I used to design houses from the inside to the backyard using birds eye view pencil sketches.
Hey guys im back
So what extracurricular activities did you partake in or your parents force you into when you were younger?
I used to design houses from the inside to the backyard using birds eye view pencil sketches.
I used to draw and write comics about characters made of poop. I called it Mr. Poo. I also played soccer for a while. I was good at it, but I didn't have the personality or the patience to play a team sport. I also played basketball, but it was the same deal. I can't play team sports.
I was really into collecting things. I'd collect almost anything. I had buckets of cicada shells shed in the summer, Pokémon cards, Digimon cards, Tazos, OddBodz (still have these in a box), loved beach combing... etc.
It all fell apart when a) my Pokémon cards went through the washing machine and b) when mum opened a jar of decomposing starfish that I'd collected (I collected them months before they were decomposing, mind you, heh).
My mum put me in ballet & jazz classes. My brothers had karate lessons held at the same venue, right after my ballet lessons. I cried so hard whenever we got home because I begged her time n time again for me to do martial arts instead of dancing. But because of her I also did and excelled at gymnastics, I was always asked to do blackflips, round-offs, backward walkovers and the splits for friends, teachers at school, for drunk, rowdy adults at family bbqs, friends parties...*getting nostalgic
Also drawing and sketching on any blank sheet of papers I came across
I still play video games. 23 years later.
Eastwood reminded me my friend and I would make our own comics in the 3rd grade.
We called it Comic Wars.
Last edited by loaf; 05-13-2014 at 08:04 AM.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
I used to really like building things. My nana's ex-husband was a scaffolder and he used to take me with him on some of his jobs, and he built their (and eventually my mum's) back gardens and I always used to help him with it. My brothers used to stay inside playing their video games mostly, but I was always out there helping him lay the bricks and mixing up his concrete. My mum says she always thought I was gonna go into some sort of construction work :L. I think I would still enjoy enjoy doing that now. If ever there's some sort of furniture that needs to be put together, I'm usually the one doing it. Weirdly enough, I didn't have any Lego, but it seems like something I would've loved.
I drew and painted all the time (still do), everyone always used to ask me to draw them things in school. I also sang a lot (again, still do). Then eventually my brothers got me into video games.
I used to collect Dragon Ball Z cards. I had the biggest collection in school until my deck was stolen. Never discovered who took them, but then again, the school was uninterested in investigating something I shouldn't have had in school in the first place, sooo... I guess my mum was happy they were gone, if a little peeved - those gums you got with them were disgusting, probably full of sugar, and she hated Dragon Ball Z all together.
My mum got me and my brother to do karate when we were a kids. We enjoyed it, but we were really small compared to everyone else in there. We'd come home pretty injured for just practise sparring - it felt like we were being beaten up by a thirty-something year old sensei. It also started getting really expensive.
When we first got a PS One, me and mum would play Tomb Raider III a lot. It was my first video game. We spent a lot of time playing that together, and did most of the game without a guide the first time. In a way, she encouraged my gaming habit, haha.