You're not the only one.Here are a few of mine
Mr. Ee (a blatant Mr. Do! clone - link for the young'uns!) on my trusty old BBC reminds me of my childhood. It was the first game I ever got good at.
Final Fantasy IX reminds me of sitting on my bedroom floor and listening to old school house music from the early 90s whilst playing it, and also of my time at college, and my friend's eldest son Taylor's birth. I was playing it when I got the news my friend was in labour, trying to defeat Ozma at long-range. I managed, and Taylor was born later that day, so I really remember my achievement.
LOZ:Link's Awakening reminds me of spending time with my cousin, who showed me how to get past the Tail Cave (lame, I know, being stuck on the first level, but I figured out the rest of the game myself).