View Poll Results: I rather be a....

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  • married person

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Thread: Do you rather want to be single or married?

  1. #31
    Sir Prize Do you rather want to be  single or married? Sinister's Avatar
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    It depends doesn't it? Everyone wants to have someone understand them through and through. If I find someone like that, then yes. Would love to have a little baby daughter and son that I can raise. Would love to have a beautiful wife. All of that is standard desires... We'll see, then...


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  2. #32
    I like being single, I really can't be arsed with the trouble that living together with another person brings.

    Once you're married, you have to change, and make commitments. Totally not something I'd be ready to deal with, and never want to be arsed with. Maybe due to my immaturity, but I would never change the way I do things just for someone else. If they don't like it, they'll have to learn how to get over it and cope.

    I'm not going to stop doing what I like to do, simply because someone else doesn't like it. Besides, I know that since I'm that way, it's bound to cause drama, and the last thing I want is some crazy bitch screeching in my ear because I don't do anything all day. I do not like IRL dramaz, and do not tolerate it.

    So for the moment, I like being on my own, in my very quiet environment.

  3. #33
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Cheez's Avatar
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    I think being married would be great, (later of course I'm to young) but more importantly i think that if i don't it would be bad for my sanity (i think i have a jar of it somewhere) because i'll fell very lonely, no one loves me

  4. #34
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Jikuu's Avatar
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    Marriage only invites changes in yourself that you are willing to make, and if the significant other is wanting serious change out of you, then the relationship will not work out at all. Both parties must be accepted, more or less, as the way they are now. Acceptable changes are more like "let's take turns taking out the trash", not "you should be more affectionate". You will never change another's personality successfully.

    Rant off, I am in the group of "married", although I'm not fond of ritual and law. I rather naturally choose to be with someone the rest of my life and not TIE myself to him or her. One can never know what hardships will occur, and divorce is really nasty to deal with.

    Personally, I'm in a long term relationship that's heading towards "forever". 3 years, 4 months, 6 days. ^^

  5. #35
    Gingersnap Do you rather want to be  single or married? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Your boyfriend is staying at your house, your father is at work, you both need a shower.... so you take one together. Afterwards, you walk out giggling and realize your father has come home, and he is sitting in the room right next to the bathroom.

    I've never seen Daniel zip his mouth so fast in my life.

    We never spoke of it.

    The idea of a wedding full of family and friends is exciting to me, and I look forward to it. But that's a performing arts major for you. Attention is fun. I, personally, couldn't elope because I would feel like I missed out on something I can share with people I know and care about. It's not just about attaching myself to my husband for me. It's like... a reunion. I don't know, I lucked out and ended up with a great group of family and family friends. I'd want it to be outdoors, I'd want my extended family to play music, I'd want good food, good drink, and people could bring their dogs and kids and let them run around after the ceremony. Perhaps the ceremony could be indoors... I mean, I'm willing to compromise. But you know... something pretty but playful. That's what I have in mind.

    I see a wedding as something fun, not as a chore. But once again, I'm a performing arts major with an awesome family/extended family. And that has a lot to do with it.

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  6. #36
    That One Guy Do you rather want to be  single or married? dimmufan's Avatar
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    I would like to stay unmarried for the rest of my life. That's not to say that I wouldn't like to have a serious relationship. I can get the same joys and the like from having a girlfriend just as much as having a wife. Besides, marriages are expensive and so are divorces. Unmarried couples have much better breakups.

    But if I were asked this question in 20 years from now, who knows, it might change or it might stay the same.
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  7. #37
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Being someone who is divorced I am not going to vote either way. I thought I found the person that I would spend the rest of my life with. I wanted to grow old with her. Having her in my life was a good thing. In fact it was great. Because of her I was more ambitious and headstrong. I wanted to succeed and help make our lives wonderful. I thought she felt the same. Then without warning everything changed. Reality has a way of complicating things. Nothing is ever simple. While one person can give up their entire being to another without even giving it a second thought, the other may have to try a lot harder. Basically when I deployed to Iraq she couldn't handle being strong for me anymore and went in the complete opposite direction. Though it was probably the hardest and most depressing moment in my life, I am glad it happened when it did. I believe it would have happened eventually. It's better that we split up after the first year of marriage, rather than five or ten years later when children might be an issue.

    I have gained an important experience that has changed my outlook on relationships. While one day I may want to marry again. I am right now content with being single. In fact, I won't even date unless I think I have gotten to know the person well enough. The last two that I have dated since my wife both turned out to be crazy and or a stalker. The key is to move slow. Don't ever rush a relationship. Always go the slower persons speed. Rushing them will either drive them away or push them into something they don't want.

    Sorry to get super serious on everyone but I just had to throw in my two cents.

  8. #38
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    as much as i'd like to get married, i love being single. when i think about it, i've still got YEARS to go before i have to think about marriage though...

  9. #39
    Member of The Promised Land psychosyd's Avatar
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    I voted on being married, for that is my goal... but as Mike well brought out I would want to do it with someone who I can totally commit to and someone who can totally commit to me to make that lasting relationship.

    Simply put, if things go well and continue at the way they are going, I will be getting married in California in August

    Lets just go with that ^^
    Member of SOLDIER

  10. #40
    I didn't vote on this one as I don't think marriage is a necessity anymore. I've been with my boyfriend for nearly three years now and we've talked about getting married but it doesn't really make a difference, all it is is a piece of paper at the end of the day, and we can still be together and live together and not get married. Meh, I'm about to turn 20 so I'm not looking to get married tomorrow, I'd rather just settle down, be happy and take it one day at a time.

  11. #41
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? Secret Weapon's Avatar
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    Well my case is different.

    I had a girl who was real and true to me ( bout 4/5 years ago now). We saw eye to eye about everything. How we said things and talked to each other was like no other. It was like playing FFVII every second I was with her (kinda geeky but true). Everything was fine and dandy until my other big head had to stick out more than the one with my brain in it (if yall catch my drift). We weren't going together on a LOT of conditions but to make a long story short, she ended up going back to Arkansas with her grandparents instead of staying in Indianapolis with me. She HAD the choice to stay with me and that's the monkey that keeps jumping on my back.

    Me and her ALWAYS have chemistry. Even after she had left it ignited right back up. I STILL love her with all my heart, body, and soul. I'm not going to give up on her. She is the ONLY female that I KNOW I can trust with my life to. The ONLY female who I feel who sucks my heart out everytime she talks (she's that beautiful). The ONLY female who admires and understands me as a person+individual. MOST of all, ske kept teasing me to her (That is really kinky !!!)

    That is why I have to agree with dimmufan. I want to stay single. Girls here only want a dude for selfish reasons and that is a girl I CANNOT find myself waking up to every morning. I got stabbed in the back many of times but the way I got currently? Saying she loves me but ends up hiding her true, money-hungry character and goes out with someone else 1 1/2, 2 months after we broke up? No thank you. I'd rather die alone then die with a false sense of interpretation, telling me that someone "LOVES"( and I use that intoxicated loosely) me.
    Last edited by Secret Weapon; 05-15-2008 at 09:14 PM. Reason: Mispelling, grammar errors
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  12. #42
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    I definitely want to end up getting married, hopefully while I still am at a young age too. It's hard to believe, especially for all of these kids that are still in high school, but after you graduate, it is very possible to become married and to have a child just 5 years from now.

    I guess the thing I have going for me is that I never have been in a serious relationship, so I don't know exactly what the standards are for a the whole proper 'art' of courting, dating, and etc., but on the other hand that means I have not been through really bad situations that have turned me off from women either, so it balances things out a bit. It scares me to a point though, that I'm 19 and I have yet to experience this thing called love, but with any luck it will come at the right moment, which is something that I am ready to wait for.
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  13. #43
    Australian Goof Do you rather want to be  single or married? Craven's Avatar
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    Well, I want to end up getting married later in life. But for the moment its fun being single. I would probably wait for the right person to get married to. Lots of fish in the sea right?

    Considering that, I am only 15. Haha. But if only she lived close.. <3

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  14. #44
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Id rather be single, the whole thought of marriage freaks me out, it seems so forever and if it dnt work out you gota go thro the whoel divorce thing and thats money and a waste of ur life. the thing i would want out of a marrige is the big white dress, and 2 ave a whole day centred on me, it prob sounds shallow but nevermind eh?? lol

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  15. #45
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Do you rather want to be  single or married? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    I want to be a married person in the Future. But right now ain't the time, cause I'm only 16, but deffenitly want to be married in the Future.

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  16. #46
    I've been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years now and while I do think of it from time to time, I don't want to get married until I'm like 30. I want to be financially well off enough to support a family. I just don't see the point in getting married so young, it is almost never a good outcome.

  17. #47
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Do you rather want to be  single or married? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Only when I'm totally sure that I can support my future family I'll get married until then I'm free as a bird. But I'm still 20 years old and I go on college so it's not the time to think seriously about marriage.

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  18. #48
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married?
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    Maybe when I mature a little bit I will think about marriage. I don't mean mature as in age-wise. I am 23 but I don't really act like it. I am happy to be single right now, but I do see marriage as a possibility in the future. Not the near future, mind you.
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  19. #49
    Do you rather want to be  single or married? V_Translanka's Avatar
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    Marriage is a terribly outdated concept. If I love someone I don't need anyone else to know it and I certainly don't need it to be 'certified' by any one religion or government. I like the idea of changing names for love, sort of creating a new family in that regard, but I think it'd be neat if the new love creates an entirely new name for both partners rather than taking each others' names or just combining them, but w/e...

  20. #50
    Registered User Do you rather want to be  single or married? Yesha's Avatar
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    I'm stiLL young.. so I want to enjoy my Life as singLe.. I experienced having a boyfriend and it just gave me headache.. LoL! And aLso.. being free/singLe is more enjoyabLe.. there's your friend or bestfriend who you can count on and teLL probLems with.. and heLp you.. :-) You don't need boyfriend unLess you're ready for settLing down.. :-)

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  21. #51
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Marriage is a religious convention and since I'm not particularly religious, it doesn't really make sense for me to get married and honestly I've never been inclined to consider it. Seen too many marriages, including my parents', fail miserably. I don't care to put myself through that nasty business.

    Yeah I know, I'm only looking at the negative side but that's just how I view the institution as a whole due to said personal experiences. I think it's great that other people still put a lot of import on religion, it's just not for me.

    I suppose things might be different if I wasn't still single though lol.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  22. #52
    If I had a wedding, I'd try to do something out of the ordinary, like this: YouTube - JK Wedding Entrance Dance . Maybe not exactly like that, but weddings are seriously usually boring.

  23. #53
    Asking all the personal questions. Do you rather want to be  single or married? RamesesII's Avatar
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    I've been with my girlfriend for almost 4 years now and while I do think of it from time to time, I don't want to get married until I'm like 30. I want to be financially well off enough to support a family. I just don't see the point in getting married so young, it is almost never a good outcome.
    So lets just say you are thirty and financially free and then you and your partner decide to have a family of little Che's haha you will be running after them like a headless chicken until your fifty and even then you will still be looking after them leaving not much more room for the indulgences of life while young hahaha jk

    Well i guess i have to say i would rather be married seen as i already am haha. Seriously though both have their pros and cons, being single means you can go buy as much porn i mean anime as you want but yet being married means you have a partner to have inter course with without out having to waste senseless amounts of money in a pub or brothel looking for a worthy lady/gentleman to bed for the night maybe longer haha.
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  24. #54
    I will finish the hunt Do you rather want to be  single or married? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I don't look at it as easy as being single or married/ good or bad. It depends on the person you are and the person you are with. I am married, and I love it. I love knowing I have someone that will be there for me no matter what. However, if he was a jack ass I wouldn't be so happy about it. I love being single, but needless to say the dates I went on...........the single life was not so cozy until my husband came around to put it plainly . Guys usually looked at me and said.....there's a girl who's easy. Then they found out I actually had a brain and that would be the end of that. I prefer marriage. I went out with my gf's a little while ago and saw the dating scene again close up. I am glad to be out of it. lol

    and Ram; we have tons of porn....I mean anime....married life can be fun too . I do miss walking into a room and getting hit on by half the crowd, lol. I miss the attention a bit.
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 08-13-2009 at 11:13 AM.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  25. #55
    Mmm probably married. To be with the one I love... I can think of no better thing.
    I say that, but I wouldn't want to get married yet. A very committed relationship? Yes.
    One thing is for sure... I do not want to be single for the rest of my life. If that's the case I'll be adopting alot more cats XD.

    Following the path for truth...

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  26. #56
    I invented Go-Gurt. Do you rather want to be  single or married? Clint's Avatar
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    Considering that married people live longer than people who stay single, I'd rather be married. I don't want to get married yet, though, because as a man, it's my duty to support the family, and I can't do that very well without money.

  27. #57
    the mysterious Do you rather want to be  single or married? gothdra's Avatar
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    I`d like to stay single. that way I feel more freedom and I can do what I want without depending on someone.

    offcourse it doesn`t mean I`ll be alone forever. I`ve got friends thankfully

  28. #58
    ~☆~Muahahaha!!!~☆~ Do you rather want to be  single or married? SilkAngel's Avatar
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    I've always wanted to get married, but once I've experienced life for a few years after school. I don't want to rush into it, because that may leave a bunch of regrets. Plus I want to find the right person. ^^

    I enjoy being single, but I do want to get married eventually.

  29. #59
    Fading into a dream Do you rather want to be  single or married? Dean Winchester's Avatar
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    Single, i'm not getting married ever.

    I've have crap luck with women anyway and i don't feel like trying to find that special one anymore.

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  30. #60
    Single or have a girlfriend til I'm 30-35 and around then be married. BUT I won't marry without a prenup. I've seen how messy divorces can be especially with kids. So if that's the case sort out the stuff before you go to war so it's all nice, neat and tidy. When people get married they always say it won't happen to them, but at the current rate, more than likely you will be. Work smarter not harder.

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