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    How do you deal with acne, and do you or did you used to get "bad" acne?

    I never had bad acne, but I think it was at it's the worst around 7th grade. Now I hardly get any really, I don't get lots of it at one time, I only get like 1 really bad huge one. I've learned how to get rid of them now, people say to use tooth paste and stuff but it doesn't work.

    What does work for me is, I use Neosporin on it, which makes sense I guess since pimples are nothing but infected pores.

    If I feel or see a really bad one coming in what I do is I'll wash my face with really warm water at night, and then put some Neosporin on it with a bandaid to cover it so it doesn't rub off in my sleep. If I have to, I'll cut the bandaid so it isn't so big, and covering half of my face like Nelly lol. and then by morning depending on how big it was it'll either be reduced or gone, so if it's still somewhat there I'll just do the same thing over again till it's gone

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  2. #2
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I get a few spots every now and then, but I'm lucky enough not to get them bad.

    I wish my face every morning in the shower before I leave home, and then I wish my face before I got to bed when I go and brush my teeth. I just use warm water, and I gently massage my skin with either my hands or my flannel. Just to get rid of any oils that might accumulate throughout the day/night.

    Then I splash my face with cold water, which closes my newly cleaned pours up (the warm water opens them).

    If in the event I do get a spot, I gently squeeze it. They tell you not to do that, but I've never made the problem worse - keyword: gently. Don't use the outside of your nails, because that marks the skin, and will make it worse. The only time this doesn't work is when you get those nasty and painful under-skin spots. o.o;

    Just leave those ones alone. @_@

    EDIT: I don't waste money on face wash or spot creams. They don't work, and I get nasty reactions from them which make the problems worse. D=
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 03-04-2010 at 12:04 PM.

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  3. #3

    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    The only time this doesn't work is when you get those nasty and painful under-skin spots. o.o;

    Just leave those ones alone. @_@
    that's where Neosporin comes in
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-04-2010 at 12:24 PM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  4. #4
    .............. Acne smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I had pretty bad acne when I was around 14 and I kept subconsciously picking and scratching at it to the point it would start bleeding which meant it got pretty bad for a while. Fortunately it left no scarring. I haven't had acne since I was 17 so that leaves me pretty happy.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Acne
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    Re: Acne

    I'm in my mid-20's and I still get break outs, especially when I get close to "that time of the month".

    I invest in Clinique's 3-step skin regime. I've been using that ever since I started wearing makeup. I wash my face every morning and night, and I make sure that I moisturize as well. Even doing everything that I'm supposed to do, I still get acne. I hate it. It's never been "bad", but I do feel uncomfortable about it. That's why I never leave the house without any foundation on my face. I guess it's to sort of hide my problem, and maybe people won't notice. Of course, I could be just thinking it's worse than what it actually is, but I still don't think I should be breaking out like I do since I'm waaay passed puberty.

    That neosporin trick sounds handy. I might try that.
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    All is One.One is All. Acne Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    I still get break outs, especially when I get close to "that time of the month".
    Yea..I do 2.My acne isnt bad..I have a few on my forehead..and tats it. Thank goodness lol
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    Finding this place a little dull... Acne xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I have "Perfect" skin! Ask ViviMasterMage

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  8. #8
    Death Before Dishonor Acne Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    My skin is good now. When is was younger I would get bad f*cking cause of the roids I was on. Bad decision, but I have stopped using em, and my skin is clear..

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  9. #9
    TFF's Token Imp Acne Martin's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Yeah I used to have a lot of immuno-deficienies so roids were the gogo. Hence my skin used to be bad. Bar a few shaving spots though I never tend to get them thankfully, and was the only brother of six not to be 'afflicted'.

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  10. #10
    私は。。。思い出にはならないさ Acne chaosweapon's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I still get them but not as frequent as before. Right now I'm more curious about the ways to remove scars from acne. Are there any good and cheap products?

  11. #11
    Anti- anything preppy Acne Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by chaosweapon View Post
    I still get them but not as frequent as before. Right now I'm more curious about the ways to remove scars from acne. Are there any good and cheap products?
    Zapzyt!! That stuff is ahmazing!!. I had a cluster if huge red zits on my nose, and i used their face cream and they were gone in 3 days. Also use a detoxifying mask. It makes your skin really soft and it stops some zits from popping up. My recommendation? Garnier Nutritioniste Nutri-Pure: Oil-free detoxifying cream cleanser.
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  12. #12
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Acne Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Ewwwwwwwwwwww Acne is gross I am glad I don't have Acne problems I always wash my face
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    Memento Rhapso Acne Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Ya, if you wash your face like a maniac acne rarely occurs. But when it performs a sneak attack I pop it. I've never gotten a face dent so I don't see why not

  14. #14
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Acne Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I get the odd spot now and again (I have one on the left side of my chin at the moment) and what I generally do is dab a little toothpaste on it. Apparently this dries up the spot and lets it heal.

    I've done it a couple times (I use the Corsodyl stuff which is too gross to brush my teeth with!) and it seems to work. Though I have to be careful not to pick the scabs.
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  15. #15
    This ain't no place for no hero Acne Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    Ya, if you wash your face like a maniac acne rarely occurs. But when it performs a sneak attack I pop it. I've never gotten a face dent so I don't see why not
    Not exactly. Washing your face too frequently strips your skin of the natural oils, and sends the oil production into overdrive. Washing too much can actually lead to more breakouts.

  16. #16
    Registered User Acne sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I dont know what it is but i have never had an acne problem... man i feel for tha ppl that do..i know and whitness ppl wash their faces more than they do anything else and still have a shit load of breakouts,,, man that would suck..

  17. #17
    The Bad Boy of TFF Acne Block's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I don't get zits because I'm perfect.

  18. #18
    Certified tech, come at me! Acne SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    How do you deal with acne, and do you or did you used to get "bad" acne?

    I never had bad acne, but I think it was at it's the worst around 7th grade. Now I hardly get any really, I don't get lots of it at one time, I only get like 1 really bad huge one. I've learned how to get rid of them now, people say to use tooth paste and stuff but it doesn't work.

    What does work for me is, I use Neosporin on it, which makes sense I guess since pimples are nothing but infected pores.

    If I feel or see a really bad one coming in what I do is I'll wash my face with really warm water at night, and then put some Neosporin on it with a bandaid to cover it so it doesn't rub off in my sleep. If I have to, I'll cut the bandaid so it isn't so big, and covering half of my face like Nelly lol. and then by morning depending on how big it was it'll either be reduced or gone, so if it's still somewhat there I'll just do the same thing over again till it's gone

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! you totally sound like the people who would do TV advertisements for the stuff. I don't mean any offense or anything I just thought it was funny the way you started the thread.

    Anyway, I've been getting bits of acne, but they go away. I don't remember the name of the stuff I use, but apparently it helps.
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    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I don't get them too often and my preferred way of dealing with an annoying one is to use two nails to grab the top and just rip the skin there before dabbing the rest with whatever spirits I'm currently drinking (half the time rum). Pus flies out and it's completely healed overnight. Never a good idea to squeeze or pull from the base though. My way could probably lead to infection, but my nails always look fairly clean and I figure 40%ish alcohol should kill most foreign microbials.

    I'm fairly good with scarring anywhere which helps. Deep scars tend to stay, but superficial ones from lighter cuts and the like tend to disappear fairly quickly.
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  20. #20
    Time to take control... Acne Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I've never had acne and I hardly ever get any spots, but I've grown up washing/toning/moisturising my face every morning and night so thats maybe why!
    I use 'garnier' face wash and toner and 'simple' moisturiser...
    I guess I'm one of the lucky ones :|
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    Registered User Acne kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    i had fairly bad acne from when i was 10 til about 18. my skin is really oily (this caused me to loose my eyebrow piercing ) and medication never really worked wonders for me either. i use to pick at my face so much its a miracle that i only have a few scars on my cheeks. but when i got to college it started to clear up alot. and now i get one maybe once every month or 2

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    Asking all the personal questions. Acne RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I had it quite bad and have some pretty terrible scars especially my back, you gotta be careful of some misconceptions acne is an actual skin condition and can affect the whole upper part of the body including back and chest and is usually caused by small pores and excessive over production of oil by the skin where as pimples are just dirt and oil trapped in pores. For acne I only have one word Roacutane it is incredibly effective it dries out the skin especially your face and I mean dry your nose goes dry and your lips and ears, lets just say it is a good way to clear up a runny nose haha.

    There is a lot of products out there for pimples none were very effective for my acne and thats when I went to see a Dermatologist who for 150 buck consultation put me onto the wonder drug but then before I finished my round of medication I got cellulitis and was admitted into hospital and pumped with antibiotics so I never finished it.

    I still get pimples etc not as bad as when I was a teenager and I have really bad pores so I get bad black heads as well, another misconception is that you shouldn't wash your face excessively because you are washing away oils therefore you skin adapts and over produces again to accommodate, I went camping in the bush for a whole week with out a shower or bath and came home with no pimples or inflamed acne.
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    Cilla vs. Games Acne Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I've never had acne. Nevertheless I shower at least twice a day and I wash my face with a cleansing wash and then I tone and moisterise. I'm very lucky because my mum also has perfect skin. My brother however.. Has pretty horrible skin.

    I've heard squeezing pimples is really bad for you. It could scar and lead to an infection. I've never done it or felt the need so I guess I can't really relate to those of you who have.

  24. #24
    Time to take control... Acne Serah's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla View Post
    I've never had acne. Nevertheless I shower at least twice a day and I wash my face with a cleansing wash and then I tone and moisterise. I'm very lucky because my mum also has perfect skin. My brother however.. Has pretty horrible skin.
    Thats like my family - my mum's never had spots or anything when she was growing up but then my brother has terrible acne :| maybe there is something in some womens genetics :/ Hmmm...
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  25. #25

    Re: Acne

    Drink lots of water and don't let your sweaty, greasy hair sweat down onto your face.

    This is how I deal with it now, which is pretty much preventive of a tiny tiny breakout.

    When I was in middle school it felt very reactive instead of preventive, though. And I didn't know what to do. Clean your face. Drink water?

  26. #26
    Stream Crosser Acne Ann's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Well.. sometimes I get acne, but not too much. Usually once a month. If I sense the indication of it, I just squeezing the part of my face that seems to going to be an acne spot. But if it's too late, I never squeeze the pimples. I could get an infection because of it

  27. #27
    Registered User Acne winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I get the odd spots few pop up every now and again but nothing major, they always seem to go after a few days, I don't use ANY form of spot cream because my partner has very bad skin, loads of red spots all over him face, shoulders and back and when he saw the doctor, he apparently said that alot of spot cream actually feed the spots, so I just let nature takes it's course and let them go on there own or pick em, which is naughty lol

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    Bananarama Acne Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    I rarely ever get pimples. Even back in high school, I never had any problems.

    I always felt really bad for the kids whose faces got all scarred up.

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  29. #29
    Gingersnap Acne OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    It irritates me when people tell acne sufferers things like, "You should try soap."

    OH SHIT REALLY?!? I should wash my face with SOAP? A cleanser, you say?!? Well I'll be goddamned. I never would have come up with SOAP all on my own. Washing my face, who knew? Well thank god you came along you ****in skin genius, you.

    If all it would take to clear some people's acne was washing their faces, they wouldn't have acne. It can be a real medical issue.

    Myself, I get spots every now and then, but usually just at one time of the month. It's nothing me and my vanity can't handle.

    The worst is when you get that ****in shit near your mouth and it hurts to open and then you look like you got herps.

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  30. #30
    Memento Rhapso Acne Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Acne

    Oh god don't rage at me I was just naming a thing that worked TT.TT

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