So last night, I was drinking with some friends, and fell asleep on a couch. When I woke up, I pulled my cell phone out to look at it, and the damned display was broken. Like, it didn't display anything at all, and only lit up these cracks at the bottom of the screen. I have no idea how this could have happened, except that maybe my keys got pressed against it or something. So I can still use the phone, but I can't see or send text messages, and if someone calls me and I miss the call, I won't know that I've missed a call. Fortunately, I ran into my cousins at the mall, and they said they might give me their daughter's old phone when she gets a new one this week, and I think the model they told me is better than this one anyway, so SCORE if that works out.

This is the third electronic device where the screen has gone out on me. The first one was a GPS device. It was in a car accident, so that's pretty understandalbe. The second one was my MP3 Player, which I dropped on the ground and stepped on for a second. Not even very hard, I don't think, but when I picked it up, the screen was out. But then I got another MP3 player, and it just stopped working on me inexplicably. I can't find the receipt for it either, otherwise I'd return it.

...but damn it, what happened to the days of electronic devices being like rocks, where you could drop them on asphault or kick them, and not expect them to shatter?! I think I'm getting to be like a cave man; I can't deal with all this newfangled electronic crap. The computer, TV, PS3 and Wii are all okay because they stay stationary and are not carried on my person. Anything that gets carried on my person however seems to have about a 50% chance of getting battered and roughed up. Nearly every pair of jeans that I own have a hole in the right knee, same place, for example.

Is anyone else here a caveman? Anyhoo...

Wuv, Yer Mom