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Thread: Political Correctness *rolls eyes*

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Political Correctness *rolls eyes*

    I've noticed a lot of late, more and more people seem to get offended by something deemed 'politically incorrect'. Personally I think most should chill as it seems to get stupider and stupider as time goes on and more things get labeled politically incorrect. It's partially I'm lazy and hate having to type twice as much just to show my general term also applies to others I would think it would apply to regardless of my wording and other similar examples, but yeah...

    WHAT THE HELL? Seriously...

    How do you feel about this political correctness thing?
    Last edited by Furore; 05-03-2008 at 11:05 PM.
    victoria aut mors

  2. #2
    HRH Albha Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Aerif's Avatar
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    Well, let's see how I feel about political correctness...

    The children's nursery song, once known as 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' must know be known in Scotland as 'Baa Baa Happy Sheep!'. Obviously when they made the change they didn't realise how retarded it sounds to sing 'Baa Baa Happy Sheep'

    Also a 'black board' must know officially be called a 'chalk board' because if a member of HMI (Her Majesty's Inspectors) catches a teacher saying 'black board' there'll be a whole lot of trouble.

    I can't think of any other changes just know, however I find the whole thing ridiculous, in Scotland it's done mainly to be nicer to people from an African descent, however I don't think they were ever offended by the terms...

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  3. #3
    Registered User Political Correctness *rolls eyes* winterborn86's Avatar
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    I think having to change the names of things like "black board" and "baa baa happy sheep" as you jus mentioned is gettin a lil outa hand. i think the whole things stupid

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  4. #4
    Au revoir. Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    It is geting a little out of control. Like the Enid Blyton books. They changed the names of so many things, the books aren't even the same! Dame Slap is now Dame Snap, no more Golliwogs, Bessie isn't Bessie. If you've read the books, you'll know what I mean. I read her books as a child, so I do feel rather strongly about this.

    Anywho, I d think the whole thing is getting a little out of control. Before long, speaking different languages will be deemed offensive, and we'll all be mutes.

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  5. #5
    Amor fati. Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    "Happy sheep"? We've got to sing "Rainbow sheep".

    Baa baa, rainbow sheep
    Have you any wool?

    Quite ridiculous really. Then there's the Little Penguin that used to be called the Fairy Penguin until it was deemed offensive to gays. I think there was something else, but I've forgotten what it was.

    Political correctness is all well and good, but when it's taken to the extreme like it has been recently... Then it just gets a little stupid.

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  6. #6
    Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Cheez's Avatar
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    where things go in Magic shows when they disappear looking for my rabbit
    "Happy Sheep" just shows that the politicians that changed it to guard their hind quarters are even more prudish
    Let us not forget that if we are getting really sensitive "Rainbow Sheep" would be offensive to gays.

  7. #7
    Bananarama Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Pete's Avatar
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    Thats the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. When you sing baa baa black sheep, you're singing about a sheep with black wool, that makes wool for his owners. I suppose that makes it slavery now, right? Because the sheep is black and producing stuff for an assumed white family. You're not talking about scalping black people or anything of the sort. Is the world getting so stupid that we're calling racism against animals now?

    Rainbow sheep? What the ****.

    Honest to God, I don't care if I offend anyone, and neither should anyone else. Toughen the **** up, and stop hiding behind your lawyers crying foul against everything and anything that might be seen as offensive. I could have been a multimillionaire if I was in grade school today, from suing people who picked on me. I was fat, I got teased. That's the rule of the jungle. I didn't go crying to mommy and daddy, I didn't go to therapists who would tell me that I'm perfectly fine the way I was, and that I'm emotionally ruined because some kids picked on me. No. I busted my ass, got in shape, and now I'm a hell of a lot more successful than those kids who gave me shit. Not only that, but I'm better looking and can kick their asses.

    Lastly, it's all children's rhymes. It doesn't enforce racism, because kids don't see through filters like that. People are people to them, unless they are raised to be hateful and prejudiced. Singing about a black sheep is not the same as singing a song about lynching blacks. I also remember hearing a story about some group of muppets who complained about ring around the rosey, because they had relatives who died from the black plague (which is what the songs about) or something, and they felt their relatives were being mocked. More bullshit.
    Last edited by Pete; 05-04-2008 at 04:19 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  8. #8
    I don't think I'm too careful about my political correctness most of the time. Things are politically incorrect unless someone acts like an oversensitive jerk. Children's rhymes and stories aren't making references at things like race or sex or sexual preference. They're innocent little songs and stories made to fill up kids' time and to teach them some new words. Who cares if some overly-sensitive, under-confident person gets offended by them? They shouldn't, since not everything is about them.

    Political correctness is also annoying me. Everything is school is being changed because of it, making me really confused. For people like me who don't care, political correctness is just a random thing that gets shoved in my face half the time.

  9. #9
    Political Correctness *rolls eyes* L Lawliet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Also a 'black board' must know officially be called a 'chalk board' because if a member of HMI (Her Majesty's Inspectors) catches a teacher saying 'black board' there'll be a whole lot of trouble.
    In the languages school where I have English classes mwe have a white board (and I'm white) so should I be offended when my english teacher tells me to write something on the white board?
    I think that changing names to things and lyrics of songs for little kids is too much. It's called a black board because it's its colour, it's not like who thought of first making black boards called them that because he had something against black people.

    It's like when people say something like "whoever thought of make an ice cream with this flavour is a genius. He should be promoted" (yeah, random but whatever).
    Then someone replys "He should be promoted? So it can't have been a woman?".
    I've seen this happening and damn, it's not like the person who said it is sexist, it's just that we can't really say he/she everytime a situation like this happens.

  10. #10
    Synthesized Ascension Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Zardoch's Avatar
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    I think it's actually rather obvious how bad political correctness has influenced many types of thinking and gotten away with the most ridiculous shit ever. Hell, watch those presidential debates and you'll see massive amounts of political correct obviousness without any real answers to the questions the candidates are being asked. It's a way to avoid a question and try to keep from being offensive, while leaving your real opinion behind. For politicians, that's pure gold as it makes them look smart to their voters eyes while being able to wear a mask to hide their real selves. Plus, it's also helped influenced many American's lives into becoming hate-mongering anti-anything as long as whatever they hate is politically incorrect. Childish and sad, it is.

    Unfortunately, America is not the only place that has been hit, but pretty much all the other main and popular countries out there have conformed to the same thing. The U.K. has probably got it just as bad or worse.

    Anyway, in the end it's just as Pete says. People need to Stfu and stop becoming offended by the most tedious of things. That's really what has made people such pussies these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by SR-71 - "Politically correct
    I don't mean to piss you off with things I might say
    But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
    When I speak my mind, that's when we connect
    But that's not politically correct

    Our heads are so filled with thought, we can't use our imagination
    Like a sky so filled with stars, you can't find a constellation
    And everyone's so sensitive to every bad vibration
    We're so impressing while we're regressing

    There's nothing I believe in more than my own insignificance
    So why does everybody think that my words can make a difference
    I just don't have time to think up every social consequence
    I'll just keep on talking you keep applauding

    I don't mean to piss you off with things I might say
    But when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway
    If you spoke your mind you might feel more connected
    Until you get politically corrected

    You lean a little to the left or the right but
    You can only see what's on your side.
    Look a little like a deer in the headlights
    A little blind a little hypnotized.
    So you conform with the best of intention
    Change comes from inside.
    After all that's what this country was founded on
    Do nothing different just fall in line.

    What happened to make us so afraid
    You couldn't make a Mel Brooks movie today
    I saw Blazing Saddles yesterday
    Last edited by Zardoch; 05-04-2008 at 06:19 PM.

  11. #11
    Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    Political correctness, seems to be something completely pointless. Because, really, think about it. If things have to be change to accommodate for various groups that are anally rententive, then eventually, nothing will be politcally acceptable.

    Every person has a specific case, if not more where something seems politically incorrect to them. In fact, the only reason why we haven't reached the point of absolute incorrectness, is because some people don't have a wedge up their ass.

    Pete said basically all the rest very well..

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  12. #12
    Imperius Rex Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Storm's Avatar
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    I agree with being respectful to other cultures, but political correctness has really been taking the piss. I don't know what ba ba black sheep has been changed to in my region (my young cousins are now 8 so they're beyond the nursery rhymes stage), however i've heard of it being rainbow sheep and even white sheep (contradictory much?).

    This is actually something that often comes up in conversation with friends. Apparantly asking for a black tea or coffee is wrong- we must ask for a tea without milk- to be honest everyone still asks for black tea! There was even that story which I think happened last year, maybe the year before where a female worker got told to remove a Christian cross neclace incase it offended any other religious groups. Some people don't even like us putting up an English flag for the World Cup or St George's Day. GCSE maths papers always have Sue, George, Ishrim and Patil.

    I don't really know what the situation is like in America since the only American shows I really watch are Family Guy and Whose Line Is It Anyway US, but looking at what its like in England- we try so hard to be politically correct that the result looks and sounds very patronising to the situation. It's really become a nanny state. Even the black people I know think that political correctness has gone too far and really don't care what we call our tea or our sheep in our nursery rhymes.
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  13. #13
    political corectness to me just means the thing that stops us saying what we want and takes away freedom of speech
    also i see it as the most racist thing you can use
    now you cant call it a black board because its racist? nope youre the racist ones for comparing blacks to boards

  14. #14
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Political correctness is ridiculous these days, 'Baa baa rainbow sheep'? What the heck is that? We all grew up saying black sheep and nobody ever found it offensive back then. People just like to sit down and think of stupid things to find offensive. How many people honestly find that offensive any way? How is a black sheep offensive to begin with?

    They also had another story where people wanted the 'Fairy penguin' renamed or some shit because it was OFFENSIVE. Are you serious? What is wrong with people? THAT'S JUST THE NAME OF THE SPECIES OF PENGUIN. There's so much of this out there and it really frustrates me, we can't say anything anymore because it's "offensive".

    I reckon some people need to grow up a little and GET OVER IT.

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  15. #15
    Political Correctness *rolls eyes* Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    Well, you know, I get offended everytime I go the Wal-mart and get those thin wafer things that go good with sardines or pb&j. Everytime someone says "cracker" I just burst into tears I'm so offended. And the whole "tighty whitey" thing. Am I uptight because I'm white? Oh my god, I just can't take it anymore.

    Seriously though, by making a point of something then changing it, I really think you make matters worse and and are just being way too freaking touchy. Black is the name of a color, just like white. So is yellow. And brown. Seriously. Get over yourself. Why don't you end world hunger instead of bickering over "offending" someone over something that's obviously NOT meant to do so.
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.


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