me interested. That's the only input I can provide.
    Aww I am glad. I hope I see more of you around though

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer
    I think it's definitely better to tackle the issue itself: what's really bothering you, or the troubling memory, etc. 'Numb it' like Rowan suggested, then deal with it. Keep up with your drawing and just work through whatever it is you need to work through; giving up something you thoroughly enjoy for something else because of a bad memory won't serve any real purpose, it would just be avoiding the problem.
    You're right. Well I kinda know what the problem is and it's a really long story. I even feel so silly for feeling this way about the whole situation actually but I cant help but feel so down about it anyhow. >_<

  11. #11
    Memento RK Finding New Interests/Hobbies Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    All of these are really interesting points, but if you're not enjoying what you're doing don't do it. If it makes you depressed, you need a different approach to what you're doing. My main concern is what exactly you are drawing. What about it is making you depressed? From there you can decide whether you should keep going, or move onto something else entirely. That could be rather hard, but from what I've seen thus far, your drawings are actually flippin fantastic. It would be sad to see that kind of talent go to waste, you know?

    Time does not in fact heal all wounds. It might seem that way, but it doesn't. Time has ways of bringing old memories about and opening old wounds. Time is a constant reminder of how much longer we have in a day to fix a certain concern, and that it can start all over again the next day. Time is a never ending cycle, and depression can be as well, if you let it. What you need to do is figure out what works for you. One thing that Rowan does have spot on is the fact that you need to numb it out before you can fix it. You can't face something head on while it's still hurting you. It would only hurt more. That where the cycle begins to find ways to repeat itself. It can only stop once you numb the pain. Once that happens, you can 'come to terms' with it so to speak, and hopefully overcome it, essentially replacing it with happiness or anything that you might seem to be lacking. One thing I know from experience is that if you want something fixed, you need to do it yourself. You have the means of finding exactly what you need to fix things within yourself. It's a matter of finding your strengths and weaknesses, and strengthening your strengths to overcome that weakness. It's hard. It's one of the things that I'm working on myself. A lot of this is easier said then done.

    Anyway, as for me. I was in a deep depression after a break up. I was in college trying to get through each day at a time. The thing that brought be about was friends (Both online and in real life), what I was studying, and writing. I write what I feel, which I imagine that's what you do when you draw right? Find something within yourself (Probably a lighter thing to draw, if you see what I'm trying to get at), and draw it. I've been writing about basically a personality that I would like to see happen in myself. Maybe your drawing something like that will turn your feelings around. It is the complete opposite of how I feel, and then I finish a post, I do feel better.

    Another thing I do aside from writing is pursuing my career. I have hopes of having a career in the Aviation Industry. I've has a passion for it since I was little. It brings me the greatest amount of pride and accomplishment. Sometimes, it's all I can talk about. Maybe if you find something that you have an absolute passion in, it'll help you get over your depression

  12. #12
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    My main concern is what exactly you are drawing. What about it is making you depressed?
    Well I am referring to the webcomic/comic I have right now : Eon : The Curse of Forgotten Past: Comics - Cover

    It's a storyline inspired by old RPs I had with friends. I still talk to them but lately everyone seemed busy/we dont talk as much and that kinda makes me depressed.

    I am not exagerrating when I told you that this is the sole motivation I had to learn drawing. The entire story is here in my journal (because it's long and dont feel like boring people with it to include it in this post lol):

    Although now that I think of it, I was probably just overreacting because of the other changes that's going on in my life at the same time (depressing weather, moved to a new place, 300% longer commute, bills, having to sell old condo, grown up stuff!) and another change with what I consider my artistic outlet just sets me over the edge if that's make any sense.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alqha
    Time does not in fact heal all wounds. It might seem that way, but it doesn't. Time has ways of bringing old memories about and opening old wounds. Time is a constant reminder of how much longer we have in a day to fix a certain concern, and that it can start all over again the next day. Time is a never ending cycle, and depression can be as well, if you let it. What you need to do is figure out what works for you. One thing that Rowan does have spot on is the fact that you need to numb it out before you can fix it. You can't face something head on while it's still hurting you. It would only hurt more. That where the cycle begins to find ways to repeat itself. It can only stop once you numb the pain. Once that happens, you can 'come to terms' with it so to speak, and hopefully overcome it, essentially replacing it with happiness or anything that you might seem to be lacking. One thing I know from experience is that if you want something fixed, you need to do it yourself. You have the means of finding exactly what you need to fix things within yourself. It's a matter of finding your strengths and weaknesses, and strengthening your strengths to overcome that weakness. It's hard. It's one of the things that I'm working on myself. A lot of this is easier said then done.
    True but I beg to disagree - time DOES heal all wounds. The thing that does not disappear is the memory of what you've been through. It's like seeing scars - it doesn't hurt anymore but you remember how it was and the ordeal could change you in a good/bad way. This is where you have the choice on how you learn from it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alqha
    Anyway, as for me. I was in a deep depression after a break up. I was in college trying to get through each day at a time. The thing that brought be about was friends (Both online and in real life), what I was studying, and writing. I write what I feel, which I imagine that's what you do when you draw right? Find something within yourself (Probably a lighter thing to draw, if you see what I'm trying to get at), and draw it. I've been writing about basically a personality that I would like to see happen in myself. Maybe your drawing something like that will turn your feelings around. It is the complete opposite of how I feel, and then I finish a post, I do feel better.
    Friends do help dealing with a bad breakup as well as any distraction you can find while you deal with the depression. The good and bad of it is that - the pain wont go away overnight. It could take months even years (It took me 1.5 years to get over a bad breakup I think) but it will go away. The key is to find something else to focus on. It would be hard to find it at first but don't give up. So, in your case, you found it in writing and studying - both hobbies develop your skills too so that is a plus.

    Well when I draw, I rarely (if at all) draw according to my feelings (yeah what kind of artist am I is what you all are thinking now lol). I just draw stories and scenes in my head or whatever fandom I have at that moment. But I think if I have powerful emotions towards something, I'd be able to compel myself to draw according to how I feel. That, or I subconsciously put a piece of my persona in my drawings somehow, I just cant think of an example where I intended to express my emotions on a drawing yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alqha
    Another thing I do aside from writing is pursuing my career. I have hopes of having a career in the Aviation Industry. I've has a passion for it since I was little. It brings me the greatest amount of pride and accomplishment. Sometimes, it's all I can talk about. Maybe if you find something that you have an absolute passion in, it'll help you get over your depression
    That's a very interesting field to focus into. Knowing your passion is half the battle really, I sincerely wish you luck. I got into computer/IT industry because I don't know what I really like when I went to college (Art came to mind but everybody thinks there's no money in art so....I do not regret that decision though because it turns out you can self-study drawing without going to an expensive university...)

    But anyway, I don't plan on giving up on Art. I've come so far. I think I am just going through a phase in my life right now because of the changes I am going through atm. This is really not a big deal in terms of the overall picture, I just need to hang in there until I am better again.

    In fact, just merely talking about it here and reading your responses makes a load of difference already. So I thank you guys.

  13. #13
    Registered User Finding New Interests/Hobbies Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    I think maybe you should take a trip or something, go somewhere new. It sounds cliché, but I think if you went somewhere you've always wanted to go and really enjoyed yourself there then it could lift your spirits a bit and this new environment could inspire you. There are lots of different cultures around the world and maybe seeing them and having new experiences could cure your art block. And if you don't have the time or money then you don't even have to go far, just try and go somewhere new, I think it could really help.

    Ooooorrr, you could try looking back over old drawings/paintings/etc. which you're really proud of and think of what inspired you to do those and the memories you get from them, maybe that could help remind you of why you loved art in the first place and push this new bad feeling you have out?

    I know how you feel having art block, I really hate it. Unfortunately travelling isn't really an option for me yet, so inspiration is hard to find still, which sucks when you're doing a course and you have deadlines lol.

  14. #14
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Late to the party, but I'll say it anyway. I think that some new inspiration will do you a lot of good. It doesn't matter if you search for it or stumble on it; it'll eventually hit you.

    The fact that you chose drawing to express your interests means a lot. You could have turned it into a book, or made a game out of it, or created things based on the characters or whatever else, but you chose to draw and went through the trouble of studying up on it. So I think drawing in itself is important to you, regardless of the memories attached to it.

    The fact that you even accomplished anything at all means you have the want and necessary drive to put your experiences into tangible form. Most people would have stopped short somewhere along the line. It's only a matter of time before you feel it again, I'm sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  15. #15
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Finding New Interests/Hobbies

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana
    I think maybe you should take a trip or something, go somewhere new. It sounds cliché, but I think if you went somewhere you've always wanted to go and really enjoyed yourself there then it could lift your spirits a bit and this new environment could inspire you. There are lots of different cultures around the world and maybe seeing them and having new experiences could cure your art block. And if you don't have the time or money then you don't even have to go far, just try and go somewhere new, I think it could really help.

    Ooooorrr, you could try looking back over old drawings/paintings/etc. which you're really proud of and think of what inspired you to do those and the memories you get from them, maybe that could help remind you of why you loved art in the first place and push this new bad feeling you have out?

    I know how you feel having art block, I really hate it. Unfortunately travelling isn't really an option for me yet, so inspiration is hard to find still, which sucks when you're doing a course and you have deadlines lol.
    Oh yeah I hear you about travelling. When we went to Italy last summer, all those renaissance paintings are simply mind-blowing. Leonardo Da Vinci is an amazing artist (and more! Really talented fella) as well as Michelangelo and Raphael. I didn't see much of Donnatello's works but we visited his tomb (yay ninja turtles lol)

    And yeah when I look at my old paintings and see how far I've come (I mean my works are not perfect now but it has changed a lot), that's pretty much what kept me from giving this up.

    Quote Originally Posted by SOLDIER #819
    Late to the party, but I'll say it anyway. I think that some new inspiration will do you a lot of good. It doesn't matter if you search for it or stumble on it; it'll eventually hit you.

    The fact that you chose drawing to express your interests means a lot. You could have turned it into a book, or made a game out of it, or created things based on the characters or whatever else, but you chose to draw and went through the trouble of studying up on it. So I think drawing in itself is important to you, regardless of the memories attached to it.

    The fact that you even accomplished anything at all means you have the want and necessary drive to put your experiences into tangible form. Most people would have stopped short somewhere along the line. It's only a matter of time before you feel it again, I'm sure.
    Thanks S, you can't be anymore right. I actually started painting again. I think it was just a phase. I've had Art Block before but it was not accompanied by a mild depression like what I had recently. I had to push through finishing a couple of commissions and I did thankfully. Now I am working on a personal project to cap my 2011 year in art.

    You know what's funny? The thing that actually got me interested again is the same thing that ticked me off from art lol. I just sat down and thought to myself, what do I really want to draw? Well it ended up being the same character from the same storyline...Still working on it though but I am using the WIP drawing as my avatar at the moment.

    I just tell myself that I am going to push through with this project regardless. Even if I had to do it all by myself because it means that much to me apparently lol.

    So yeah, I am still drawing. Will probably gonna get an art block again in the future but I shall keep in mind that it's all temporary. It doesn't hurt to take a break once in awhile.

    Again, thanks guys/gals!
    Last edited by Quistis; 12-19-2011 at 08:22 AM.

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