Originally Posted by
The Lone Moon
*smiles* Cain... thankies for remembering me. ^_^ Hehe...
I hadn't came in here for so long... *reminiscence* so much has happened in TFF here, it's been so long. ^_^ I miss those days too. When was it when I first signed up? It was 7 years ago, in year 2000. Seven years? Wowzers... O.O I first registered as Sherry14 for most of the time, but later switched to The Lone Moon.... lol, people would guess my real name because I'm so reluctant to let them know. ^o^
I remembered when TFF site was just help guide to make chocobos in FF7, haha. ^o^ so puny. ^.^; The forums was called The Promise Land, became TFF later, and the time where we all unhappily migrated to The Garden because TFF kept having serving downs or something that wipe out the board, ^o^;; All our RP hardwork, gone!! lol ^.^ Then TFF came back, and everyone from the Garden moved back. ^_^ The clans was cool while it lasted. ^o^ Itazura is the best, YEAH! ^o^ lol SOLDIER was neat too, makes the people inside feels elite lol enough we're probably not. lol! ^o^ Mwhahaha...!!! the egotisitic we. ^.^ hehe
I remember the others too, so many friends, everyone was like an online family. We just yap away for hours, 4 hours a day at least. It was so fun, and crazy addicting! ^o^ lol From the past minutes, I see Cain, Syd, Secret Azn Man (or SAM), and Fuzz (haha, obviously) is still here. Didn't really look around yet, but who else is here? ^_^ I wonder how's everyone doing?
Starsoldier/Kyla, Utena/Whitney, Edgar Figaro, NightShade, Shagamuffin/Sid, Goku/S (It was S, right? lol, I forgot, I just remember his Aim name was Gooku Hooku), Madam Cheezy, MrCrazyChef, Spekkio, Che, Mina Hew, Quistis, Lady Atma, TimonMeera, Korova, Zeddicus, Ozzie (*sigh*), Dusty...
Gawd-ness, there's so much more, but I can't remember the names...! ~_~ But I love hanging around with everyone. I wonder does anyone of them remember me or even those times....