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Time does not in fact heal all wounds. It might seem that way, but it doesn't. Time has ways of bringing old memories about and opening old wounds. Time is a constant reminder of how much longer we have in a day to fix a certain concern, and that it can start all over again the next day. Time is a never ending cycle, and depression can be as well, if you let it. What you need to do is figure out what works for you. One thing that Rowan does have spot on is the fact that you need to numb it out before you can fix it. You can't face something head on while it's still hurting you. It would only hurt more. That where the cycle begins to find ways to repeat itself. It can only stop once you numb the pain. Once that happens, you can 'come to terms' with it so to speak, and hopefully overcome it, essentially replacing it with happiness or anything that you might seem to be lacking. One thing I know from experience is that if you want something fixed, you need to do it yourself. You have the means of finding exactly what you need to fix things within yourself. It's a matter of finding your strengths and weaknesses, and strengthening your strengths to overcome that weakness. It's hard. It's one of the things that I'm working on myself. A lot of this is easier said then done.