How do you deal with acne, and do you or did you used to get "bad" acne?

I never had bad acne, but I think it was at it's the worst around 7th grade. Now I hardly get any really, I don't get lots of it at one time, I only get like 1 really bad huge one. I've learned how to get rid of them now, people say to use tooth paste and stuff but it doesn't work.

What does work for me is, I use Neosporin on it, which makes sense I guess since pimples are nothing but infected pores.

If I feel or see a really bad one coming in what I do is I'll wash my face with really warm water at night, and then put some Neosporin on it with a bandaid to cover it so it doesn't rub off in my sleep. If I have to, I'll cut the bandaid so it isn't so big, and covering half of my face like Nelly lol. and then by morning depending on how big it was it'll either be reduced or gone, so if it's still somewhat there I'll just do the same thing over again till it's gone