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Thread: Ever wanted to just smack someone?

  1. #1
    This ain't no place for no hero Ever wanted to just smack someone? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Ever wanted to just smack someone?

    I know, I know... it isn't polite/nice to b!tch slap someone, but I seriously wanted to today!

    We live in stacked condo townhouses. When you go to the entrance of our unit, there are outside stairs going up, and outside stairs going down. The ones that go down are the main level units. That's what we have, the 1st and 2nd floor. The upstairs ones lead to another set of stairs and then to the top floor. They are smaller units (only one floor) and therefore have the parking spots closest to the building because they have to go further... or so I imagine.

    Still with me? Sorry, its kinda relevant.

    Anyways, there's a chick who lives in one of the upstairs units. I've always tried to make eye contact or at least say hi when I'm out walking my dog, as I always do with my neighbours. She's totally snotty and doesn't even acknowledge when I try to say hello. To each their own. I have stopped because she obviously doesn't want to be friendly with her neighbours, which is fine.

    So today my guy and I are coming back from some running around. There's someone else parked in her parking spot. She has parked her car in behind the car in her spot and was sitting on her steps waiting for whomever it is to come out. Fair enough, I hate when people park in our parking spot too. For the record, visitor parking SUCKS in our condo complex. There's 85 or so units, and only 7 visitor parking spaces. Not to mention condo owners are cheap and don't want to pay the fees to have another parking spot so most of the time the few visitor spots that are there are used up by owners.

    This old guy comes up from the unit below her and she started SCREAMING at him. He was holding up his hands and saying (in very broken english) that he didn't understand that it was her spot. She kept yelling at him and told him that he needed to use the "F'ing visitors spots". He kept trying to apologize and ask where the visitor parking is and she ignored him and called him stupid and told him to get the 'hell out' of her parking spot.

    I was floored. He asked again where the visitors parking was, they are scattered in between the private parking for residents. She yelled at him, again, and then flounced into her car and started revving the engine when he didn't move fast enough into his car.

    I tell you, normally I stay out of other people's buisness but I couldn't believe she was acting like that! Now I wish I had said something but I was so stunned at how she was talking I couldn't move. He pulled up to where my guy and I were getting the stuff out of our car and he politely asked where the visitor parking was. We showed him, and he apologized to US and was totally frazzled and upset. His eyes were actually watering.

    I wanted to go and b!tch slap her one, but my guy talked me out of going and knocking on her door and confronting her on how she acted. When we got inside my guy mused that it was probably a good thing that she never actually said anything to me when I attempted to be nice.

    Man. Ever witnessed pure ignorance? Man it makes my blood boil just recounting it.

  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    What a b*tch.

    It seemed like such an honest mistake, and there was no need for that. I wouldn't be happy if a visitor was in my parking space, but if they honestly didn't know it was my space, I wouldn't scream at them. Jeese, I'd just park somewhere else if there was space. -__-;

    There have been a few times I've wanted to slap someone, but I know it wouldn't achieve anything other than make the situation worse. Like that time some woman bashed her shopping trolly into me quite hard (because she was in a rush I presume) and then blamed me for getting in her way when I turned around and looked at her questionably. She was quite rude, and I wasn't in the best of moods - being wacked with a heavy trolly didn't help it. Apparently, I'm quite scary when I'm angry, so people tend to back off when I'm pissed over something. =S

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  3. #3
    Ever wanted to just smack someone? Jin's Avatar
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    I could probably exceed the word count in War and Peace by listing every person that I would love to slap, but I'll just list one instance for now.

    People that text while walking, particularly in hallways. I go to university and as such am often in one hallway or another. Now normally, people can't figure out how to properly walk in hallways as it is. (How hard is it to apply the principles of road traffic to hallways? Walk on the right side for Christ's sake, not wherever you please so that everyone's walking into each other. But anyways, that's another rant for another time.) But when people text, dear god. They swerve side to side, not watching where they're going. It's like watching a drunk driver. But of course, people just HAVE to text every 3 seconds and couldn't possibly just either stop and get out of the way while they text or wait until they arrive at their destination that's maybe 2 minutes away. No, they have to text right then and there while they're walking. And because texting is essentially a technological plague that spread faster than H1N1 ever could hope to, EVERYONE does it. At the same freaking time. It's terrifying. University hallways are full of people walking in every which direction, all not paying attention to where they're going (and I'm sure high school hallways are the same way). These people (who, on an even more terrifying note, are our future) need to be smacked. Multiple times.

    And then there's those that text while driving...

    Until now!

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Ever wanted to just smack someone? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Tiffany I dont use this word often cause I have a sense of respect for women but it sounds to me like you got a grade A c*nt on ur hands. Personally I would have kicked her ass no matter what the old guy told me then I would have laughed in her face...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    People that text while walking, particularly in hallways.
    This too pisses me off, in high school it was okay to text during the calls change so of course everyone would text away during this time. While doing this they would not pay attention and would constantly bump into people. Well one day I was walking to class with a stack of books in my hands and some asshole bumped into me and knocked all the books out of my hands, I figured oh well it was an accident. I asked the guy to help me in picking up my books and he chuckled and said motherf*cker god gave you two hands for a reason put em to use. So I drilled the guy right in between his f*cking eyes, when it comes to ignorance I throw very violent hissy fits that noone likes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post
    And then there's those that text while driving...
    In certain states they have passed laws prohibiting people from texting while driving but they still do it. Two years ago I was on vacation at my grandmother's in Louisianna and a car full of high school girls was in a crash and they all died, the driver was texting while driving and the pickup she hit the driver of it was also texting...Jeez texting pisses me off that's why I call everyone screw texting...
    Last edited by Josh_R; 11-14-2009 at 03:26 PM.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  5. #5
    This ain't no place for no hero Ever wanted to just smack someone? Tiffany's Avatar
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    I agree with her being a Grade A c*nt and I abhor that word. Its fitting, methinks.

    Jin, my guy is of the same mindframe on the people walking and using the principals of driving. He complains about it all the time when we're out at malls or anywhere a large group of people are.

    Texting while driving annoys the hell out of me. Well that and talking on your phone while driving too! Most phones are bluetooth compatible, get a headset for cryin' out loud. They passed a law here too that prohibits texting/talking on a cellphone while driving. They aren't going to start giving tickets until February though, for whatever reason. I suppose to give people time to find alternatives?

  6. #6
    WTF so I just ogt in from some pisspoord French housepary, WTF is wrong with these people? They're al standing aound talking and I'm like, 'Hey, hey, ;lets go to a nightclub (on y va a un boite de nuit!)' and they're all like WTF we're talkign **** off. And I'm like waht it's 3am let's just dance, you're al boring the tits off me anyway.


  7. #7
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Ever wanted to just smack someone? Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
    Inconsiderate people can make me pretty angry, sometimes to the point of me wanting to slap somebody.

    For example, I was on the bus with a friend, sitting in the back, and at the next stop a crowd of teenagers get on, and they all sit in the front, even though there are plenty open seats in the middle and back. But no, they all have to be sitting right next to each other.
    Its not a huge deal, but during the bus ride, three elderly people (one with a cane) got on the bus and had to sit in the back because this obnoxiously loud group of teens didn't even acknowledge their existence. I was surprised that the bus driver didn't do anything about it.

    Another example is whomever the owner of that car is who has a stereo that plays a bassline that shakes the entire street whenever they drive down it at the most ungodly hours of the night. Its enough to wake up everybody in the house, and it has done so before.

  8. #8
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom Ever wanted to just smack someone? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    Have wanted to slap someone and did slap then!!!!!

    This is going back some 8 years now but i was in school and we had just done this computer thing where you can super impose someones head on another.

    So this kid who i don't really like anyway decide it would be funny to super impose my face onto a year two girl's photo with pigtails!



    however thats all cool everyone has a laugh except he decided to print copies off and hand then around the everyone!!! so i went up to him and said "You hand one more of them out and i will bitch slap you back to Africa" (I'd just watched "Welcom to America" with Eddie Murphy) so he handed out a photo to the next person so i proceded to slap him.

    Not the "Manliest" of offence but hey it worked!!

    And yes it does Sound like you need to slap the bitch who went balistic IMO!!!


  9. #9
    The joke is far too true Ever wanted to just smack someone? loner-kid's Avatar
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    heh, that's pretty crazy. Personally i've never really had anything like that happen to me... Oh wait there was time in year 8 where one of my friends was being bullied by this total ****, the i'ma gonna beat you up because I know [insert martial art here]/if you do anythin against me i'll get my older bro Heh heh heh, like to try to see him box while he's in a head lock. I call it the three second fight, it was glorius

    Read some of my stuff here

    The Gargoyle

    The gargoyle sits, solemnly, alone
    That silent man of stone
    Here, for his deeds he must atone

    Beaten eyes stare blankly
    Withered arms curved and wrinkly
    Bat-like wings spread fully

    For once he was a man deceitful
    His soul decored in black so hateful
    From his despair grew pain most vengeful

    With his death he was deserted
    Left condemned and desecrated
    Bound to form most understated

    And now he is but a statue made of stone
    Sitting all alone

    Star Gaze
    High in the sky, blinking down on us
    We all watch the stars
    Believing, as we do
    That friends and lovers long since moved away are staring upwards too
    Remembering us as we remember them
    Smiling in the light of an unatainable star
    And even if the star was snuffed out at that very moment
    We would never know
    We just keep smiling
    And believe the star is true

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    (is laughably small because 'loner' turned out to be fairly accurate)
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    Raider - my ginger brother

  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Should of slaped the **** out of that whore. Ok now to me.... (yea I am that conceted)

    Good god I don't think there is a person anywhere that I haven't wanted to slap the spit out of, well maybe there is a few I haven't. In order to avoid typing up a black list of people who deserve to feel the back hand I think I will just end this with a yes, I have and do still want to slap some people.

    Ex: people that walk through the smoking section at give the "cough" and shoot the smokers dirty looks. People who wait til the very last minute to slam on their breaks and wait even longer to use the signal (if they even use one). "That guy" at parties, you know who I am talking about.

    Back to you, I think the whole situation was crazy to begin with and should of resulted in someone with a hand print across the face. It just seemed oburd.
    Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"

    We will fight, we will be strong
    Together we're marching on
    United, we move as one
    Our finest hour has just begun
    Philmore - Our Finest Hour

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  11. #11
    Maybe that guy always parks in her spot and tries to play it off every time like he doesn't understand and doesn't know.

    Or maybe that girl's the biggest brat in the world and needs to get curb stomped.

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