View Poll Results: Do you believe in a higher power?

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  • Yes

    15 55.56%
  • No

    9 33.33%
  • Unsure

    3 11.11%
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Thread: Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power

  1. #1
    Registered User Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Darth Ultor's Avatar
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    Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power

    Well, through talking with people of several faiths, by reading the Torah, and from my favorite video game, I deduced that God is an intelligent Force intertwined and united with all things both physical and spiritual through the whole realm of existence, and that has direct and complete control of everything at every time. Kinda like karma on steroids. My faith in God is unquestionable, but whether I believe the God is something to be worshiped, I don't know. I think simple awareness is adequate.

    Set made by Snows of Yester-Year of KF

  2. #2
    They're multiplying!

    You might want to give 'Religion: Your Opinion' a quick look.

  3. #3
    eehhh... Is this really necessary?

    To answer your question yes.

    QUOTE by me

    I try not to label myself as one specific religion because I don't really know about religon myself. I'm not a huge religous person that goes to church everyday, and reads the Bible. But I can say that I have read the Bible in the past and I do believe in god, probably because that is the way I was brought up and nothing will change my mind.I am religous to an extent. Growing up I was raised Catholic, however I know nothing specific to the Catholic tradition, like for example,not eating meat on certin days or puting black ash stuff on my forehead or whatever...I don't argue or care about what religion is because everyone's religion is different and everyone thinks they're right when we know nothing, and when I say that I mean everyone will believe what they will and It is point less to fight over it, and sad.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 01-11-2010 at 03:26 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

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    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  4. #4
    Registered User Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Darth Ultor's Avatar
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    Well, it's not really about religion per se, but if it is a repeat topic, you can close/merge it.

    Set made by Snows of Yester-Year of KF

  5. #5
    Ellipsis Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Meigumi's Avatar
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    I don't believe in power. I believe in mercy and kindness (God~). Power makes me seem more of an evil leader.

    I've never heard of an religion that believes in higher "power", though.
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  6. #6
    Yes, I do believe in God. I think the universe is far too large and complex to have come to be without a creator. And by the way, just because my title is "Defender of the Faith", doesn't mean I'm going to try to convert you or something. My title is named after an album by Judas Priest called Defenders of the Faith.
    Last edited by Mr Walrusman; 01-20-2010 at 04:05 PM.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Walrusman View Post
    Yes, I do believe in God. I think the universe is far too large and complex to have come to be without a creator. .
    Sometimes, I think the same thing, but then I start thinking, "What if this is just us, as small humans in a large universe or multiverse being really really naive and just trying to explain something we can't right now?".

    A lot of people, including Hawking, say that the more they learn about the universe, the more they start thinking there has to be someone who created it.

    I'm not sure what to believe, and I want to feel like I need to choose one or the other, but I don't think I should just yet. Not everything has to be defined and I don't have to know everything that's right or wrong right now.

    I'm going with undecided.

  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Josh_R's Avatar
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    I do not believe in a higher power or a god or anything like that. I am a devout atheist, and I think my parents are partly to blame, but mostly is on me. I grew up in a religious household, and my parents tried to push jesus on me, this made me just stop believing. I even tried for a little to find faith in any religion. I always like an outcast at my school, we were located on the dead center of kentucky's bible belt. I just couldn't find anything I believed in. Buddhism isn't to bad, don't have a god or nothing to worship. You just follow the teaching of Siddharta Guatama.

    As for the universe being created. I have always been a believer of the big bang.

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  9. #9
    8-Bit Underling Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Reverend Red Mage's Avatar
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    No, for the simple fact that nobody can really agree on what "God" means; most definitions are either meaningless or unsupported by evidence.

    I'm an atheist, too, but I'm a friendly one. I don't really care what you believe... it's when you start insisting that I should believe it, too.

    This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the sole purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves.
    -Robert Ingersoll

    Mage Chronicles, my blog.

  10. #10
    Do the elements trust you? Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Yes and no I do not believe in a god,gods,etc but I do believe that humankind is naive to beings around them, not accepting their existance, and lying to themselves when they see evidence to the contrary of what they believe
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  11. #11
    8-Bit Underling Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Reverend Red Mage's Avatar
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    ...I'm going to reiterate the point I made in the post above.

    Before we start elaborating on believing in "God", let us first clearly define what "God" is so that we all can objectively judge whether or not we believe in such a concept.

    This crime called blasphemy was invented by priests for the sole purpose of defending doctrines not able to take care of themselves.
    -Robert Ingersoll

    Mage Chronicles, my blog.

  12. #12
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Actually I will step in here right now before this goes much further:

    1: This is not a duplicate thread. The other thread in question, Religions, your opinions, is not as limited as this one is. In all actuality the other thread has been limited down and trashed from the intents of the OP, which I hope will one day restore itself. From the way that threads OP reads it is based around people’s opinions of all religions. Most people choose to just post about their own.

    2: This thread is about ones personal belief in a higher power or deity and that is it. In all actuality, in this thread there should only be one post per person and that is it unless those core beliefs change. The OP has limited it down to where no real further conversation can occur. There is not room for open discussion other then that. There is no right or wrong when posting in here about your belief so no one should be able to question it or make negative statements about other peoples beliefs. Then again, if it happens the offending party should be met with a warning.

    3: There is no reason to try and define what “God” is. Anyone that tries to is just going to be limiting this thread down to what their belief is. God is an open ended interpretation through ones own core belief.

    My first intuition was to close this thread on the basis that it was a duplicate thread, but after reading into things a little more and avoiding the assumption that it was a duplicate; I have decided to keep it open.

    On the other hand due to the lack of debatable content (Why should anyone tell anyone else what to believe or that their opinion in the millions of possibilities, is wrong. There are no definitive answers.) I have decided on the other hand to move this thread out of ID and into General Chat. If any of the Mods in GC feel that I am wrong and that this is a duplicate thread feel free to close it or move it back to ID.

    Seeing I am limited on time, thanks to the kids, to properly respond to the thread and explain why I do believe in a God I will have to come back in here and post again.
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  13. #13
    The Bad Boy of TFF Do you believe in God or some kind of higher power Block's Avatar
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    start off with saying, "What an appropriate advertisement for this discussion!"
    then I'll end it with, "God? I don't think so."

  14. #14
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I believe. Why? I have extensively read much of the Bible, been through Confirmation in the Catholic Church, been to a handful of other churches on several occasions, seen things happen amongst my close knit group of friends, had strange and frightening experiences... lots of reasons. I have also come to the conclusion that everyone must come to their own conclusion on the matter. Everyone interprets the "truth" differently, even going so far as to say that there "is no real truth" (I don't believe that, obviously.) You need to find your answers on your own. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    I'm a pretty staunch Atheist. Initially I pushed away from believing that there could be a higher power or anything similar for angsty mallgoth reasons (typical high school drama and black clothing...), but as I've matured a little (just a little ), I've come to realize that belief in a higher power made sense before we had a means of determining the origin of many things. Back before we had the science we do, if you wondered how certain things worked, the only option you really had was to assume that a higher power made it that way. In this day and age, it seems kind of base (no offense, just my opinion) to believe in a higher power. On top of that, I hate to quote Bill Maher since he's a massive bell end, but the comfort and solace that those kinds of belief have come at a high cost. Many die in the name of their respective gods, and quite frankly, I can't see myself being part of that.

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