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Thread: Bartender , keep em coming.

  1. #1
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Bartender , keep em coming. Xanatos's Avatar
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    Bartender , keep em coming.

    Another thread by yours truly...(angry mob: go **** yourself Xanatos, you and your stupid threads)... yea, well, deal with it.

    How often do you go out to drink, and what is your choice of drink? And, well, anything you have to add related to this subject.

    I go out to grab a cup of coffee, or cup of tea in my case, with at least one friend on a daily basis. However, I'm not really a type of person who goes out to drink... "and spends good chunk of his money on drinks he'll either piss or vomit, or both, later on, all while listening to extremely loud and obnoxious music"... without a damn good reason.

    With that being said, I go out to get hammered once every two, max three months. My drinking buddies and occasion differ from time to time, though my brother and old highschool friend who's dream is to get me "making total ass of myself" drunk are usually with me. As for my choice of drink, it's usually stella artois or a rather cheap and girly drink called bamboos (wine + coke) I've grown fond of.

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  2. #2
    Asking all the personal questions. Bartender , keep em coming. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I only go out to drink at the pub twice a year, once for my mates birthday and once for my birthday with my mate and we don't get plastered because we like to play pool and I speak for my self but I don't play well while heavily intoxicated.

    Coffee, only when I am out with the missus which is rare nowdays because we live out of town.
    My theory is- Hey why spend money for a burnt coffee when I can make my own burnt coffee at home.

    5 years ago it was different I used to go out twice sometimes 3 times a week depending on how much money I blew each night, Friday,Saturday and sometimes Sunday night. Get drunk hit the pokies and try and swoon some ladies.

    Notice I said TRY and swoon some ladies bahaha.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  3. #3
    G'day Bartender , keep em coming. NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I do not drink or go out. I'm not a coffee person, so I never go out for a coffee. I occasionally go out for a milkshake, but that's about it. Can't beat a good thick shake. Yum! Oh yeah keepin' it G rated

  4. #4
    .............. Bartender , keep em coming. smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I am a final year student in uni, so naturally I drink more often than the average person, at least once a week, usually german beer or whiskey on the rocks. I have a high tolerance to alchohol, so I have only once been properly plastered this academic year.

    I dont drink coffee or tea, so whenever I go to cafes with friends inbetween lectures, I tend to get hot chocolate. The only hot drink I can really tolerate. Not the most masculine thing I could order though.........
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  5. #5
    Crash Boom Bang Bartender , keep em coming. Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.

    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    ive got boring, i dont go out half as often as i used to do. I rarely ever drink at home either. Id say Im out on the piss maybe once a month, less even ):

    Im getting old D:

  6. #6
    Memento RK Bartender , keep em coming. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Since this is kind of about Bars and so on. I like to get drunk as fast as possible. I've taken a liking to Whiskey and Tequila. They taste good to me....Well Tequila tastes better with lemon, but anyway. Or I'll mix a Whiskey and Coke or (Spiced) Rum and coke. I might even get Dr. Pepper in there if I'm feeling cool.

    On the other side of the spectrum, I drink Tea or specialty teas. The odd coffee, but coffee has really been upsetting my stomach lately. I looooove latte's though. I just can't have them too often
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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  7. #7
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    My friends from Middle and High school go to a bar every friday. If I'm not working that night I go. Usually just drink some New Castles.
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  8. #8

    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    whiskey on the rocks

    You're a disgrace, ruining the taste with that crappy ice!!

    I'm hungover right now, i drink quite a bit. I didnt drink alot back home but since i came to Van the beer is great and i drink alot now Drank every day for two weeks recently, had to stop was really starting to feel it in the gut!

  9. #9
    Registered User Bartender , keep em coming.
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    It's rare that I go out to get a drink, and never do I go out for anything with alcohol. If I do go out, I usually just hit up the local Sonic and grab a nice cranberry iced tea, or some kind of fruit smoothie or shake if they have a flavor that looks good to me. Banana cream pie shake was my addiction when it was on the menu.
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  10. #10
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Since I've had a job and a social life... maybe once or twice a fortnight. More like once, and I usually have two drinks. Lately, it's been cheaper to buy a six-pack and chill at my place, but it's always nicer to be in a good pub. There's a lovely (and expensive) pub near me which has a wonderful atmosphere. The owners are lovely people, and the pub has the cutest dog as its mascot that's usually running around the place. x3

    Lately, I've really gotten into Aspall "Cyder". It's a really refreshing cider that's served at my favourite pub. They do Guinness too, but the barmaid last time I ordered it hadn't mastered the art of pouring one. Will now order that next time I go there. xD

    If we go into spirits, I love a measure of either Jack Daniels or Courvoisier with Diet Coke. Jack Daniels more so lately, as mum got a few bottles of it over Christmas.

    If where I'm at serves it, I also drink Budweiser (also my favourite beer to keep at home!), Fruli, Bulmers (pear and apple), Strongbow, and if I'm desperate or short on change, Fosters.

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  11. #11
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I really don't go out all that often anymore. I don't care much for bars; they're loud and expensive. I prefer to drink at home or with friends at a friend's house. So maybe I go out once or twice a month anymore.

    When I do go out, I prefer IPA's, Black Ales, Amber Ales. Don't care much for Pilsners or Pale Ales. If I drink a mixed drink, it's probably a Long Island Iced Tea or White Russian. Or a Rum and coke. Usually like to stick to beers, though; hard alcohol doesn't sit well with me... Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  12. #12
    Gingersnap Bartender , keep em coming. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Guinness for beer. If there's no Guinness or if I happen to be feeling something lighter, I'll probably go for whatever seasonal they have on draft. Or a wheat beer that isn't Blue Moon (it's not a BAD beer, but I find it too sweet). I don't do domestics (Miller, Bud, Coors, etc)... they always give me a terrible headache minutes after drinking them. Sad.

    For liquor... well, if we're talking shots, I'm probably going with tequila. Or Jager. For sipping, a good scotch or whiskey. Mixed drinks will either be screwdrivers or tequila sunrises. Sometimes vodka cranberry with sprite.

    Cabernet is my standby for wines when I have no idea what else to order with dinner. But I'm pretty open with wines, though I prefer them on the dry side.

    I usually stick to beer, though.

    Frequency...... honestly, at least once a week. I'm not getting drunk every weekend, but I'm probably having a beer on a Friday night. At this point, I go out every weekend.

    Coffee? Every morning. I know, I know. But I like it.

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  13. #13
    Memento RK Bartender , keep em coming. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I don't do domestics (Miller, Bud, Coors, etc)... they always give me a terrible headache minutes after drinking them. Sad.
    Ocean, I do see where you're coming from, and it is indeed Sad.

    I just don't drink beer at all. It doesn't taste good to me. I like things with TASTE. Whiskey has taste.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Coffee? Every morning. I know, I know. But I like it.
    Oh yeah, I forgot about coffee.

    I drink that every morning too. I will drink it either straight or with sugar, though I prefer sugar most mornings. Then again, sugarless is better for making it last longer, because I am not as crazy about drinking it all down then. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  15. #15
    Gingersnap Bartender , keep em coming. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    lmao thanks for the bunnies. They made me feel better about domestics.

    I think beer tastes wonderful. Trying local brews is da best. <3

    Also I drink my coffee black too. Sometimes with coconut milk. But usually just black. I just got a grinder and a french press so..... I'm feeling pretty awesome right now.

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  16. #16
    Memento RK Bartender , keep em coming. Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    I think beer tastes wonderful. Trying local brews is da best. <3
    I've tried local too. Just doesn't do it for me. . Except for Keith's. Keiths and Rickards is good.

    Guinness mixed with a cider isn't that bad either. I've tried Guinness on it's own. And it really does depend on if they know how to pour it or not. Amazing how things like that tell how it's going to taste when it's in the customer's hand.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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    Gingersnap Bartender , keep em coming. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Oh god, the pour is critical. When poured correctly, it's so excellent. When poured incorrectly, it tastes like... ****ing pennies or something. Like coins.

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  18. #18
    Boxer of the Galaxy Bartender , keep em coming. Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I enjoy going to bars with mates and getting a few rounds. I like SOHO mixed with whatever, its brilliant. I also enjoy Asahi japanese beer and Carlton draught. I drink coronas on occasion if I'm in the mood for something light and when im going hard, its shots of gin and tequila.

  19. #19

    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    God damn it Oceaneyes, Guinness is not beer! its a draught! Thats very very important!!!

    I like the occasional guinness, can only have 2-3 in a row before i start getting tired of the taste. And ive yet to taste a nice Guinness that wasnt poured in Ireland.. It sucks that people have to go to Ireland to taste a perfect pint, then again it helps tourism

  20. #20
    Asking all the personal questions. Bartender , keep em coming. RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I enjoy going to bars with mates and getting a few rounds. I like SOHO mixed with whatever, its brilliant. I also enjoy Asahi japanese beer and Carlton draught. I drink coronas on occasion if I'm in the mood for something light and when im going hard, its shots of gin and tequila.
    I heard Asahi was a really good beer I haven't tried it yet. I usually drink Tooheys extra dry but I get really bloated on beer so I then switch to whiskey for the rest of the night. I had a real strange beer the other day it was called Fat Yak it had to much hops.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  21. #21
    Hewerya love...? Bartender , keep em coming. seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I like how every so often an alcohol thread pops up here..

    I'd probly drink twice a week. No preferences really. Quite into pints of smithwicks if im in a bar, or at home its either bottles of beer or vodka or rum and stuff.

    And yea, Guinness isn't beer, and its tastes like slop anywhere out of Ireland... even in Ireland it can be sometimes hard to get proper pints of it

  22. #22
    Princess Sugarsprinkles Quistis's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Coffee everyday. Like..first thing in the morning!

    I now drink only occasionally. The last time was New Year's Eve...boy that was not fun. Frikkin absinthe >_<

  23. #23
    Registered User Bartender , keep em coming. Kaiden's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Not sure why you say Guiness isn't beer? As draught isnt a type of drink its an adjective. Guiness is a Stout Beer.

    As for what I like I am partial to IPA's and Nut Brown Ale's. Dog Fish makes a really good beer. Southern Tier, Sierra Nevada, Harpoon. There are tons of Micro breweries everywhere. I usually try them as I find them, most are awful but a few really impress.

    Edit: spelling

    Scene from a movie.
    [Having pulled over a speeding driver.]
    Mac: All right, how about Cat Game?
    Foster: Cat Game? What's the record?
    Mac: Thorny did six, but I think you can do ten.
    Foster: Ten? Starting right meow?
    [They go up to the car.]
    Driver: Sorry about the...
    Foster: All right meow. Hand over your license and registration.
    [The man gives him his license.]
    Foster: Your registration? Hurry up meow.
    Driver: [laughing] Sorry.
    Foster: Is there something funny here boy?
    Driver: Oh, no.
    Foster: Then why you laughing, Mister... Larry Johnson?
    [Foster stares at him.]
    Foster: All right meow, where were we?
    Driver: Excuse me, are you saying meow?
    Foster: Am I saying meow?
    Driver: I thought...
    Foster: Don't think boy. Meow, do you know how fast you were going?
    [The man laughs.]
    Foster: Meow. What is so damn funny?
    Driver: I could have sworn you said meow.
    Foster: Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumpin' around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milk from a saucer? DO YOU SEE ME EATING MICE?
    [The man is uncontrollably laughing.]
    Foster: You stop laughing right meow!
    Driver: [Stops and swallows hard.] Yes sir.
    Foster: Meow, I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.
    [Rips off the ticket and hands it to the man.]
    Foster: Not so funny meow, is it?
    [Foster gets up to leave, but Mac shakes his hands at him, indicating only nine meows.]
    Foster: Meow!

  24. #24
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Bartender , keep em coming. midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Mel... <3 <3 <3

    Guinness... no domestics... Stouts, Quads, Belgians, Saisons, Farmhouse Ales... there is a huge list of beers I enjoy... as long as they're not pilsners for the most part. Even like ciders.

    Liquors? Tequila shots. Dragon Bombs, Vegas Bombs, Final Solutions (Jager, Cinn Schnapps, red bull)... UV Cake is stupid. Lover it. Jameson and tullamore dew - 1 ice cube. <3 <3
    mel 1:32 AM
    Hahah I'm like penis penis penis lalala <3
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  25. #25
    HRH Albha Bartender , keep em coming. Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I'm a Scottish student and I don't drink, I know right?

    Well that's not entirely true, I just drink so infrequently that it's a negligble part of my life. I've drank maybe once this year, a whisky on Hogmany, it was actually quite nice, so I guess that makes me a dram drinker? I didn't have any on Burns day though, which was a disapointment.

    This is one of those threads where I can't really participate in.

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    Certified tech, come at me! Bartender , keep em coming. SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    I usually go out for a chocolate milkshake once in a while. I am of legal age to drink alcohol , but that's not my thing. I like to keep a nice healthy body and I value my insides. I am normally a water drinker, and there are times I treat myself to a soda pop, tea, and/or lemonade.

    Around the house, water is, naturally, my drink of choice.
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  27. #27
    Bananarama Bartender , keep em coming. Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Whiskies and beer.

    I go out maybe 1-3 times a week, usually on Tuesdays for wing night and then once, maybe twice on the weekends, depending on how the week was. Usually I go for the cheaper stuff, but our bartender is super cool with us and gives us crazy buybacks, so we step it up on occasion,

    When I buy a six pack or three, it's usually some quality stuff. I'm a big fan of stouts, especially microbrews. Victory's Storm King is one of my favorites, and you really can't go wrong with a nice pint of Guinness, though I can only have 2-3 before I'm full.

    I'm also a man of the people, and love my cheap beer. I'm quite content with a nice cold PBR or Bud on a to close out a long week... or the occasional Monday... like right now.

    As for my liquor, it's pretty much all whiskey, scotch and bourbon. Jack Daniels is a staple in my house, as is Jameson. I also have a bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold, which is for certain anniversaries, and a bottle of Green, which I have yet to open.

    I'm also a big fan of Jim Beam and Maker's Mark, though I haven't had any Maker's in years.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  28. #28

    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Whiskies and beer.

    I go out maybe 1-3 times a week, usually on Tuesdays for wing night and then once, maybe twice on the weekends, depending on how the week was. Usually I go for the cheaper stuff, but our bartender is super cool with us and gives us crazy buybacks, so we step it up on occasion,

    When I buy a six pack or three, it's usually some quality stuff. I'm a big fan of stouts, especially microbrews. Victory's Storm King is one of my favorites, and you really can't go wrong with a nice pint of Guinness, though I can only have 2-3 before I'm full.

    I'm also a man of the people, and love my cheap beer. I'm quite content with a nice cold PBR or Bud on a to close out a long week... or the occasional Monday... like right now.

    As for my liquor, it's pretty much all whiskey, scotch and bourbon. Jack Daniels is a staple in my house, as is Jameson. I also have a bottle of Johnnie Walker Gold, which is for certain anniversaries, and a bottle of Green, which I have yet to open.

    I'm also a big fan of Jim Beam and Maker's Mark, though I haven't had any Maker's in years.
    Scotch! Yes! You really need to try out Talisker, its my fav scotch whiskey. Its really pricey here in Canada though so im assuming around the same in the US, like $80 before tax. So maybe wait till ya finish that JWalker Gold first

  29. #29
    Gingersnap Bartender , keep em coming. OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    What the ****, nix, you give me shit for Guinness and give props to Pete for scotch? He mentioned Guinness and I mentioned scotch! It's like the same post! Wtf is wrong with you?! I HATE YOU!

    But I <3 Pete.

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  30. #30
    Bananarama Bartender , keep em coming. Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Bartender , keep em coming.

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post

    But I <3 Pete.
    I <3 me too! Especially when I'm hammered.

    And Ally, we need to have a beer, plus or minus 10 the next time you're in the city. Seriously, I'm buying.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

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