Probably my Transformers, I must have had quite a few of them. Growing up in the late 90's meant that most of them were from Beast Wars, but I had a few G1 toys like Jazz and Vortex.
Transmetal Megatron was my first one, and probably my favourite. I got him as a present when my brother was born, and I was more excited about that to be honest, but by the time they were all given away he had lost both his legs and the claw on the end of his tail had teeth marks in it. His t-rex mouth opened and he had fold-out roller blades on the bottom of his feet, you couldn't get much cooler than that.
This guy was another of my favourites. I think it had something to do with the see-through red parts, and that his drills would turn if you pushed him along the ground.
Oh and finally I had Optimal Optimus, who was massive. He these armor plates on his arms that could spring off but they were a nightmare to fit back on so he, ended up with really skinny arms most of the time.
It's at this point where I have to forcefully stop myself from geeking out over my old toys.