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Thread: Do you rather want to be single or married?

  1. #1

    Do you rather want to be single or married?

    this is what we called freedom isn't it hehehe!!

    well i don't know if you had this topic before in this forum... well most of you are in the stage of getting married, but some don't want to because of personal reasons especially when it comes to emotions... just tell me your good reason whether you want to be single or married... tell something practical ok?

    Mine was i want to be married... i want to help the one that i love for the rest of my life.. i believe being a woman is the big help for a man... i don't know about you but that's my opinion ok? what's yours?

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  2. #2
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Much like many, i'd love to find my counterpart and settle down with her. But in a realistic world, that kind of hope is just ridiculous. With the divorces falling so often and ourselves going towards a consumer society...people will always think there is better and "upgrade".

    Sad...but i still clench the hope....

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  3. #3
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Ayse's Avatar
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    I see myself as someone that would get married, but not for a long while yet. I'm extremely old fashioned, and would love a great big wedding. However, it all depends on the person I'm with to be honest and if they want to get married on not. I think I'd only marry when I was ready to have children though.

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  4. #4
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Yuki-onna's Avatar
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    I don't know....for now, I choose single. I haven't met someone I'd say "gee, I want to marry him/her." It seems like a scary or...unnessecary thing to me. What does it mean nowadays anyway?

    Wearing a pretty dress and...then you settle down, and get divorced when you get bored...?
    I remember when you were happy with a RADISH.

  5. #5
    Synthesized Ascension Do you rather want to be  single or married? Zardoch's Avatar
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    Marriage is an overrated, one-sided battle that no one under 28 or even 30 try to go through. It's become a propaganda fairytale that one day someone will fall in love and live happily ever after...without reading the small print at the bottom. Thus women, usually teens and tweens are the ones sucked into the falsehood. Mostly women anyway. There's an ever growing male population of moronic men, usually older teens and young adults, getting the same idea and becoming a walking doormat.

    To answer the question, marriage is something I will put off until I'm damn sure I love the other person and they love me equally and we are both willing to compromise. Other than that, the single life is only best when you need to room to breathe. So my answer is really that I won't want to be single, but I'm not going to get married for quite a long time.

    I quote myself, "There's always enough fish in the ocean, but the good ones you want to hook are in the deep abyss near the ocean floor."

  6. #6
    Air from my lungs. Do you rather want to be  single or married? Violet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Behemoth View Post
    I quote myself, "There's always enough fish in the ocean, but the good ones you want to hook are in the deep abyss near the ocean floor."
    I like how that went, it's quite true. I believe marriage is something you shouldn't have to rush into. Just because you feel all warm and squishy inside about someone doesn't mean you should hurry up and go get married. You need to make sure that they're the right person for you. I mean, you can love how they act, but there's the little things that can build up to get really annoying, such as how they live and how lazy they can be, or bad habits such as drinking too much/smoking too much...religion(unless you're good at excepting each other's faith).. how you're gonna handle the kids if you have any. There's another thing. When you have kids, everything will change. If you don't want kids, you better make damn sure that your fiance doesn't want kids either.

  7. #7
    The Journey Continues Phantom's Avatar
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    At the moment, I would wait for marriage, but me and my boyfriend don't wanna get married right now. But one day when the time is right for it we'll get married, and maybe one day adopt a kid or two and live in a peaceful, friendly environment, that would be a dream come true, but for right now marriage won't work, since were still trying to get through College and all. So both of us are somewhat busy but we always have time for each other.
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  8. #8
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I would love to get married some day but I don't want to for a while yet. My Brother got married when he was around 24 which is a good age I suppose but you hear about so many people getting divorces and it puts you off wanting to tie the knot. It's sad really but that's just the way it goes. I do want to get married though one day but God only knows when that will be lol. I'm still deciding on whether to have children or not, I don't think I'll really decide until my late 20's/early 30's.

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  9. #9
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married? Dimi's Avatar
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    As of now, I enjoy being single. Marriage is a big step I see as. I'm talking major commitment and it changes your life. Sometimes it can change what you have planned in life for yourself and I'd rather wait till I'm settled down with the career that I choose or at least from 26-30 years old I'm hoping to get married. But I'm not really looking for anyone to marry at this point. I'm still young and I've got a way to go before I put that into consideration in my life. Its something I would want one day but as of now, no. I'm single and I love to mingle.

  10. #10
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    well seeing that i am married, im going to have to go with married. It is the best thing that has happened to me, when i was single i was partying all the time, missed alot of work, drunk almost every nite, did some things i shouldnt of (not going into details).

    ive honestly never been happier, great wife, got a kid-o out of the deal. got my head back on straight. its kind of nice coming home to the same woman every night (yes before i met rach you could consider me a ho) couldnt picture my life with out her....

    note to chaz: i agree with the whole keeping it personal, me and the wife eloped to eureka springs AR, it was just me and her. i would change how we got married for the world it was perfect (even though the guy that married us looked like the clown from house of a 1000 corpses but anorexic)
    Last edited by Meier Link; 01-12-2008 at 09:15 AM.
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  11. #11
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'd almost kill to be married.
    That said, it'd have to be with someone I felt sure I loved. And with dating lately I don't think marriage will be in my immediate future...
    It's not really marriage as a word I desire though. Nope, it's having someone to love unconditionally who'd love me back. It's a much bigger ask than it sounds.
    Hell you gotta share some interests whilst still having some differences to create some interesting times, right?

    But yeah, single is fine too. Much less responsibility and you can be as lazy and drunk as you want.
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  12. #12
    Vagabond Thief Do you rather want to be  single or married? Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I would love to get married at some point,maybe a few years if I found the right guy. Right now i'm single which isnt a bad thing but I do miss having someone in my life,but I cannot wait til I get married life will be so much better then.
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  13. #13
    Gingersnap Do you rather want to be  single or married? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Oh lord, marriage.

    I'd like to be married someday. And I enjoy being in a relationship now.

    But I don't want to be married for a while. There's a part of me that can see being with Daniel for the rest of my life and there's another part that wonders if, in five years, we'll still be what the other one wants. I'd rather wait to find out before committing to a marriage. I'm not an adult yet, I don't know what I'll need when I am one.

    That, and Daniel really doesn't like the idea of marriage (and would rather not get married) while I really do. And my whole family started late having kids so there's always this thought in the back of my head that I should get married while they're around to see it. That's just really important to me.

    I don't know. It's a hard topic for me these days. I won't get too personal here, but most of you can put two and two together. But I figure... I'm happy now, we're happy now, and I shouldn't have to worry about marriage until well after college.

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  14. #14
    I dislike both really.

    If you're single then things can be unfun. There's times where it sucks to think nobody cares and all. Plus the older you get the more people rely on their other half. And it is nice to have someone around you love.

    Marriage on the other hand is nice but I'm iffy on it. It seems to really only sour relationships and stress people out. Not to mention most marriages fail so I'm not jumping into thata til I'd say at least 30.

    If I had to go with either I'd go marriage, but we'll see.

    I'd rather have a girlfriend and not be married, it's better just overall.
    Last edited by Maridia; 01-12-2008 at 12:22 PM.

  15. #15
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? pulse's Avatar
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    Well I'm engaged now so I'm saying married. We are very much part of one whole and I've never been happier since I met her, and vice-versa. It was strange how we ended up meeting up, under the most unusual circumstances and we just clicked straight away and ever since I met her I just can't imagine not being around her; I know not everyone believes in soul-mates, but I think I do now, our whole relationships existence seems just 'meant-to-be'.
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  16. #16
    I AM BOSS Angantyr's Avatar
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    Anybody who has talked to me on MSN knows my view on the matter. Problem is I keep attracting the wrong type *cough*skanks*cough* plus people think I'm weird/bizarre *Points to sig* so I'm kind of shit out of luck.

  17. #17
    At the moment I love being single and all that stuff, but it's true..I'm slowly getting older and stuff (22 zomg) and I do wonder what life will be someday, yes I want to be married, with children, the whole bunch. But I can't see myself living towards that moment of marrying and all that O_o; seems scary...ah well it will happen someday.

    Peace out

  18. #18
    TFF's Token Imp Do you rather want to be  single or married? Martin's Avatar
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    If I'm honest I think it's fair to say there's benefits to both. Personally I'm happy enough being single but it'd be nice if I had someone. I'm not losing sleep over being on my own but I don't wish to be celibate forever.

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  19. #19
    Cilla vs. Games Do you rather want to be  single or married? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I'd want to get married. When I was little it was like my dream. But now that i'm older and have dating a number of males. Sometimes I don't think they are all they are cracked up to be. I don't want to be married to a man where he thinks because i'm the wife he owns me and I have to do all the house work et cetera. That's not for me.

    That said. I still want to get married. But i'm going to be an incredibly picky girl on who I marry, because I want to marry for the long run. Not for say five years then have some man paying me child support.

    Oh and if you're curious I am in a relationship now. He's good for me. I can see us dating for awhile. But I don't think about marrying him heh. But either way he's gorgous
    Last edited by Priscilla; 01-23-2008 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #20
    Could I just get engaged? But never have the wedding?

    At the moment, I'm single and am content with it. I can do my own thing and make decisions that don't cause anyone else any more problems. Not saying that I wouldn't like being in a relationship, but it's not the be all and end all of my life anymore. ^^

  21. #21
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    I'm 17. Not quite at the marry stage lol.

    I'm a bit ****ed up in terms of conventional relationships. In short I hate them. Having someone is nice, but not forever and ever.

    In all honesty, being single sucks and lord knows that if I'm married it was forced. I just rather be a bachelorette, the unmarried but in some sort of relation. I don't believe we were made to be a species that married. I'm not saying that the idea is nice, but I don't like to see anyone for everyday for the rest of my life. I need my space. I have this one guy; he currently is a FWB, and is pretty needy, which really does explain we never mentioned going steady. I'm a pretty independent person. The only way I'd get married if someone was like me and we didn't live together. Its a bit heartless, I know but its how I do.
    Last edited by Rinoa.Heartilly; 01-26-2008 at 03:31 PM.

  22. #22
    King of Fur Do you rather want to be  single or married? Cerberuswaltz's Avatar
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    Searching about and found this, so I figured I'd respond. Got my curious side
    on the edge.

    Anyway, it's interesting to see how many people want to stay single for their
    remainder. As for myself, and my orientation... well, I'm staying single. I'd like
    to raise a kid, though... As Setzer said, it has its ups and downs.

    Ah, but, alas, I chose single, so I'm one of those adding to the count...
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  23. #23
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married? Halie's Avatar
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    Hm...I don't really know. The idea of being married is nice, but what if everything goes wrong and you end up getting divorced? That would just be a waste of money...heh.

    Anyway, I'm saying, that if you're gonna get married, it may as well be to someone who you really love, or think you can wake up next to everyday, and at a later time in life.

    Being single is also good too, you have more space, and feel more free.

    I doubt I would ever get married, though, lol. I just don't see myself getting married...or anyone who'd marry me, it just doesn't seem right, lol.

  24. #24
    *stretches* Well, a while ago I might have answered with: I'd rather remain single and mess around a bit.

    but the thing is....I got married last month...


    Being married isn't all that bad really. At least not in the way so many people seem make it sound like. Sure the divorce rate is going up and such, but I personally think that is mostly because people see it as an easy way out instead of working on the real relationship problems (though I of course admit that there are divorces which need to happen)

    There are so many people out there, but only a speacial few will make you feel right. And if you find one of those persons, you can stop looking for something better.

    I married because I know that my husband is a person I love and that we can tolerate each other on a daily basis as well as dealing with our relationship in a mature, clear-headed manner.

    I figure I am blabbering by now, but I'll give out one piece of advice, for anyone's taking: the secret to a good relationship is communication. Sounds easy, but it sure is not. Talking is a LOT more effort than just shutting up about problems, deceptions, expectations....once you find someone you can talk to openly about e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. and they can do the same with you; you should NOT let that person get away....

    longer post than I intended...just my two cents worth!

  25. #25
    I'll make you famous Do you rather want to be  single or married? Rydia Lover's Avatar
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    im still on the fence there. i do want to settle down but i some how dont see myself getting married. first things first, whoever i may be getting married to has to accept that i am not gonna bear any children, ive already promised myself to adopt.

    but like i said, i dont think im the type of person someone could fall in love with if you know what i mean.
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  26. #26
    I definitely want to get married. I always have wanted to. The only problem I have is I honestly can't say why. Call it a fairytale if you want, but I've always dreamed of having a life-long relationship with someone, and marriage is part of that dream.

    I have no problem with being single at the moment. I'm not desperate to find someone as soon as possible, but it's definitely not my goal to stay single or even be in a non-serious relationship. If I'm going to be with someone, it has to be serious.

  27. #27
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married? DarkIrvine's Avatar
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    I want to be married! I don't want to be a single: I just can't see why I should be alone!
    If you're married you can share everything with the person you love. You can help each other when you get into troubles etc etc...

  28. #28
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Seeing as how I recently got engaged I guess the answer is obvious. But the truth is, you really can't really plan ahead if you want to get married or not.

    People say that girls dream of their wedding day since they were little..well I didn't... so now I don't have any idea how I'd like my wedding to be lol. I really didn't think I'd ever get married (I didn't want to for the most part of my life). But really, you just never know sometimes

  29. #29
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    I've always wanted to be seriously commited to someone since I started relationships, even when I was 18 I was ready to fall in love and live life with that person.

    At this point in my life I'd easily say that yes, I'd love to be married. I'm not a date-around type of person, and the only relationships I look for are serious ones. Probably a large part of why I haven't gotten past a first date in 3 years.

  30. #30
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    Seeing as how I recently got engaged I guess the answer is obvious.
    Well congratulations, lady.

    I am in a similar boat to "Dirgon." I would like to get married some day, and I am not the kind of person who would just "date for fun." If I started dating someone, I would have intent to marry them some day as well. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

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