Another thread by yours truly...(angry mob: go **** yourself Xanatos, you and your stupid threads)... yea, well, deal with it.
How often do you go out to drink, and what is your choice of drink? And, well, anything you have to add related to this subject.
I go out to grab a cup of coffee, or cup of tea in my case, with at least one friend on a daily basis. However, I'm not really a type of person who goes out to drink... "and spends good chunk of his money on drinks he'll either piss or vomit, or both, later on, all while listening to extremely loud and obnoxious music"... without a damn good reason.
With that being said, I go out to get hammered once every two, max three months. My drinking buddies and occasion differ from time to time, though my brother and old highschool friend who's dream is to get me "making total ass of myself" drunk are usually with me. As for my choice of drink, it's usually stella artois or a rather cheap and girly drink called bamboos (wine + coke) I've grown fond of.