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Thread: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Difficult learning curve is difficult. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Might there be something you always wanted to learn, but never really got around it?

    Me? How to play a piano. Often enough I listen to some of my favorite songs performed on a piano after which I get all hyped up to learn how to do that myself, but I never do. My little sister has this small portable piano, good for starters and my friend offered me a free piano lessons. Why I haven't learned how to play a piano so far? I really don't know.

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  2. #2
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    It sounded to me that you haven't really tried learning piano but got the resources to learn it if you want to? I don't see how that is called a difficult learning curve. The way I understood it if it's something you've been trying to learn but for some strange reason you just can't grasp it.

    As for me, uh..probably remembering directions (locations). I always get lost. The place has to be something I frequently visit for me to remember where it is.

    The thing I never get around to learning: dancing. I just don't see myself do that. Though I probably could if I try.

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Difficult learning curve is difficult. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    It sounded to me that you haven't really tried learning piano but got the resources to learn it if you want to? I don't see how that is called a difficult learning curve. The way I understood it if it's something you've been trying to learn but for some strange reason you just can't grasp it.
    Yea, I don't think the title of this thread goes well with what I'm trying to ask. Sorry for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quistis View Post
    The thing I never get around to learning: dancing. I just don't see myself do that. Though I probably could if I try.
    Same here. I'm probably way too white to learn how to dance =D

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  4. #4
    Registered User Difficult learning curve is difficult. Halie's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Ahh, dancing. I've tried learning to dance a couple of times and I fail miserably every time. Two years ago I had to put on a production of a modern day Oliver Twist where all the cast did a dance to 'All That Jazz' from Chicago and let me just say it was one of the most embarrassing experiences ever, I was absolutely terrible. I have really messed up feet which I think contributes to my lack of rhythm, so maybe after I have my surgery I'll be a better dancer? We'll see.

    I tried learning guitar a few years ago but I wasn't very good. I didn't enjoy it either so that didn't help. Also, maths. I was really shit at maths in school, it took me three times to pass my GCSE exams which is kind of embarrassing, but hey ho.

  5. #5
    Crash Boom Bang Difficult learning curve is difficult. Lily's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I always wanted to be able to play an instrument, I tried in school but I couldnt even master the triangle. I just can't co-ordinate my fingers. Id like to be able to bust out some amazing moves, but I can't co-ordinate my legs either.

  6. #6
    TFF's Resident Messenger Difficult learning curve is difficult. Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    The one thing I have found that I can not get the hang of is driving. Test me on any academic subject, I will pass with flying colors. Dancing, let me get my shoes. Playing piano or drums, piece of cake. I just can't drive.

    My parents tried to teach me, they gave up after I almost hit them while nearly flipping the car. I am the same way with motorcycles and dirt bikes. I am actually quite good with a 4-wheeler. And I am a pro at bicycling.

    But driving, it's best I stay out of the driver's seat.
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  7. #7
    Memento RK Difficult learning curve is difficult. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    For the longest time, I've wanted to learn french, or ANY language for that matter. It was mandatory throughout elementary school. I started out really young. I think the problem was that I wasn't willing to commit myself to the concept. Another problem was that I found as the years went by, we were only learning the same thing over and over and over, nothing was really changing, and I KNOW, a language isn't like that. The school system was constantly changing. After I passed grade three, that's when they started to INTRODUCE french to students. A lot of the years afterward seemed to push their curriculum by three years. Which meant what I had learned before was being repeated and I found that I wasn't going anywhere at all. When high school came around, it was still the same stuff, and by that time I just didn't care about it. I know the basics because that's all I remember from when I was taught.

    Everything else I'm really peachy about. I've needed to talk about the military with someone for a while. And planes.
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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    This thread title made me happy. From the main forum list, I saw "Difficult learning curve is..." and I said "Difficult?" And then it was, and then I smiled.

    I have never really gotten swimming down very well. The whole "turn you head to either side to take a breath" thing is really hard for me, and I can't tread water for very long either-always start to sink. Swim really slow, too. One time while camping, I swam out way far with some friends, started to get tired, and realized I wouldn't make it back. Had to put my arm on a friend be like, "Help!" and they had to help me back to shore. Was rather scary. Didn't realize I was that bad at it, I guess. Since then, we've gone camping a couple times, and whenever they go out in the middle of the water, I'm like "Nah, I'm good."

    Y'know, I never thought I'd learn an instrument, but I'm starting to get the hang of the bass a little bit. Never thought I could run for very long or do a pull up either, but I've run 9 miles, and can do... a pull up (yay.) Point is, you just gotta commit yourself to something. Keep trying, even if you feel like you're sucking. Ignore that voice in your brain that says "this sucks" or "I'm bored" and push on. Then you will not be the losiest anymore. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  9. #9
    G'day Difficult learning curve is difficult. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I can't swim. I remember going to lessons in school and I just didn't get it. I remember my sister was trying to teach me to float and she said to just relax and I did and I sunk! Lol. That's the one thing I just can't get the hang of.

    I can't drive, I've never driven. I did get my learners license once, but I never had a lesson and it expired. I'm pretty sure I COULD drive, but I'm scared for some reason.

    I enjoyed dance in high school. But I liked actually real dancing, like the jive and the waltz. I remember doing this Philippino dance when 2 people banged these long bamboo sticks on the ground twice and brought them together and I had to dance inbetween them while they did so. It was fun, even though my feet could've been chopped off. I also did that Chicago dance to All That Jazz. It was fun but, as I said, I like real dancing, not hoochie, I'm a slut, give me attention dancing. I don't dance anymore though. If I ever went out, I'd just stand there and do nothing I don't dance in public. Sorry.

  10. #10
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    I remember doing this Philippino dance when 2 people banged these long bamboo sticks on the ground twice and brought them together and I had to dance inbetween them while they did so. It was fun, even though my feet could've been chopped off.
    You're referring to 'Tinikling' lol. I never danced that (even though it could've been required in school back then because it's a cultural dance thingy.) so you beat me by a million miles. It's probably for the best or I would've chopped my feet off cos of my lack of coordination.

    Oh yes SWIMMING! I can't figure it out for the life of me either. So many people have tried. I can't float steadily to save my life.

  11. #11

    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I'm trying to get back into aggressive inline skaing (rollerblading), finding it tough to get back to the form that i was at when i was in my young teens. Its probably the most demanding sport ive ever partaken in, and it is very very unforgiving.

    First night back on the skates last year i went down 2 quarter pipes and lost my balance and smashed shoulder first into the quarter pipe at the other end of the park. Nearly broke my neck but got away with serious shoulder injuries, should have known better than to go down 2 x 1/4 pipes on my first night skating in nearly 15 years.

    I slowly came to realise that i will need to get in shape alot more in terms of agility, thats what i get for being a non stop couch potato stoner gamer for over a decade. So i need to get my ass in gear before i even think of flying off ramps again and beginning that next level learning curve.

    The theory is i used to be able to do it, so i just need to remember and get my muscle memory in check

    For those who havent got a clue what aggressive inline blading is:

  12. #12
    is not a douche Difficult learning curve is difficult. Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post
    This thread title made me happy. From the main forum list, I saw "Difficult learning curve is..." and I said "Difficult?" And then it was, and then I smiled.

    I have never really gotten swimming down very well. The whole "turn you head to either side to take a breath" thing is really hard for me, and I can't tread water for very long either-always start to sink. Swim really slow, too. One time while camping, I swam out way far with some friends, started to get tired, and realized I wouldn't make it back. Had to put my arm on a friend be like, "Help!" and they had to help me back to shore. Was rather scary. Didn't realize I was that bad at it, I guess. Since then, we've gone camping a couple times, and whenever they go out in the middle of the water, I'm like "Nah, I'm good."

    Y'know, I never thought I'd learn an instrument, but I'm starting to get the hang of the bass a little bit. Never thought I could run for very long or do a pull up either, but I've run 9 miles, and can do... a pull up (yay.) Point is, you just gotta commit yourself to something. Keep trying, even if you feel like you're sucking. Ignore that voice in your brain that says "this sucks" or "I'm bored" and push on. Then you will not be the losiest anymore. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom
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  13. #13
    Asking all the personal questions. Difficult learning curve is difficult. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph View Post

    I have never really gotten swimming down very well. The whole "turn you head to either side to take a breath" thing is really hard for me, and I can't tread water for very long either-always start to sink. Swim really slow, too. One time while camping, I swam out way far with some friends, started to get tired, and realized I wouldn't make it back. Had to put my arm on a friend be like, "Help!" and they had to help me back to shore. Was rather scary. Didn't realize I was that bad at it, I guess. Since then, we've gone camping a couple times, and whenever they go out in the middle of the water, I'm like "Nah, I'm good."
    I am in the same boat as you Tele, my parents tried to get me into to swimming lessons but all I did was muck around apparently but all I can remember is holding onto the sides haha, I can swim to save my life but not anyone else life haha, give some goggles and I can muck around under the surface all day(as long as my breath can hold out anyway) but I am no good at any stroke and when they were trying to teach me to float on my back I just couldn't do it I blame it on not having any body fat.

    I dread open water and have all my life, swimming pools are alright and rivers I am okay in but the ocean frightens me a little and I am 25 haha a bit sad. I just was never interested in learning to swim.

    I want to learn another language that would be on the top of my list maybe Japanese I learnt a little bit of Mandarin in highschool and have retained a little bit but not much.
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    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Playing the guitar. I've always wanted to learn, and I even have the guitar (it's mum's guitar, but for some reason it's stored in my room). I have sat down to give it a go a few times, but I couldn't get into it as well as I did with a piano/keyboard. I have to be able to read music too, and I didn't have anything at the time but a few scores on my laptop... which, when I played them, sounded nothing like I was playing. So I assumed I was just doing it wrong and gave up.

    I've also for a while wanted to move on to learning C++. I know enough C# at the moment, and I hear it's easy. It's not too late I guess. I'm still confident in my abilities. I just wish we'd learnt C++ instead of C# at college as C++ is more gaming oriented.

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  15. #15
    Hewerya love...? Difficult learning curve is difficult. seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I've always wanted to be able to be a mirror in a womens changing room

    oh and firebreathe

  16. #16
    Memento Rhapso Difficult learning curve is difficult. Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I thought I was the only one who couldn't swim Now I feel better about moving like a snail in the water.

    Other than that, I can't draw. I'm so horribly bad at drawing, and all of my friends are pretty much gods at it. I've taken art classes, tried free form, making my own style, and every time it comes out looking derpy and sub-par. I can grasp instruments, math, some language, whatever. Just not swimming or frickin' drawing. God forbid I find out the billions of other things I'm not destined to figure out.

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  17. #17
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Difficult learning curve is difficult. Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    Indeed, learning to drive is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I passed my test last June, and although I have only driven once as I can't yet afford to insure a car, I would love to learn more about cars in general, how they work etc. so that I know what to do if things go wrong, such as be able to change a tyre. I hear there are basic car maintenance courses at the local college; I am considering it.

    I would also love to be able to play an instrument. I tried keyboard in lower secondary, and attempted a beginner's beat on my friend Frankie's drumkit, but my co-ordination is terrible. >_<

    I would also like to know more about computers. I have three, none of which work correctly, and everybody knows what's wrong with them, except me. I feel so stupid!
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  18. #18
    Registered User Difficult learning curve is difficult.
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    Re: Difficult learning curve is difficult.

    I'm trying to learn piano too! I've had a keyboard since I was 16, and I can do a few melodies, but playing melody and accompaniment together is something my brain can't seem to grasp. I downloaded Synthesia though, and if I put in the practice, maybe I'll get some songs down....eventually. Just gotta stop being so lazy and put in those hours!

    Heh, seeing all the people talk about swimming reminds me of when I used to teach swimming lessons. Had a girl who would just sink like a stone no matter how much I tried to correct her form.
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