--> Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?
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Thread: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

  1. #1
    G'day Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    This isn't a serious question, but I was wondering, as I do.

    I was just having a really hot shower and I felt a bit ill and my skin was red, as you would expect, when you have a really hot shower and I was thinking....

    Is it possible, for a human to be boiled alive? Or steamed? Just like a lobster?

    I know it's a stupid question, but hey I'm just putting it out there and I'm not sorry

  2. #2
    Passing fair judgement Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Yes, a human can be boiled alive. I've turned a shower on max heat, boy did that kill. However, it wasn't enough to truly boil oneself, but given the right temp, yes, I think it's possible.
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  3. #3
    Hewerya love...? Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    It's a horrible thing to think about, but I don't know if its possible in a shower, the most that would happen would be serious scalds and burns instead of death.

    On a lighter note, I prefer cold or luke warm showers to steaming hot ones. Really don't like hot showers, and I hate being too warm too. Plus, you feel twice as refreshed coming out of a cooler shower than a real hot one.

  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    On a lighter note, I prefer cold or luke warm showers to steaming hot ones. Really don't like hot showers, and I hate being too warm too. Plus, you feel twice as refreshed coming out of a cooler shower than a real hot one.
    You use a lot less water too, because you have a tendency to get out of there quickly. Pro tip.

    Of course it's possible, but I'm pretty sure it is illegal to have a hot water cylinder that is capable of boiling water. So it's not possible with water from a tap/shower head in most buildings.

    I've heard that humans taste something like horse meat. In case you ever get curious.

  5. #5
    Crash Boom Bang Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    I burnt myself on a hot shower before a night out in Chester. Me and my friend had a room booked, I dive int he shower first. I like my showers hot, so I whapped the dial thingy right round and **** me it was as hot as the sun, flew out at some speed as well. I sat there for a good hour afterward praying that the redness on my chest and face would go away ):

    Even if it were possible to boil in a a shower, which Im pretty sure I almost did, Im sure common sense would prevail and you'd dive the **** out of there anyway

  6. #6
    Killer love song what a BLAST! Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? TerraWham's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    i've treated people in the hospital with water burns over their whole body.
    Boy that looks extremely painful and you will certainly say that was the worst moment of your life.
    Even child birth looks better than this.

  7. #7
    Shake it like a polaroid picture Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    I've heard that humans taste something like horse meat. In case you ever get curious.
    I've heard the same thing in a million variations with all different kinds of animals. O_o
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  8. #8
    is not a douche Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    I'd rather be steamed alive rather than boiled. Steam would probably kill you a lot faster. If you've seen the movie, "the bone collector". It'd be like how that lady got steamed with that pipe. Didn't take very long, did it?

  9. #9
    Passing fair judgement Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Quote Originally Posted by TerraWham View Post
    i've treated people in the hospital with water burns over their whole body.
    Boy that looks extremely painful and you will certainly say that was the worst moment of your life.
    Even child birth looks better than this.
    Yup, it's not pretty. I've done it before, it was the literal definition of "feel the heat".
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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Of course we can boil. All we are is meat and flesh - ever boiled a chicken?

    On another note, I like hot showers. I never feel clean after a cold shower, and I tend to only have those if I'm really hot and need to bring my temperature down. I'm naturally a warm person, so that feels good.

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  11. #11
    Registered User Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Vogue Star's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    I've seen a pic of a man that accidentally boiled to death in his bath- give me nightmares it did. I've heard humans are meant to taste like pork. If I was given the option I probably would try human. I'd have to see a picture of the person I was eating beforehand though so I could judge which cut was the juiciest

  12. #12

    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    yes, but it's gross Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?-shc-gif

  13. #13
    G'day Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Quote Originally Posted by seff View Post
    yes, but it's gross Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?-shc-gif
    Ewww! That IS gross! Makes me feel a little queasy.

  14. #14
    The Mad God Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Do you like your Human, Boiled or Steamed?

    Back when there were no water heaters, and metal bathtubs were heated by fire, there was (supposedly) the occasional case of a person cooking themsleves to death. I really can't see how this would happen though, which leads me to bleive that's just a myth. As stated, you'd kinda think the good ol' nervous sytem would let you know at some point, "Hey buddy, you're burning to death. Should probably move soonish. Just thought ya should know", but then, I suppose it is still possible that people have cooked themselves in baths.

    To answer the question though, I eat my human raw. Live is even better. Preferably struggling.
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