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Thread: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

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  1. #1
    TFF's Resident Messenger Does playing games trigger memories for you? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Basically, I am wondering if I am the only one that does this. Hopefully, I'm not. Anyway, just like the title say, does playing a video game trigger a memory in your life? Does a certain scene in a game make you remember something similar?

    One example: The first time I was doing the PokeBlock minigame in Pokemon Sapphire I was selling vegetables at our family's roadside stand in 2005. That is only part of the memory. That first time I played it, I suddenly remembered a conversation I had in 2004 about the PSAT/NMSQT. Now, this memory and the memory's memory plays in my head every time.

    Another: I was playing Hard Rock casino. It was during a Poker 4 x 4 Slot Tournament. I was in the final round and in first place at the time, and then my aunt pulls in the driveway and blows her truck's horn. I rush to the door, and in the process, forgot to Pause the game. The tournament continued and ended up getting 5th Place. Now, every time I play it, I remember the time I almost won that one Tournament, and how I hope my aunt doesn't come to visit while playing.

    So what are some your memories that come up when playing games? Does this even happen to you, or am I just wierd? Okay, I already know I'm weird, so disregard that last part of the previous question.
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  2. #2
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Does playing games trigger memories for you? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    You're not the only one. Here are a few of mine

    Mr. Ee (a blatant Mr. Do! clone - link for the young'uns!) on my trusty old BBC reminds me of my childhood. It was the first game I ever got good at.

    Final Fantasy IX reminds me of sitting on my bedroom floor and listening to old school house music from the early 90s whilst playing it, and also of my time at college, and my friend's eldest son Taylor's birth. I was playing it when I got the news my friend was in labour, trying to defeat Ozma at long-range. I managed, and Taylor was born later that day, so I really remember my achievement.

    LOZ:Link's Awakening reminds me of spending time with my cousin, who showed me how to get past the Tail Cave (lame, I know, being stuck on the first level, but I figured out the rest of the game myself).
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  3. #3

    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Playing Super Mario Bros 3 reminds me of one time I was playing it sometime during the winter and it was really cold and cloudy outside.

    Playing Final Fantasy IV reminds me of playing it as a kid with my older brother. Great memories.

    Playing Ocarina of Time reminds me of the time I was playing it after I had my wisdom teeth removed and I was bedridden for the remainder of that day. I even remember the part I was at during that day. I was in the Gerudo Fortress on my way to finding the Spirit Temple.

    Final Fantasy XII reminds me of the first time I played it. It was during the fall and winter and it was cold outside. I remember playing it late at night while having a candle lit for extra heat and listening to certain musical artists at the time, while playing the game, most notably The Fray and Nirvana. Funny how little things like that can make certain memories stick with you.
    Currently Playing: Final Fantasy

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  4. #4
    Hewerya love...? Does playing games trigger memories for you? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    One that comes to mind is the backwards level in crash 2 were the boulder is chasing you. Whenever I play that level I remember the spicy taste of fajitas. Because I was eating a fajita that my mum made when I played that level.

    (I'l add more if I think of them )

  5. #5
    G'day Does playing games trigger memories for you? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    One that comes to mind is the backwards level in crash 2 were the boulder is chasing you.
    I hated that part! I was always scared that I wasn't going to make it in time and I was like, s**t, I need to hurry up and I'd fall down a hole or something

    I have memories of hanging out with my brother and sister, when we were kids, while playing Super Mario Brothers 3. We'd take turns and I liked to watch them play. I'm the youngest, so I hardly got a turn. And I think of my mum when I think of Tetris and Dr Mario She'd play it when we all went to sleep She was pretty good at those games. She was a mother during the day, a gamer at night hahaha.

  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger Does playing games trigger memories for you? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    I have memories of hanging out with my brother and sister, when we were kids, while playing Super Mario Brothers 3.
    Your post triggered a memory for me. My first video game was the Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt game for NES. I remember completing the game on the day was sister was born.

    I haven't played that game in 15 years. Golly, time flies.
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  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Tomb Raider 3 was my first game, and I still remember it being the first game me and mum popped into the PSOne when we got it. I remember standing next to her bed and watching the loading screen with excitement.

    FFVII from when I broke up with Kage. Game cheers me up, and funnily enough reminds me of here sometimes. If it wasn't for FFVII, I wouldn't be here.

    FFVIII from that time I threw a PS2 memory card at my brother. It missed him, and hit the wall, causing complete data loss from the memory card. Lost the many hours he'd put into playing FFVIII. Oops.

    GTA IV from college. Spent a few nights up with friends playing that instead of coursework. I also got my first PSN friend through playing it - we ended up in a game with just RPGs for weapons, and randomly teamed up against everyone else. We made quite the duo.

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
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    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  8. #8
    Registered User Does playing games trigger memories for you? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    i love going old school when it comes to games.. because thats what we did after school.. that was the thing. not only does it trigger old memories but emotions and the way i viewed life as a kid.. remembering my mind set of how i figured how to beat Goro(mk) or M. Bison(stftr) or how there was this one chik that had huge eyes that i had a crush on back in 96 and she was over watching us play sonic.. and the music to star light zone stage reminds me of her(even though iv only seen her like twice in my life.. chik long gone!!).... <-- corny?? stfub

  9. #9
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Does playing games trigger memories for you? che's Avatar
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    Re: Does playing games trigger memories for you?

    Why wouldn't it? Memories are triggered from familiar things. Scents, even. When September comes around and that first cold air hits after summer, it reminds me of playing FF8 with my window open for the first time.

    It's just like any other triggered memory, why would something visual NOT trigger a memory?

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

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