What a b*tch.
It seemed like such an honest mistake, and there was no need for that. I wouldn't be happy if a visitor was in my parking space, but if they honestly didn't know it was my space, I wouldn't scream at them. Jeese, I'd just park somewhere else if there was space. -__-;
There have been a few times I've wanted to slap someone, but I know it wouldn't achieve anything other than make the situation worse. Like that time some woman bashed her shopping trolly into me quite hard (because she was in a rush I presume) and then blamed me for getting in her way when I turned around and looked at her questionably. She was quite rude, and I wasn't in the best of moods - being wacked with a heavy trolly didn't help it. Apparently, I'm quite scary when I'm angry, so people tend to back off when I'm pissed over something. =S