I've had multiple phones with zero breaks so far. There's definitely a higher level of delicacy that must be taken with all these new things.
Are you feeling like an old man because you just had a birthday?![]()
So last night, I was drinking with some friends, and fell asleep on a couch. When I woke up, I pulled my cell phone out to look at it, and the damned display was broken. Like, it didn't display anything at all, and only lit up these cracks at the bottom of the screen. I have no idea how this could have happened, except that maybe my keys got pressed against it or something. So I can still use the phone, but I can't see or send text messages, and if someone calls me and I miss the call, I won't know that I've missed a call. Fortunately, I ran into my cousins at the mall, and they said they might give me their daughter's old phone when she gets a new one this week, and I think the model they told me is better than this one anyway, so SCORE if that works out.
This is the third electronic device where the screen has gone out on me. The first one was a GPS device. It was in a car accident, so that's pretty understandalbe. The second one was my MP3 Player, which I dropped on the ground and stepped on for a second. Not even very hard, I don't think, but when I picked it up, the screen was out. But then I got another MP3 player, and it just stopped working on me inexplicably. I can't find the receipt for it either, otherwise I'd return it.
...but damn it, what happened to the days of electronic devices being like rocks, where you could drop them on asphault or kick them, and not expect them to shatter?! I think I'm getting to be like a cave man; I can't deal with all this newfangled electronic crap. The computer, TV, PS3 and Wii are all okay because they stay stationary and are not carried on my person. Anything that gets carried on my person however seems to have about a 50% chance of getting battered and roughed up. Nearly every pair of jeans that I own have a hole in the right knee, same place, for example.
Is anyone else here a caveman? Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
I've had multiple phones with zero breaks so far. There's definitely a higher level of delicacy that must be taken with all these new things.
Are you feeling like an old man because you just had a birthday?![]()
Feelin' frustrated mostly, because I'm going broke, I can't really afford all this crap to happen, and seems like it's happening all at once. More than just the electronic devices. But I am kind of wondering if it's a good idea for me to carry delicate things on me in the first place, haha. Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
Here ****ing, here. Life is definitely rockin' on my pretty hard; and as I watch my bank account dwindle, I find more and more reasons that having said expensive electronics would make things much easier. Then I remember I have a stupid phone because I bash the hell out of them... I even had one phone ran over by some track vehicles in the motor pool one day. Annoying. I need one of those radio / walkie talkie phones that are yellow... they're supposed to be durable. Then again, that is counter productive to getting a smart phone to help my business out. *sigh*
My phones have been fairly kind to me over the years...never overtly large problems that caused them to cease functioning, but I don't go for the high-end smart things, as I only use my phone to make calls and, in the last two years or so, begrudgingly send text messages. Thus, with my lack of cutting-edge technology, I'm somewhat safe in that regard.
Now, how nicely my cars have treated me over the past years is another story altogether!
Also, hello my friend. It's always nice running into you every so often.![]()
Last edited by SSJ4 Goku; 12-20-2010 at 04:56 PM.
My Env3 phone actually survived through a lot of abuse to it. Though I didn't go out of my way to throw it at random bums or anything, just the normal wear and tear stuff, but it lasted me through the days without randomly shutting off, which is what I hear it does to a lot of other people.
My Xbox on the other hand, is deathly afraid of my foot...![]()
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Well not so much Phone but i got frustrated about 4 months back playing MW2 then kicked my xbox of my T.V... ( if you knew the layout of my room you would understand a lot more lol ) it was fine for a while but then it broke =( but getting a new one for Chwistmas =D
Some people say Poland is like the Mexico of Europe...I don't know what that means, but I like it!! - Chris :')
I've only ever broken one mobile phone. In total I've had three/four: one Nokia, one Samsung and three Sony Ericsson's (unless you count the one that was stolen and I replaced with the same phone - I love my W810i).
The one I broke was a W700i, or a variation of the type. I was in a science class when I broke it. It was in my back pocket, because I didn't like leaving it in my bag on the other side of the room. So, I was just writing down some notes from the board and lent back on the high stool I was sitting on, and BAM. I fell all the way back and landed on my ass. The whole class thought it was funny, and so did I until I pulled my phone out of my pocket.
There wasn't any noticeable damage to it until I turned the screen on - there was a huge, round black mark on the screen, with what looked like little cracks coming out of it. I was so pissed. I could still do things with it, but the screen made it difficult to see anything, so I went back to my older Sony Ericsson model (the half black, half silver one).
With MP3's, I've only had one (unless you count the Sony Ericsson Walkman phones). My iPod. Which I love to pieces. It's the white, fifth generation 30GB (2005), which isn't even made any more. I got it for Christmas in 2005, and crapped so many bricks when I saw the price, I could have built a house. I've really looked after it, and it's looked after me in its own way. Oh. Did I mention it's magic?
No, seriously. Last Easter, we decorated my room. So of course, we wanted to listen to some music. My room was totally empty, except for my wardrobe which was too heavy to move out of the room and my old shelf we were using to hold tools. My iPod and its speakers were on the shelf. We'd just finished ripping up the carpet, and mum picked up the shelf to move against a wall so that we could start on the wallpaper. This made my iPod slip off the shelf and hit the floor tiles pretty hard. I freaked to say the least, and was scared to turn it on.
And I was horrified when I did - lines of pixels had just disappeared, and there was a black hole in the middle-left. Like my phone, it was still usable though. Mum said she'd get it repaired or replaced eventually, so I continued to use it. And day by day, the pixels slowly came back. At first, I thought I was going mad. But then a few months later, the full screen had come back, and it's been back ever since. 8D
I've gone through about 12 phones already.
One was lost/ stolen.
Two was obselete when I switched carriers.
Three's screen stopped working.
Four was thrown against a wall and shattered.
Five was also a dud and sent back.
Six lasted until I was so drunk that I pissed myself sleeping... with it in my pocket.
Seven was a replacement and obselete when I changed carriers.
Eight was great until it fell into a puddle.
Nine was my glorious Env3... which ultimately decided to shut off every 5 minutes
Ten was a replacement that would dial without my touching it... that was a problem
Eleven is my lovely LG Octane, aka the Env4, which I currently use.
Twelve is my work Nextel, which is one of those super duty phones. Fell in a puddle and it was like nothing happened.
I usually am pretty careful with my technology... except for my Razr's. My ex pissed me off so much that I threw one of them, shattering it, and then I got incredibly drunk (4, 40's) and pissed on the other one. The rest of my technology, I tend to treat very well, and have only had issues that are widespread, like RROD, and that stupid lens problem with the fat PS2's.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I hear ya man, sometimes I don't know my own strength, other times I'm a klutz and a few times my gizmos just aren't durable.
For phones my advice is to either grab a rugged phone (they purpose build some models for tradies/heavy duty use) OR look for a phone cover that's rugged and comes out at a level above the screen. Some MP3 players may have similar...
I wouldn't use my iPhone without a durable shell...
victoria aut mors
When I was still in high school I would throw my controller when I got pissed off, and lost at games. I quit doing this when I had to buy a new 360 controller. It was like $50, so f*ck that I won't be throwing them anytime soon again.
I had to go buy a new phone, got me an iphone4. It isn't that great of a phone, would much rather have an iphone3. Anyway, I had to get a new phone cause I had a LG Neon, and it was a good phone at times. One day it randomly deleted all my f*ckin songs. So I held it in my hand, and smashed it on the table. Shattered that damn thing.
I went through like 10 alarm clocks in high school. When it would go off, if I couldn't find the button I would launch that motherf*cker as far as I could. I have quit doing this, because I found an easy to use alarm clock, with a very big off button.
Looking back at it I have spent so much damn money because of my anger. Maybe I should take anger management, nah lol.
Haven't broken a phone yet because it's been me-proofed with a thick $20 rubber case. Even though I've dropped it about 10-15 times it's bounced harmlessly off the pavement every single time. I've been having horrible luck with my DS Lite though. First one basically snapped in two, second one's shoulder buttons stopped working, and I'm about to send the third one in because of the same problem as #2.
I've been misplacing a lot of little and relatively expensive things like games and headphones too.Shit sucks.
I can't even remember The Twelve Days of Christmas so how the heck can you remember all of that.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Well, I'm pretty careful with electronic devices, so I haven't had to deal a lot with something breaking because of physical damage, but I have had quite a few things that went kaput because of something funky going on with the wiring or computer chip or whatever else is inside those things.
Most notably:
A PS2 controller's triangle button and shoulder buttons just suddenly stopped working
An alarm clock that doesn't sound an alarm anymore to wake me up. It still makes for a good clock though.
The cord on my Sensor bar for my Wii got eaten through by my cat (that constitutes as physical damage though, but not of my own doing.)
The light on my iPod dock wouldn't turn off anymore. Idk what was up with that.
And finally, two laptop chargers.![]()
Click at your own risk.:
When I owned a razor, I was able to pitch it against the wall, and it was fine. It seemed indestructible. I dropped it in the sink, in puddles, ran over it, threw it against a wall, slid it across floors (made some funny videos), and kicked it. It was amazing.
Now, with my old iPhone, I dropped it the day I got it in an AT&T store, and the screen broke. I was ****ing pissed. Had to get a replacement.
After a while, I switched to Verizon and got a Droid2. I've dropped it I don't know how many times and it's still ok. I probably should get a case, though, lol
Proud to be in the United States Navy.
Originally Posted by Joe Moog
I demolished my last phone it a Sony Ericsson K800i i was playing football and it fell out of my pocket then it got between my foot and the ball as i was shooting and it flew into a tree and all the buttons smashed off it. It also got several knocked whilst playing football on the astro-turf which cuts you when you simply get the friction of sitting on it. and finally it broke when i attempted to vault over a pretty tall fence and it rolled out of my pocket over my leg than hit the top of the rail and the Screen cracked in four places.
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
S, I just have a ridiculous memory, and plus a lot of those phones were within the past 3 or so years.
I've also had Sega Genesis controller's button pads wear out. The little sensors would turn to dust after a while. I also broke a PS1 controller playing Tactics, because that game could be mind numbingly frustrating.
My biggest problem seems to be with earbuds though, well aside from phones. Whenever I take my ipod to the gym, I wind up sweating so much that the earbuds actually wind up getting destroyed because of it. Usually one earpiece will just stop working, and the damn things become useless.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I usually forget I'm wearing earbuds and stand up from my laptop, so I accidentally jerk the cord out. It ruins the part that attaches to the earbud, and they eventually quit working.
N64 controllers. When I owned an N64, I must've went through about 10 controllers I wore them down so much. It was Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64 that was the problem. Lol.
Proud to be in the United States Navy.
Originally Posted by Joe Moog
So a little update on a few things I've "broken." I forgot that earlier that night when my phone broke, my friend was kicking me because I was stealing his controller so he couldn't play. He reminded me, and felt bad about it. Also, the mp3 player that "inexplicably stopped working..." it works still. I hooked it up to the computer, and charged it all the way back up. It's just that when I used an electrical outlet, apparently that didn't charge it at all or something. But yeah; a friend's foot and misuse of technology are the culprits there, apparently. (Unless the mp3 player inexplicably goes out on me again...) Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom