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Thread: Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors

  1. #1
    Sir Prize Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Sinister's Avatar
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    Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors

    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    How bad are your curses?

    I'm not above embellishing bad turns of luck with mild curse words spoken in sutto voice or sometimes I just think them. More often than not, I don't speak, so curse words come out rarely, if at all.

    I did once curse in a church but that was long ago when I was a child. And I was merely parroting my father.

    And I have F-bombed the hell out of one person in farthest memory and he got off easy... But when they happen, they're usually pretty extreme, mainly because half-measures are the curse of it and anything that is bad enough to cause me to curse will generally cause me to curse in a big way.


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  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?
    I swear like a sailor. It's a terrible habit and I should probably cut back. I don't often swear in front of family, and when I do, it's usually not that bad. I swear with friends and Andrew pretty heavily just because I'm used to talking pretty quickly and quietly and it just tends to fall loose, haha.

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?
    Sometimes, but nowhere near the level of a tourettes sufferer, haha.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?
    Probably not. I'm usually pretty quiet if I'm out.

    How bad are your curses?
    When I use them with Andrew, they're... colourful. I don't swear AT him, we just talk about stuff, and we generally swear during conversation (not often, but more often when referring to something that has us annoyed or something).
    I might distastefully add that I use "fucking cvnt" a lot when referring a stupid person or even a boss in a video game. That one really needs to lessen. I hear myself saying it a lot.

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  3. #3
    I say 'shit' quite a lot, and the F word too. When angry I swear profousely. I wouldn't say I'm overly sweary, though.

    I love the Polish word for fvck. Kurrrrrrrva! It's just so much more of a release.

  4. #4
    Registered User Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Halie's Avatar
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    I swear like a sailor.
    That's me, too. I try to replace them with less obscene words, like 'bloody' and 'frick'. But when I'm pissed off, I can't help it. I go nuts with me cursing. Even at something as small and banging my foot against a door or something, I usually blurt out "shit f*** and ballsacks", or "****edy-****-****!" really quickly... it's pretty funny.

    I don't do it around my mum, but my Dad's pretty much fine if I swear.

    I don't really see a problem with it, though, as long as it's not intended to hurt somebody for no reason, then there's nothing wrong with it. I hate it when people get pissed when someone swears. They are only words. Actions speak louder than words, eh? Heh.

  5. #5
    I can throw out the F-bomb quite quickly if verbally attacked or extremely angry, however I do find it extremely disrespectful when I see teenagers out and about just throwing the words around like they are nothing, especially when there are young children or elderly people around. To me it just shows a lack of intellegence if they can't use a more appropriate word whilst in public. And yes, words are just that, words. But, some words need not be spoken in some situations or surroundings. Sorry, that's just the mom in me.

  6. #6
    The Old Skool Warrior Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors LocoColt04's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    Free? I'm f*cking fluent. And because I don't feel much like formatting the post to include all of the various words I'll be using, I'll just slip in an asterisk. After all, the topic kind of calls for this sort of diction, so if you don't like it, you can go f*ck yourself. =)

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    No. I'm very much in control of the words that come out of my mouth. I may apologize at times for excessive usage, but it's never on "accident." I work in sales, so I have to know how to control my speech.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    Not unintentionally. It's always ever on purpose, and usually because we're making fun of something. It's never loud enough to be heard if I'm somewhere quiet, like a library.

    How bad are your curses?

    I'm a pretty casual curser, depending upon my surroundings. From a simple "damnitall" to the admittedly more common shit and f*ck, I'll say anything.

    I'm a major fan of the metric f*ckton.

    It's a real unit of measurement, you know.
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  7. #7
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I used to swear more than I do now. I've cut back in recent years because some of my friends have decided that they're grown ups now and don't like it anymore... but that generally just means I don't swear in front of them as much.

    Usually when I swear, it's at the referees on the TV or at a sporting event, or at a video game. In those cases, it's pretty ridiculous, and I wish I would practice more self control. Even if the refs could hear me, they wouldn't care, and the video game is programmed a certain way; it can't hear at all. The other times that I swear, I am generally joking around or saying something random (there's a little "game," you might call it, amongst my group of friends, which involves someone pointing at someone and saying "Say the first thing that comes to mind!" And then you say the first thing that comes to mind. It's also "Sing the first song that comes to mind!" and you make something up on the spot, or "Make the first face that comes to mind!" or etc. Sometimes, I'll just say something random without provocation, too.) I also swear at work sometimes, usually when no one's around, it's the end of the day, I wanna go home, and a part of my job is proving to be difficult/tedious to get done.

    Sometimes I will forget where I am and swear in front of someone who doesn't like it. Like one time recently, I was playing a video game, and I swore in front of one of my friend's mom. As far as she knows, I'm an angel, so it was rather embarrasing. Furthermore... f*ck sh*t p*ss d*mmit asshole c*ckbag d*ck cheeseburger. Also, sonovabitch, and another of my favorites, c*ck mongrel. I suppose it's worth noting that I don't like to take the Lord's name in vain, and I also don't like c*nt, or any of the bad racial slurs. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
    Last edited by Taco-Calamitous; 10-09-2008 at 01:40 PM. Reason: Adding shit.

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    I tend to swear quite a bit. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes... it just slips out without me thinking! I'm always saying "Sh*t" or "F**k it!" or "C***"... I don't swear infront of my family that much - I'll get away with saying "Sh*t", but anything else I can't.

    I try to change what I say sometimes, to something less offensive, and more funny, like instead of "F**k it!", I'll say "Oh fudge!" and "Sh*t" to "Dog crap" and stuff like that.

    Haha, the funniest line of swearing I've ever made up was something like: "Sh*tting bollocks, you muffaf**king king **** w**ker, c**tting crappy crap eatter!" just by tripping on a step! Swearing can be pretty funny...

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    Yes. What can I say? I'm human. Sh*t like this happens. *shrugs*

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    When I was little, and when I had my faith/belief in God, I used to go to church with the school. And I did swear in the church when I got bored.

    I've also had a few baden's slip out infront of youngin's... Damn it...

    How bad are your curses?

    Erm... depends with who, and how short my fuse is on that day. Sometimes they are pretty bad, but sometimes they are stupidly nothingness.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
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  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Clint's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    I don't swear at all. Sure, I have no problem writing the **** word, but there's no way in hell that I would ever say that obscenity. It's ricockulous. Those words are offensive, and far too many people use them frequently. How I figure, there must be an equilibrium in the system of using profanity (if there even is one). Therefore, there are people who use profanity frequently; people who use profanity occasionally; and people who use no profanity whatsoever.

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    I never say anything that I don't mean to say. Some people think that I'm slow in the mind, because I hesitate before saying anything, but what I'm doing is thinking about what I'm going to say before I say it. What I say never has any profanity involved. Of course, what I think and what I say usually sound completely different in attitude. Inside, I have a bad attitude, while on the outside, I'm the biggest ***** that anybody will ever meet.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    I cannot recall one time when I have said any profanity in any inappropriate place. Sure, I've made some bad jokes at inappropriate places, but that's beside the point.

    How bad are your curses?

    I say "hell" quite a bit (i.e., what the hell was that?). Other than that, I'm just your polite and nerdy Canadian man.
    Last edited by Clint; 10-10-2008 at 11:58 AM.

  10. #10
    I use bad language pretty fluently, if that's even possible. I grew up around my parents both trying to downplay it except it only takes a few times before you learn funny words. I'm quick to swear but don't play it up to be more intense than it is. I'm usually casual when speaking and it flows into my comments, but if I drop something I usually say ohh FVCK! The kicker is when I get hurt in the process...oh like say crushing your finger with a half barrel keg. That warrents the F and C! I try to not be so bad when I meet someone or am in a new place but overtime I become more of myself. Just look for referance at my journal. It's so clean when you rea the begining. I tend to have at least 1 or 2 *starred* out words on average.

  11. #11
    Bananarama Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Pete's Avatar
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    I'm in the same boat as Setzer. I learned pretty much everything I know about cursing from riding in the car with my dad. If some idiot cut him off, he'd let loose, then turn to the backseat where my brother and I were, and would tell us not to say that. If my mom wasn't in the car, he's buy us a slice of pizza or something to get us all excited and forget about the f-bombs.

    Today, I curse fairly regularly, but I can shut it off when I need to. When I'm around strangers or acquaintances, I'm pretty good about it, but other than that, you never know what profanities will come next. F*ck is my most common word now, and for a while it used to be c*nt, but that was mostly in relation to my ex.
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  12. #12
    Registered User Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors winterborn86's Avatar
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    I swear alot when im at home, it is really bad and i know i shouldn't do it that much cos my little girl is around a lot and i dont really want her to pick up on it.
    I NEVER swear in front of my parents tho, even tho im 21 I still get whacked around the head for doing it, they got a pretty good aim lol

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  13. #13
    The Quiet One Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't swear period the strongest word in my vocab is Dang and Shoot. I've earned the notorious reputation at work for having colorful alternatives to swearing. And I do certainly get some odd looks and the one that keeps popping is the time I said fudgemuffins. Yeah, I said that in an exclamation of frustration. I've got the other usuals that you would hear on a cartoon for 8 year olds. I don't even use the h-word I'll say heck or when I have to actually say it I'll usually say Hades or the Underworld or something to the same effect, but it doesn't come up too often and I usually hedge around it the best I can.

    So that's me. But I doubt most of you are that surprised since you probably never seen me swear here anyway. The only time that I have is when writing my stories to play into the unfortunate fact that real people that aren't me do swear. But I don't count that since it is neither me and I'm not speaking it. Though it will mean that I can't actually speak it later if I need to. So that does put me into an awkward situation.

    So yeah, no swearing for me. If all goes well I'll die that way.
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  14. #14
    HRH Albha Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Aerif's Avatar
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    I live in the West of Scotland, with Irish heritage. So yeah, I swear. A lot.

    Sometimes I just swear casually but the only words I really ever use are f*ck, b*tch and occasionaly b*stard. Though I'm obviously not as fluent as the NEDs who use the 'f word' as an adverb or adjective in nearly everything they say.

    Words that relate to sexual organs never come out of my mouth, the likes of c*nt, f*nny (the American word for buttocks, it means something else here ).

    And I'm part Irish so I do tend to say 'Jesus!' a lot, I really shouldn't since it's not what a good catholic should do but I feel that (being born where I was born) using the lord's name in vain probably isn't quite as bad as some of the curses that come from the people around here.

    I do sometimes use alternatives... My favourite one is: "You son of a priest!"

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  15. #15
    Au revoir. Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    I do try not to swear. I'm not particularly fond of it. I'll occasionally say "shit", but generally the extent of my swearing is "crap". I'll drop an f-bomb rarely, but noting worse than that. C*** is one word I'll never say, at least I hope so. I swear more on MSN and the like than I do in real life for some reason. Maybe it's the lack of parents to screech at me for swearing.

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    Rachel : And you'd still come up with -6, because, let's face it, you're not the brightest spark.

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    Lily says: I wish I was her.
    Lily says: She is mind-bogglingly sexy.
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  16. #16
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    I swear an awful lot, I have for quite a while now. There was once a time when I rarely sweared, well, well I was a kid but since high school I have been bad. I say the F bomb a lot and my Mum reckons it's not good but I'm a bad influence on her. She's never really said it around me until now. I swear the worst when I am in a bad mood.

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    No, I can control myself. I don't swear at all at work, probably a good thing since I work with children. The children swear a hell of a lot though, pretty sad.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    Probably, I sometimes say it aloud in shopping centers but then again a lot of people do. I can't remember saying anything real bad in an inappropriate place.

    How bad are your curses?

    Bad I suppose but I very, very rarely say the big C word. Only when I'm REALLY mad. My favorite word lately seems to be the F word but ah well. There was a time where I never said it around my Dad but he's the one always saying it too.

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  17. #17
    Arachnie Suicide Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?
    --I'm not a huge swearer, but I do swear occasionally. Not without provocation generally, though. I don't use it in every day conversation, but if I get a splinter or I drop something on my foot or tear a piece of clothing, I'll let a string out.

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?
    --Not really ^^;

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?
    --Not that I can think of, no.

    How bad are your curses?
    -Nothing beyond 'shit' generally, but if I'm very irritated or annoyed I'll drop the F bomb.
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  18. #18
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    Quite free, it's one of those habits most I associate with locally have. Still I do have the uncanny talent for turning it off in certain situations. That said if something happens that hurts a good deal, I'm prone to muttering a word or three.

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    Occasionally. Actually quite rarely. But it has happened.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    Has anyone under the age of 5 not?
    But yeah, a few occasions have presented themselves, especially when some self-decidedly higher class chaps decide to snob me or severely disrespect me or similar. Then I'm only too happy to show them what people of my class can do.

    How bad are your curses?

    I have quite a vivid imagination at times, as well as a decent knowledge of the English vocabulary. Some of mine are almost like fine art...
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  19. #19
    Born Again Atheist Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Sarah's Avatar
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    Swearing is my motherf*cking c*nt kicking right. I find it absolutely ridiculous that society would deem random words as unsuitable to speak in normal conversation. It is actually quite juvenile to say "Oh, you can't say that word!" Can anyone even tell me why I can't? Is there any good reason at all? I didn't think so. Just more arbitrary restrictions. Just what people need, right?

    For the above reasons, I often go out of my way to swear. Sometimes, if I find it offends someone, I won't stop. I'm not going to shut up, because it offends you. You do have the ability to not listen or walk away. Yeah, I'm a bitch when it comes to this. Deal with it.

    In normal conversations with my grandmother, I've been known to say sh*t and f*cking quite liberally. She used to yell at me for it. Then she quietly reprimanded me. Now she's stopped. She finally learned the point I was trying to make. It's not the package that matters or the words you use. The message is what matters in the end. Too many people get caught up on little parts of the big picture that simply do not matter. Conversation is notorious for that.

    So, I consider my use of swears as part my attempt to break away from getting caught in the little details of life, and as a way to make my point that there's a lot wrong with what society gets caught up on. And, I also find it hilarious that utterance of simple sounds with no real meaning behind it can hush and anger everyone in the room. Someday people will learn to stop letting arbitrary things have that power and affect on them and get on with it all.

    Note on the above: This is all in social settings. At work is something completely different. I like to stay employed when I have a position.
    Last edited by Sarah; 10-16-2008 at 01:43 AM.
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  20. #20
    Maker of Long Posts (Often Offline) Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Totakeke777's Avatar
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    I am never without a few packs of 'em. I reload my ****-gun all the time. Of course, I try to stop myself from cursing, so instead I get a whole load of interesting and creative, uhhhh describing words. Yeah. Sometimes I use foreign languages. So intead of ****, I get something like this.

    Bob: Can you get that paper for me?

    Me: Sure.

    *Bangs foot on metal filer*

    AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHH************gen-mai*********totkusen**************sheh*******reh** **********!!!!!!

    Bob:Uhhhh... What ARE you smoking?

    Me: Genmai.

    Bob: You do know that "genmai" means "brown rice" in Japanese, right?

    Me: Soooo... What of it?

    Bob: You are so wierd...

    Me: Go ****okkusen-mai******mevik*****gut***vinck*** yourself, Bob.
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  21. #21
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    I love this topic it's great. Anyway im very free with my bad language.
    The f-word, s*it, Bollocks, Arse Bandit, mof**ker to name a few. My mate taped a conversation he had with me once when i was pissed off about somthing nearly every second word was f*ck along with other profanties thrown in the mix. very quite amusing.

    I swear around my mates fluently, i swear when im playing games more often at sports games and rpgs then anyother games oh and guitar hero, i swear preety much every where except at one of my mates places because apparently im a good boy

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    Yeh somtimes my mates elude me to the fact that ive just said f*ck about 5 times in the space of 30 seconds Whoops

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    Actually No! Gennerally when im out i say things like FFS which is "for f*ck sake." or other accronyms (Sp?) As for work.. i work in a kitchen so swearing is secong nature.

    How bad are your curses?

    Ummmmm Bad and when i rant...worse. i thinks once i had a half an hour tyrade because the head chef at work was giving me the shits so i went home and rang a mate of mine and rattled of any and all obscene words in my vocabulary..i wish that had been tapped it was freaking hilarious.

    My parents are always telling me to stop swearing i gennerally tell them to stop f*cking bleating and get over it becasue they are worse tham me

  22. #22
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors Joe's Avatar
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    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    Free like a F*cking sailor, b*tch. I curse Very frequently, especially while driving, or gaming...which is a large portion of my time. Frequently, when my grandmother likes to yell at me, a good old fashioned "Will you PLEASE Shut the F*ck up/Shut you f*cking mouth and leave me alone?" feels really good. especially, if I've asked politely/mildly annoyed several times. Oddly enough, though my dad, when I visit doesn't actually say it, I think he has a problem with cursing. it gets kind of awkward after I drop an f-bomb, or just about anything other than a damn every now and then. My mom is cool with it though (I live with my mom and grandma)

    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?

    Not a lot, usually I'll find myself unintentionally corrupting the minds of toddlers while in large department stores "SH*T! When did this get so damn expensive!?" and the like. Nothing that they won't know how to say by the end of 4th grade anyway.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    Not unintentionally. unless you count deptartment stores like Wal-mart and K-mart very inappropriate.

    How bad are your curses?

    they range from the mild damn's to the C-bomb. the c-word is most frequently used while driving, as I have a bit of road rage. Especially after someone rides on my bumper when I'm doing 15 over the limit and flashes their brights at me. that usually gets a middle finger, and a large number of c and f bombs, until they pass me.
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    My Anime Addicted sister Athna Loveil
    My Unspoken Scabbia Loving Bro Fishie
    My Godsmack addicted brother Omega Weapon
    My Kooky Soap opera addicted sister Rikkuffx
    My Kinky Chipmunk Cousin Unknown Entity, because, you know, cousins can still do stuff in certain states.
    My Twin-like bro Ruin_Tumult
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  23. #23
    ShoShinjo666 Explicatives and Colorful Metaphors shodemon666's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Texas, but really i'm in your attic that you never knew you had...
    How many of us are free with obscenities?

    free? U mean, like, not getting trouble? Cuz i'm a Chibi %50 of the time, and I tend to get lost in not caring and what's for dinner.


    Do you catch yourself saying them when you don't intend to?
    I accidently said: I *beep* love hitler, when i was trying to say that i loved a comedian that was making fun of him. (Not funny in the least.) But i laughed for 5 minutes straight until I had tears dripping down my face.

    Ever said one in a very inappropriate place?

    I told my aunt connie to suck it, which is a joke, but i said it so loud that my entire family (at a bar-b-que) turned around.

    How bad are your curses?
    I curse about every 7 or 8 words into a convo... don't know what i mean, i'll explain:

    Me: Idk, something about a dude who was eating a hotdog, and then *beep* hit the fan.
    I was lost somewhere between my cat and how *beep* cute he looks.
    I can't remember the last time I had one of those, but i'm pretty sure it was *beep* good.
    If there where anything else in the world that mattered most; It's right here, right now...


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