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Thread: Christmas time: What are you looking forward to?

  1. #31
    Registered User Christmas time: What are you looking forward to?
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    Jul 2009
    Here's something I totally forgot to mention in my other post. I love making candy for the holidays! We do peanut brittle, fudge and almond bark-covered nuts. My family and I only do it around this time of year, and it's nice to spend that sort of time with everyone and eat the stuff we make.

    Also, this is the time of year that my favorite candy becomes available in stores! I don't know exactly what it's called, but it's the soft, chewy peppermint flavored taffy that has the picture of the green Christmas tree in the center of it. I could eat those by the bag full!
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  2. #32
    Personally, my family doesn't have much for Christmas. Every year, we each try to get enough money to buy the younger kid's something, but otherwise, we don't give/recieve gifts.

    I do enjoy spending time with the family, though. I enjoy setting up the Christmas tree, decorating the house, staying up late to make cookies, and I enjoy lounging in the couch with them, all bundled in blankets.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  3. #33
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Christmas time: What are you looking forward to? Polk's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    I look forward to getting some people to do some aggressive caroling.

    I like the holiday season because I can bake a bunch of cookies and not feel like a fat ass. Oh, and having like a month off of school. Fuuuuudge yeah.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  4. #34
    Cooking is the best part of the the holiday. Like Polk said it's the only time you can make and eat tons of stuff and not feel like a fat ass. I plan on making lots of sweets. Also I can't wait to see what my homemade honey mead tastes like. Should be ready in about two weeks. The recipes says the end product should be about 60 proof. Hope I made it right.

    Also I'm looking forward to not having to go to work. Two drunken weeks sounds like a good time!

  5. #35
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Honestly the only thing I look forward to during Christmas time is the opportunity to **** off for over a month. This is my last true week of school, next Tuesday I wrap up finals and I'm free until January 19th.

    I'm not big on the gift thing either. I've been unemployed for awhile since part time employment that works around my school schedule seems nonexistent, already feel like enough of a mooch since I'm living off of student loans/parents, and I really don't want people giving me free things when I can't afford to get them anything in return. I sold my Wii and my professional knife set from my days as a culinary student in order to buy a select few people presents and pay my bills next month, but I already know that other people I don't plan to get gifts for will be getting me something.

    Granted I don't despise getting the gifts, I just hate saying "Oh, thanks for the gift, sorry I'm broke as **** this year and couldn't get you anything in return."

    Holidays have also become more and more depressing since they're nothing like they were when I was a kid. My family's scattered, my dad's slowly losing all rationality and mobility, and no one's ever truly happy anymore. For me the holidays have recently just been going through the motions, they lost their magic when I lost my innocent view of the world around me.

    Spending Christmas with my girlfriend's family will just be a charade, just like Thanksgiving was, not to mention I can't really juggle two families, and my Aunt's already pissed I missed Thanksgiving.

    Maybe I'm just overly cynical, but to me every day is just a day. December 25th is no different than August 25th. Not even my birthday means anything special to me anymore.
    Last edited by Sean; 12-08-2009 at 03:12 AM.

  6. #36
    Sean I know how you feel. I got married in October and I wish I could be happy about spending the holidays with people who hate me. My mother in law is a real bitch and the rest of the family isn't much better.

    Hey, at least you have an aunt that is pissed you didn't make it to her thanksgiving. I'm kinda alone. Either I spend the holidays with people who hate me or at home alone. I prefer alone with lots of alcohol.

    Sean I hope your Holidays are better than you expect.

  7. #37
    Viva la SePOOHroth!!! XD Christmas time: What are you looking forward to? luckystar314's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    family, friends, iceskating..hopefuly snow =D

    hopefully a lightsaber and nerf gun
    Last edited by luckystar314; 12-08-2009 at 11:04 PM.

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk View Post
    I look forward to getting some people to do some aggressive caroling.
    Once again, James, you win. This was the most epic Christmas video I've seen all year.
    Proud to be in the United States Navy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Moog
    You haven't lived until you've taken a shit so massive you quacked.

  9. #39
    I will finish the hunt Christmas time: What are you looking forward to? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I grew up in an agnostic family so we never celebrated Christmas at all. In fact, my mother would call Santa the Red Underwear Man. I guess she forgot we would eventually grow up and know the truth. And I did. I grew up and found Christmas very enjoyable to celebrate. My father is Christian so I would go see him for Christmas every year. I loved seeing the lights, and the tree. It also gave me a great excuse to travel all the way to Dallas to see him.

    This year I have two families to celebrate with. My mother in law and nana have awesome lights up, and the food at their house is delicious. I look forward to her cooking every holiday. She makes everything from scratch, and it tastes soooo good ! Plus I always look forward to having a cup of coffee with my dad Christmas morning. I love spending time with him, and I love to see how he is doing.

    Of course I like getting stuff, but seeing as I usually never like what I get, it is the thought that counts.

    I love being surrounded by my family. <3
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

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