My family history is almost impossible to trace.
On my mother's side I am French, French-canadian, and Scandanavian I recently found out (I always thought my last name was English...but I guess I have no english in me at all.) On my father's side, I am mainly Cherokee Indian from the Kentucky region, Scottish, and Greek. I really couldn't tell you much about my family history, other than the fact that my mother's side owned a lot of land. Well, I guess I know more recent events in my father's side so I'll elaborate.
First, about the Native American in me. I have a decent amount, hence the dark eyes and very dark hair you see in my avatar/siggy. That could be the Greek too, but I'll say it's the Cherokee. Hah. Anyways, I have no card stating that I am Cherokee, and neither do my siblings, my father, or my grandparents, both of whom are Cherokee. The reason is this: In Kentucky, during the time of the trail of tears, my "Tribe" I guess you could say, was very VERY extremely discriminated against. They weren't considered human by the white folk, and were tortured and killed and what-not. Anyways, long story short, since they were not considered human, no record of Native American tribes, specifically the Cherokee since that's all I am 100% sure about, was kept in Kentucky. Therefore, I have no record of my ancestory. I am white on that side too, so obviously on both my grandmother and my grandfather's side, someone married out of the tribe. I also know that my great-grandfather was orphaned, and left with his two grandfather's, Nicholas Combs and Alex Deaton. Both were very rich, and when one of them died, he left all his money and his land and what-not to my great-grandfather. However, his other grand father (and I can't remember which is which) took all the land from my great-grandfather since he was his guardian, and sold it. My great-grandfather then became very poor and homeless, I heard. Well, eventually his grandfather died, and my great-grandfather went to court and got some of the land back, still a great amount. It turned out though, that his grandfather sold his land to the state, and they made courthouses, stores, etc. on the land, so he could never get it back. My father told me that most of Hazard, Kentucky is my family's land, or was a long time ago. There is even a huge street running through Hazard named "Combs" that, no joke, my entire family lived on, including my great grandfather, and all of his children. They have big houses for a place like Hazard (yes, as in the Dukes.), and a ton of land. It must've been all the land that he got back after his grandfather died.
Anyways, I know the story sounds akward. I went back to Hazard in the fall of '05 when my grandpa died, and that was when my dad and my great-aunts told me the story about my great grandpa. It was really shocking, and kind of cool at the same time, to know that my family owned a lot of Hazard.![]()