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Thread: Che is such a tender lover in bed. Woot random thread.

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    Asking all the personal questions. Che is such a tender lover in bed. Woot random thread. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Che is such a tender lover in bed. Woot random thread.

    Yes that's right che is so romantic in the sack.

    Clowns, that's right clowns. I really dislike clowns, I don't know why it's not like I ever had a phobia of them when I was younger, I was never scared of them.
    In fact I had the same contempt when I was younger that I do now.
    It's just a niggly annoyance they really erk me I don't find them entertaining or funny just annoying.
    Maybe it started when I saw the Moscow circus all I wanted to see was lions and elephants but the stupid clowns would always have to come in between each act, of course now that I am older I realise why.
    Or maybe it's because I think they is a little bit of a pedophile in every clown.

    Actually there was one clown out of all the clowns that I saw in my entire life and he was really entertaining and this was when I was an adult he just had the right sense of humor and appealed to the adults not just the kids.

    Anyway what do you think of clowns?
    Last edited by RamesesII; 02-02-2012 at 02:32 AM.
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