So I'm a little (a lot) drunk at the moment so pardon me if I come off as harsh in any way whatsoever. That's not my intention in the least.
So I met a girl via the internet. We chatted online, then moved to texting, then talking.... the day after she gave me her number, we actually met up at this country ass nightclub that I've been to before, pre-21, and absolutly hated. I hated it just as much this time, but at least I was able to buy $1 domestic longnecks this time.
She invited me out, and I knew what she looked like - in the face, via her pictures - but no idea what to expect otherwise.
Long story short, I just don't find her very attractive. That's not to say I'm extremely picky, nor am I exactly looking for a super model-esque girl to date, and I don't necessarily think my standards are high. Obviously that would be retarded considering I don't view myself as all that attractive in the first place, but I digress....
The dilemma comes in the form of the fact that I really like who she is as a person. It's been awhile since I've cliqued with someone so well and we share a lot of the same mentalities/world views/interests.
I'm not really too sure if it's possible for me to actually attempt to pursue this further than just a girl I've "dated a couple times" into a potential, and maybe very possible, relationship, simply based on the fact that I don't look at her and go "wow.. she's really pretty/cute/attractive/sexy/insert word here"
I mean... most of her physical appearance is obviously able to be based on her lifestyle choices. I, myself, am not the most athletic or un-lazy person, I'm a pretty lazy bastard at home on my days off, but I at least attempt to eat properly and am always, at the very least, conscience of what I'm ingesting into my body and I do exercise whenever the opportunity arises (weather permitting)
I suppose this makes me vain, but I also think about what my friends, ect, would think if I were seen with said person because of their unattractiveness.
I've been down this path in the past, but I didn't like the last person nearly as much, and I kind of blew it off and moved on.
So I suppose the point of this entire post is the following question...
What are your views on attempting to build a relationship when everything else seems right except for the lack of a physical attraction on one person's end?
Note: Yes, I know, I type pretty well for being drunk, but only if you knew how many times I've hit the backspace button while typing this....