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  1. #1
    Registered User The bucket list Halie's Avatar
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    The bucket list

    Do any of you guys have a list of things you'd like to do before you die? Or at least one thing you'd love to do, whether it's to travel to a certain country or go skydiving, etc? Do you think these types of lists are stupid and would prefer to just roll with life as it comes, or...?

    I've been thinking about it a lot lately and I've definitely got a very long list. In fact, I'm going to start writing them down because I'm very determined to do all of them (well, not all, some of them will be extremely hard to do). I think it's good to make lists like this personally, or at least aim for something big you'd like to do because I find it kind of makes you feel motivated in a way. But hey, that's just me, I suppose. Some people might think they're too cliche. Hipters. jk

    Here are a couple of things I'd like to do (I'm not gonna share all of them because that would be too long, but maybe in another post)

    1. Be a surrogate mother for someone
    This will sound really strange and you're probably thinking "um wtf?" But I think it's one of the most amazing things a person could do for someone. The way I see it is that if I'm healthy enough to carry children but there are women out there who can't then I feel like I should give back to them. A lot of people will disagree with me on this, including my own mother who really doesn't agree with me on it but it's just something I'd really love to do and would be honoured to do.

    2. Travel to every continent
    I've only ever travelled around some of Europe (Ireland, England, Spain) as well as living there in Wales but I'd love to visit a country in every continent. I'd say every country but that's a bit naive and too ambitious so I'll be satisfied with visiting all seven continents.

    3. Go Skydiving
    Always wanted to ever since I knew what it was. I'm a bit of a daredevil with things like that. I love rollerocasters, etc. and I'm not at all afraid of heights, so. Also bungee jumping.

    4. Be cast in a Disney animated feature
    I know, I know, I'm dreaming. But acting is the profession I'd most like to get into and if I were to ever be in a Disney movie I think I would be the most satisfied person ever (sad, I know). I just think it would be really cool one day to sit my children down in front of the telly with that film on and say "Hey kids, you know that character? I voiced that bitch, hellz yeah!". Obviously without the bitch and such but you know what I meeeaan.

    So how about you lot?

  2. #2
    Death Before Dishonor The bucket list Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    There a few things that I would like to do before I die. An there are some that I have already done.

    1. Fight in a pro MMA fight.

    Wasn't UFC of anything big like that, though I would love to do that. But it was pro nonetheless, how many people can say that they have done that.

    2. Travel to Budapest

    Out of all of the countries out there this is the one that I would love to travel to more than any of them. After reading about it, and looking at some pictures I can't wait.

    There is more, but my internet is being weird will finish later.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  3. #3
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth The bucket list Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    3. Go Skydiving
    Always wanted to ever since I knew what it was. I'm a bit of a daredevil with things like that. I love rollerocasters, etc. and I'm not at all afraid of heights, so.
    This, definitely this. Although, there's good chance I would have to convince someone to push me out of the plane because I would probably chicken out.

    - Visit Stamford Bridge (London) or Mestalla (Valencia), and if possible witness a great match.

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    2. Travel to Budapest

    Out of all of the countries out there this is the one that I would love to travel to more than any of them. After reading about it, and looking at some pictures I can't wait.
    Seeing as it's you Kisuke I'm sure this is some sort of a typo, but Budapest is a city (capital of Hungaria), not a country.

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  4. #4
    Memento RK The bucket list Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Meh, I guess I'll post here. Although I've never been the bucket list type person. I figure it would be something I were to do if I was actually diagnosed with a terminal illness. Then again, I might as well try before that happens so I'm not disappointed, ya?

    Anyway, some of my more recent (More realistic) goals include:
    Fly on my own (Like a cessna or something small. Possibly a twin engine while I'm at it too. I mean pilot. I've flown in many different types of aircraft)
    Ride backseat in a fighter jet (F-18)
    Bungee Jump
    Get my commercial license
    Fly a Boeing 747----This IS dream. I don't mean flying IN one, I mean actually being in the cockpit.
    Get a house of my own
    Drive racecar on an actual racetrack driving at unimaginable speeds (Since I have driven a racecar, this seems like the next step up)
    Travel Everywhere I can physically travel to
    Get my degree/masters
    Get my dream job
    Get married

    This seems like a sufficient list for now. Kind of things I am on track to completing, others are just dreams, but I'm totally capable of achieving. I would hope that most people just make goes like this and call it life. Calling it a bucket list to me kind of implies that you're going to die soon, when most of us here still have a lot of life ahead of them (In my opinion).
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  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. The bucket list RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post

    1. Be a surrogate mother for someone
    This will sound really strange and you're probably thinking "um wtf?" But I think it's one of the most amazing things a person could do for someone. The way I see it is that if I'm healthy enough to carry children but there are women out there who can't then I feel like I should give back to them. A lot of people will disagree with me on this, including my own mother who really doesn't agree with me on it but it's just something I'd really love to do and would be honoured to do.
    Sorry if I sound blunt, I understand your kind intention with this and I don't disagree with it but it is really something to think about, once you have that baby inside and you carry it for 9 months you state of mind could change on this one. I guess it also differs as well depending on if you use your own egg or the other mothers egg.

    Anyway once again I apologies and I think it's is very kind to want to do that because like you said some women can't have babies because of some conditions.

    Anyway back to the thread. I don't have a bucket list per say but there are things I would like to try and do in my lifetime most of them consist of visiting places around the world and I highly doubt this will eventuate but it is nice to know if I ever did have the chance this is what I would do.

    1- Visit Macchu Picchu or however it is spelt.
    2- Climb Preikistolen in Norway a sheer 600m cliff
    3- Travel To Egypt to see the Pyramid or the Rameses temple
    4-Climb the Great wall of China or see the Tibetan clay Warriors
    5- Go to japan but not the city I would like to go and see if any people live the old way and experience that I think Japanese culture is fascinating.
    Yeah are other truly magnificent places I would like to go too but I would be here forever.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  6. #6
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) The bucket list che's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    I can't have my own baby Xana, can you please have it for me?

  7. #7

    Re: The bucket list

    I don't really have list...I just care about being happy. I do want to donate some of my eggs though. I'm definitely not going to use them all and whats better than more half me's runnung loose in the world

    Also, I kinda agree with Rameses, but I would imagine that the hardest part of that is from an emotional standpoint. If you're going to carry a child for 9 months and then give it up, it's difficult even if that was the intent. I'm just saying that it's something you would have to be prepared for. It's an awesome life's goal though.

    Ta DA!!!:

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  8. #8
    #LOCKE4GOD The bucket list Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Sky dive

    Visit continental Europe

    Never own a car (can you add things that you consciously won't do to these lists?)

    Pay off a mortgage

    Get drunk and meet womens with che and RagnaToad (better hurry up before it's seedy)

    Get a Master's degree

    Kind of a boring list, but I've already done some cool shit (live in New Zealand; bungee jump (specifically, a reverse tandem bungee jump with full body submersion into a river); flown a plane (I didn't take off or land, but I flew one).

  9. #9
    Registered User The bucket list
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    Re: The bucket list

    Most of my "bucket list" things involve a lot of traveling too. Mostly to coastal places, so I can do some cool stuff there like scuba diving. I just hope that if I do go, I don't wind up being left behind like in that movie "Open Water". Gawd... That would be awful. ><

    As for other stuff, I can't really think of anything too out of the ordinary. I guess being happy and having security in my life is what I want the most though.
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  10. #10
    Registered User The bucket list Halie's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    @Gypsy and Ramesis: Yeah, I get that it would be an emotionally hard thing to do, but I wouldn't want to be a straight surrogate but rather a host so I wouldn't be using my own egg. I think that will make it so much easier because in my mind it wouldn't feel like my child even though I carried them. It's like, just because someone baked their cake using my oven doesn't mean that cake is mine, haha.

    Quote Originally Posted by che
    I can't have my own baby Xana, can you please have it for me?
    har har ur fonny.

    So far I have 49 things on my list and trust me the list will probably grow. Some other ones include meeting Meryl Streep, seeing the Brothers Grimm statue in Hanau and I also wanna meet someone from TFF someday. Would more than likely be GimGam, because she's lovely and she only lives in London so not too far away.

  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    Would more than likely be GimGam, because she's lovely and she only lives in London so not too far away.

    Might happen sooner or later. I'm coming to Wales some point this year to uni crash my best friend. =3

    I've never really given it much thought, but I know of a few things I want to do, and I've completed one thing (but will do it again because I wasn't happy with it).

    1. Experience the New Year festivities in London (again - see above^), New York, Los Angeles, Japan and Sydney. New York is the one I'm most looking forward to - every year I watch it on television, and my GOD you people know how to have a good time. I'll be even more thrilled if Frank Sinatra's New York is played again.

    2. Visit The Shaolin Monastry and see the monks. A few of the monks performed over in London, and I saw them a few years back at the Hackney Empire. Was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had.

    3. Skydive. Yeaaah. I want to experience this at least once.

    4. Road trip America. Still working on my routes (I'm serious), and I want to spend at least six months over there, and perhaps longer. I want to visit Florida, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Biking a Harley down Route 66 is one of the dreams, but I'll want to stop off everywhere. The main idea is to meet my TFF friends Victoria and Joe, and perhaps bump into Ally for a live show. And I'll happily visit anyone else if I'm in the area.

    5. Spend the night in the Salt Tower at the Tower of London. It's said to be the most haunted one.

    6. Open my own bar. Unsure where. I'm stuck between having a modern bar in the City, or going rural-oak-type pub. Modern bar stands out at me most because of my gaming nature, and wanting to create something with that, but I love the charm of a middle of nowhere bar/restaurant.

    7. Get a nice house with a good amount of land. I want to own two dogs and a cat, and a shotgun.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  12. #12
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Finish my graphic novel...and I mean all (maybe) 300 pages (3 volumes) of it. I dont care if it gets popular or not. I just want to have it finished and have a printed copy in my hands.

    If I ever get a child, I want to see him/her grow up to be a good/responsible person.

    Other than that, I am pretty content. I married the man I want to grow old with and living a pretty comfortable life

  13. #13
    I invented Go-Gurt. The bucket list Clint's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    I have many things I want to do before I die. The most important thing would be to establish an academy based out of Guam for all things awesome.

    Another thing I would like to do is build an army and establish a country, and take over the northern hemisphere as the world's dominate super power by bankrupting every other country except for mine, turning first world countries into second or third world countries, while remaining the only wealthy nation in the world. This will increase both my power and my importance in the Untied Nations.

    Then I'd like to take over the world using my strengths and other countries' weaknesses to my advantage.

  14. #14
    Chief Inspiring Officer The bucket list Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Awesome thread!
    1. Make fun of Simon Cowell.
    2. become advisor to a world leader.
    3. put together a band to play my conceited songs.
    4. visit different countries? (I'm thinkin' France should be included)
    5. figure out how to spin angora fur. (my brother has a rabbit)
    6. figure out who on earth killed Kennedy?
    7. take the ultimate test of endurance: become a postal employee without "going postal"
    8. make dinner tonight before the wolves come out.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  15. #15
    Bananarama The bucket list Pete's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    Get a hole in one in golf... not mini golf!
    Visit as many MLB stadiums as I can. (6 down, 24 to go!)
    Subsequently travel throughout the US.
    Own a ranch house with an in ground pool and barbecue pit.
    Kick the shit out of two people who deserve it, and have for years.
    Drink with Rocky and Che.

    and lastly...
    Two girls at the same time.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  16. #16
    Just kind of there. The bucket list Calvan's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    I have a top 5.

    5. Try Acid.
    Now hear me out here. I just want to try it once, To see what all the fuss is about.
    And the reason it's so low on the list is because it isn't really a priority. Mainly because if I did a bad batch, I wouldn't come back.

    4. Develop my muscles, And get below 200lbs again. Preferably back down to 160.
    This one won't exactly be easy, However due to my dish muscles I more or less need to even out the rest of my body with my arms. Also between 2008 and 2010 I dropped 70lbs down from 230, Now since I moved to NY, I've put half of my weight back on.

    3. Meet at least half of my Internet friends.
    In the time i've been on the internet i've made a lot of friends, Sadly i've only ever met about 3 of them. Granted a handfull of them are going to go hand and hand with number one.

    2. Travel to Japan.
    So much media, That has helped shape who i am came from Japan.
    That and I'd love to meet Shigeru Miyamoto, Hideo Kojima, And Akira Toriama,

    1. Travel to England.
    Hand and hand with number 3, It's also my Fiancee's home country, So it seems to be the most fact I may achieve this one within the next two or three years.

    After I achieve one and 3 i'll have to make more.
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    And then just like that i'm gone again.

  17. #17
    G'day The bucket list NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: The bucket list

    I'd like to travel to Paris, Venice, the pyramids in Egypt, go to Niagra Falls, maybe the Grand Canyon and I want to go to Disneyland! I'm sure there are many other natural wonders that would be good to see.

    This might sound a bit lame, but I'd like to meet a few of my TFF friends.

    I don't really have anything else I want to do THAT much. So yeah that's it for now.

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