Private property, their fault for looking.
Ever have your sliding glass back door open and put your hand down your pants to start scratching an itch, and at that EXACT moment someone has to walk by and look directly at you?
Assholes, man.
Private property, their fault for looking.
Signature Updated: YesterdayCPC8! - Chess Club
CPC8! - Pimpin' is easy
Currently Playing: Video Games
It happens all the time, man. Not that I'd stand infront of a glass door/window to scratch my lower regions, might I add.
There have been times when I've done something weird or daring, and just as I went through with it, someone looks. Ever notice how if you have a tiny trip in public, everyone notices and laughs? =(
When me and my friends cook out at our apartment we usually do it right up front. My boxers were riding up one day so I unbuttoned my pants to fix em. Sure enough as soon as I finish and look up there is someone right f*cking there. God I hate my neighbors.
Also one time me and my fiance were having sex on the coach. Our apartment is on the 1st floor. I happen to look up, and someone was lookin in the window. I grabbed my shotgun and went old school Kentucky redneck on his ass. I shot at him. I missed on purpose just to scare him. Now we always make sure to close the curtains all the way.
Che, that itch is herpes <3. Sorry.
I really don't think that makes anyone an asshole really. If someone is standing in front of a window, or something, it's a place for people to look. I live in an apartment, so I'm used to having stupid people snoop around and try to see what others are doing. It's not necessarily right, but it's what happens. Unfortunately, I've never had some ultra hot chick live across from me, who liked to undress with the shades up.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Not true, in the US anyways. If expose yourself on private property and someone in "public" sees you, you are committing a crime and can be arrested. For example: Man Caught Making Coffee Naked in His Home Faces Charges
Yes, it is incredibly stupid. If anything, the person looking in should be arrested for being a Peeping Tom. So what can you do? Keep your blinds shut I guess. I like the shotgun idea, but once again that person could have pressed charges. But I won't go into a debate on how screwed up the system is...![]()
I've gotten dressed in my room with the blinds open at night before. I had no idea they were open cause the curtains were in front of them(they're still see-through from the outside, though). I felt embarrassed at first, but then figured that if anyone did see, then who cares.
On a completely different note, I was talking to my friend at her house about my character for my story and his mannerisms. I tried to do a funny impression of him by walking over to my friend's bedroom window and I pointed menacingly towards the house across the street, other hand on my hip.. and this person happened to be jogging by and stopped to look at me. They thought I was pointing at them.
Actually, I got changed with my shades up while up in college, in my house. The girl who lived next door watched apparently, and the next day said she wanted to hang out sometime. I had a gf at the time, so I dismissed her. What a damn shame.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
When I lived out in the country, I didn't have any neighbors that lived close-by, so I didn't have to worry about any peeping toms or whatever. Now that I live in the city, I don't have that kind of privacy anymore. I keep my blinds shut all the time, but apparently my cat decided that she wanted to "rearrange" them, so now my blinds are all torn up.I don't think anyone has peeped at me, even with the holes in my blinds, but I don't feel comfortable changing near my windows anyway.
Click at your own risk.:
Why do waiters/waitresses always have to come and ask your how your meal is mid bite when your mouth is too full to give a coherent answer?
Assholes indeed.
Until now!
^ Well, I work/ed as a waitress, and most of the time, people just shoveled food in their mouths pretty much the whole duration of their stay, or were chit-chatting with their company (if anyone else is with them). Kind of hard to ask someone how their meal was/is, or if they need anything else in either situation without being obtrusive, but it is what it is.
We aren't being assholes, we're just trying to do our job.
Click at your own risk.:
If Merlin is reading this thread, is there some kind of tongue and cheek meter available for vBulliten that will clearly show when someone is speaking in a less than serious fashion? I think it needs one.
Until now!
Emoticon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
you should try it out sometime,
And Che if you have herpes then we need to have a serious discussion about our relationship
You know what I hate? shady asshole kids who are like "yeah we're having a random lan everyone's invited we'll just play for fun lolz" and then two days before the lan happens "oh yeah our teammates are flying in to play we're gonna have a serious lan now except we'll be the only team there to play while we beat up on random groups of people all weekend." Like how immature is that, lying on purpose so you can feel good about yourself when you barely beat random teams with your real team.. silly kids lol.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
What the FUCK are you talking about? Whatever it is, it makes me angry!
So is this thread about people who look at you through your window, or people who are assholes in general? I'm not sure anymore... but if we're talking about assholes in general, people who trash bathrooms really piss me off. Like, they put paper towels in the sink or the urinals, defecate or pee everywhere, or just make the visit to the restroom unpleasant in general. I can't think of an occasion anyone's looked at me through the window right now, though. I watch people through my window sometimes, because I'm creepy like that... ...Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
People who think they're something special because they bothered with a higher education sometimes strike me as assholes.
If they've really pissed me off with their 'superiority' and I see them get attacked while on my site I don't rush over to help them out like I would most people, no I actually do my job the way I'm supposed to by calling the police and just making observations.
Oh and an ambulance which still usually turns up a couple hours before the police do.
victoria aut mors
You know what I hate assholes who came up tell you what to do start to help then piss of ten minutes later.
Or people who have double standards.
Same sort of thing happened to Che, I live in a double story house and the inlaws live down stairs anywho went downstairs into their lounge room went down for a scratch and a fiddle the my eyes adjusted to the dim light and here is one of my brother in laws mates who happens to be an attractive chick just starring at me. I said G'day she said G'day then rolled over and went back to sleep needless to say nothing more was said.
A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
--Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.
Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.
The finer details of a signature:
I hate when people troll around forums/MSN and think they're being funny and witty when.. y'know.. they're not :3.
I start getting annoyed when people twist around a point I was trying to make, or they make a big deal out of it. I just resort to ignoring/blocking them usually. It really is a waste of my time talking to people like that, especially when I can be writing or doing something more worthy of my time.
Oh of course.
Serious business, after all.
Last edited by Jin; 05-06-2010 at 08:45 PM.
Until now!
There's funny trolls, and then there's the trolls that try too hard. So naturally, I'm going to be "serious" when someone isn't funny.![]()
No troll can please everyone's tastes. That's why we have more than one.
Unfunny or not, treating the situation too seriously will just escalate things and get people, yourself and the troll included, needlessly angry or defensive, even if the troll in question had no ill-intent to begin with.
Troll back, if you like. You might like it.![]()
Until now!
My troll is too busy picking his nose, so maybe another time.
Mine has no penis. But he seems fine with it.
Until now!
This thread is about assholes, not trolls!
Same difference!
But yeah, let's uh.. get back on track here. *cough* << ^^ >>
So um, about them assholes..
Che is an asshole.
That's why I <3 him.
Until now!