I think your post sucks an you should look farther than to the right of your palm for a topical discussion, but that's just me...
Or perhaps I'm just jealous we don't get root beer over here, who knows!
Serious, I can't believe how much I love this stuff. Best drink ever IMO.
What do you guys think?
I think your post sucks an you should look farther than to the right of your palm for a topical discussion, but that's just me...
Or perhaps I'm just jealous we don't get root beer over here, who knows!
Is it really worse than "say something nice about mitt Romney?"
Lol jk che
Last edited by Future Angel; 09-23-2012 at 05:57 PM.
Well ive no idea who he is so cant really argue that, i bet he's not to the right of your palm though...
Maybe the Goddess mentioned is Mitt Romney. He seems pretty queer enough. Perhaps this is just a sequel thread. Which brings to point that I had absolutely no idea that Mitt Romney invented Diet Root Beer.
That being said, that's something good that can be said about Mr. Romney. Diet Root Beer is indeed wunderbar. I like the vanilla taste, because vanilla is white, and white is always right.
Kidding aside, I love root beer, and I love diet soda, because I hate sugar, since it likes to try to kill me on occasion due to diabetes.
I've stopped drinking soda all-together. The choice is always do I want diabetes from corn syrup or cancer from diet/zero-cal sodas? Well I don't want either so filtered water for me. It is a super boring drink but at least it won't kill me (I think).![]()
Exactly! The sweet vanilla taste is what I love.
Grocery store had a&w root beer 2liter bottles for 79 cents each, so I stocked up.
Also got a cream soda bottle, but that's a whole nother level of awesomeness, and I'm scared that If I have it today with the root beer, I could end up with mako poisoning or something.
I was walking on sunshine til you rained on it
Yeah I like diet because it tastes the same to me, and calorie free. I agree water is super boringand Gatorade Tastes sour to me.
Maybe we can all come together and make a new drink that tastes good and is calorie free. We can call it Elixir. And we will sell another version in a fancier bottle and call it 'mega elixir'
I've never been a fan of cream soda myself. It's always been a little too sweet for me, but something that I like even more than root beer is birch beer. It tastes pretty much the same. I'm not sure what the difference is, but for some reason, I like it better, so there has to be some type of measurable difference.
I think it's made with birch bark instead of from root, or whatever root beer is made from. I have no idea how the hell that affects taste though. Maybe we've been drinking trees and we just don't realize it.
You can't get cancer from zero-calorie sodas. The only way anybody can get cancer is if they want to get cancer. Do you know nothing of medicine?
Diet root beer. Lolwut you some kinda douche jk.
Really though diet root beer sounds gross.
I'm not sure if you're using your fake persona or what, but just because the FDA claims it is safe doesn't make it so. But hey, don't take my word for it. There's plenty of research showing that the crap they put in diet soda and zero-calorie soda is pretty bad stuff. Drink at your own risk.
The only bad thing I know about diet soda is that even though it lacks calories, the artificial sweeteners they use still trigger the release of insulin because your taste buds alert the rest of your body that there is sugar incoming, meaning either diet or non-diet, you're still getting fat off of them.
Diet sodas tend not to be as sweet, or have that false saccherine taste that is not right. The first reason is why I like Pepsi Max and Diet Vanilla Coke (which we can't get over here any more.) Diet Coke fails because of that false sweet taste.
Damn, I want some Pepsi Max now, but I don't get paid 'til Thursday.![]()
Last edited by Tallulah; 09-24-2012 at 12:59 PM.
"...For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." ~ William Topaz McGonagall (1830-1902)
I'm sorry, but I don't think that diet soda is the goddess-Mitt-Romney's gift to us lowly mortals.
Actually, to me it always seemed like a desperate marketing-technique targeted at uninformed consumers. I guess it's working?
I mean, if you're gonna drink soda, why not just drink soda? If it's no better than regular, why fool yourself into believing you are healthier just because they changed the taste and slapped a 'diet' label on there?
But hey, I believe people should eat whatever they want without feeling guilty. I ate a hot dog yesterday. It tasted good.![]()
The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:
I like how you assume that cancer even exists. It hasn't even been proven. It's just been theorized. And to state that diet soda is unhealthy is a complete fabrication of the truth. Diet soda has a high value of polyphenols, in addition to polysacharides, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin E. It contains more vitamin C in one can then an entire orange has.
And I would know. I'm not a doctor, but I've played one on TV. Or something. I don't know. I've been acting since the 1950s. I probably played a doctor at some point.
If you actually believe that I have an empty chair you can talk to. I'll sell it to you for cheap. Interested?
Anything that doesn't contain sugar, a natural substance, it will contain an artificial sweetener to give it flavor. It's proven that artificial sweeteners are harmful to your health and has been known to be a contributing factor into increased risk of developing cancer.
That is the truth. I believe aspartamine (951) is one of the more common sweeteners. Look it up of you want and post your findings here. I would, but I'm on the phone.
You people are delusional. Cancer doesn't exist, and neither do artificial sweeteners. Diet root beer is just naturally sweet. It's from the root that it's made from. In fact, if you take a can of regular root beer, and somehow take out the sugar, it will still be just as sweet. However, if you take out the root, but leave in the sugar, it'll be bitter. True story.
I didn't realize diet root beer contained natural sweeteners, I was reffering to diet coke and the like.