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Thread: 2010 FIFA World Cup

  1. #31
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    ^ I'd like New Zealand to do well. Actually, funnily enough an Ipswich Town player (where I live) plays for them! But yeah, I always root for the underdog teams, and since this is only their second World Cup it would be nice to see them go somewhere.

    I will miss part of Netherlands v Denmark. Expecting that to be a good game, but I think Netherlands will win 2-1

  2. #32
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 2010 FIFA World Cup che's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Australia isn't that great of a team. Germany has always had a strong team and players. It's quite a young squad this year, but I still think they are very strong and I was not really surprised at the score of the game. I never thought Australia had a chance.

    The red card I think was deserved. It was a tackle from behind, which is dangerous and goes against the rulebook. Sure, nobody was seriously injured, but it's nice to see referees keeping control of dangerous play. It's unfortunate that Australia had to play down a man on top of already being far behind in the game.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the Netherlands/Denmark game. I think it will be a 2-1 game in favor of the Netherlands.

    I'm excited for Italy/Paraguay too. I think Italy will come out on top in a 2-1 win as well.

    Now for more Beckham screencaps:

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  3. #33
    I want to play a game. 2010 FIFA World Cup Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I'm very happy about this World Cup because FIFA decided to finally really enforce players not to dive, telling the refs to watch out for it. I've always thought that really dimished the game as I don't like fake falls just to try to get their team in a better position; that tells me that they are having a difficult time and want to take an easy route. I only saw one yellow card but the commentary of the Germany vs. Autralia game said that there were two yellow cards given to Germany for diving - I was glad at the officiating. In another match they were commentating on the lack of diving so far but notecd that the stakes aren't that high since it is still in group stage and that they and we [the viewer] will have to see if that changes in the group of 16 and later. Hopefully there isn't an increase in diving and if so, that the officials call it and the player penalized.

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  4. #34
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    The refs are going to have a field do with Portugal. They are always the worst team for diving, especially Ronaldo.

    Netherlands v Denmark wasn't too bad. Not surprised that Holland won, they definitely deserved it the most out of the two. Denmark's keeper made some good saves (and so did one of the defenders! That was brilliant).

    Japan v Cameroon is on now, off to watch it

  5. #35
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 2010 FIFA World Cup che's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I'm happy for Japan's win. I'm also happy for Paraguay to be able to keep up with Italy. It seemed Italy was working hard, making plays and things but couldn't get the finish they wanted at the end of their plays. They looked a great deal better than Paraguay, but Paraguay had some really nice chances, even though they didn't have many.

    I'm extremely excited for tomorrow's games. Brazil vs. Korea DPR, Portugal vs. Ivory Coast. I think Brazil should be able to take the win easily, but I honestly have no idea who's gonna win in the Portugal/Ivory Coast game. I'm hoping Portugal loses though because I hate C. Ronaldo.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  6. #36
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    All in all, 3 pretty decent games today. Japan v Cameroon started off slowly, but after Japan scored it got much better.
    I'm really surprised with our defending champions, I thought Italy had that one. Paraguay did play very well, shame their defence fell to bits when Italy scored, but apart from that, yeah not too badly.

  7. #37
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth 2010 FIFA World Cup Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Skipped all three matches today, overslept Denmark and I wasn't in the mood to watch the other two. I'm always avoiding Italy, don't like their style, it's always a borefest no matter against who they play. I'm glad they're trying out some new players, I'm quite surprised Lippi didn't bring his veteran squad along. I'm not glad Denmark lost, as I said, if I had to chose one team to cheer for, it would be them, but Holland is much stronger, one of the favorites on this world Cup so it's nothing unusual. Japan and Cameron are evenly matched in my opinion, it was hard to predict the outcome, actually, I though it would end up in a draw.

    Tomorrow, I'm cheering for Ivory Coast, they have a great squad, probably the fastest players out there, I really hope they'll make difference this time and more luck to them, I'm sure they'll need it. I just hope the last world Cup wont repeat itself, at least when it comes to Ivory Coast, I can't get over the mistakes referees made last time, FIFA didn't flinched on that matter so I hope they'll keep an eye out this time.

    Anything except win against Korea will be catastrophe in my book, I know they don't play stylish football they used to but Brazil's too strong to embarrass themselves. I'm also supporting New Zealand tomorrow, primarily because of Alpha who seems to be a true supporter of his country, and I like outsiders.

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  8. #38
    Asking all the personal questions. 2010 FIFA World Cup RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I was shocked with the Aus-Ger match and dissapointed as well of course, I don't think Cahill deserved that red at all even the German player who he accidentally tackled came up to him later on and said that it shouldn't have been a red card, that right there is good sportsman ship, but this unfortunate event that happened to make thhe ref slightly retarded right at that poitn in time still doesn't put us out of the Cup just quite yet.

    I am unhappy that I couldn't stay up and watch the Japan-Cameroon match but what I did see was spectacular at the least.
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  9. #39
    .............. 2010 FIFA World Cup smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Decent past few days. Wouldnt read too much into the Germany result. Teams might mark Oezil now they know his talent which would blunt Germanys attack. Expecting a bit more from Holland. Van Persie needs better service if they want to go far. Paul Le Guen gave me the impression that he wanted to lose by not playing Alex Song. And Italy look mediocre at best. I expect most of that to change by the end of the group games.

    Todays predictions? Cannot see beyond Slovakia for a big win. I desperately want the Ivory coast to win as all I see when I look at Portugal is a team of cheating, prancing donkies( case in point, Ronaldo). Predict a draw in that game though, probably with Portugal scoring from a dubiously given penalty/free kick. As much as I hate the regime I want North Korea to do well against a team which thinks it just has to show up to win at most world cups. Maybe 2-0 to Brazil.
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  10. #40
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth 2010 FIFA World Cup Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I screamed when Reid scored few minutes ago, if it weren't for that irregular (obvious offside) goal this would be a win for New Zealand, but better something than nothing I guess. Can't say my father was happy about it, especially with my reaction as he placed a bet on Slovakia, which reminds me I haven't placed a bet in past two days now.

    Now just for Ivory Coast to win and I'll be happy, Portugal played unrecognizably terrible in qualifications and friendly matches so this might be just the chance Ivory Coast was looking for.

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  11. #41
    I want to play a game. 2010 FIFA World Cup Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I wasn't able to watch New Zealand vs. Slovakia but I was delighted that it ended in a draw; their draw gives favourable position for Italy whom some commentators said play progressively better the further they get.

    I'll be able to see Ronaldo play for the first time and am eager to see his skillz and then later I'll be watching Brazil vs. North Korea, however my attention will be spread since I'll be watching the E3 conference of Nintendo and Sony and marching towards Zeromus in FF IV - hopefully I can absorb everything.

    Edit: I just saw Ronaldo's shot that hit the post and I must say that was very exciting, I thought it was going in. What really stood out was he shot from a pretty far distance and it was on target, usually the shots are way off.
    Last edited by Zargabaath; 06-15-2010 at 07:13 AM.

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  12. #42
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I was happy that New Zealand v Slovakia ended in a draw. NZ really deserved their goal, they were really good in the first half. Slovakia sort of fell to pieces at the end from what I saw and couldnt' hold on to their lead. But I am glad.

    I refuse to watch Portugal play. I hate seeing them play. Everytime I do, they always cheat, or dive all the time. I just saw Ronaldo get booked. Ha!

    Brazil v Korea will be OK, although Brazil, tbh, will get an easy win.

  13. #43
    Shake it like a polaroid picture 2010 FIFA World Cup RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I saw the first half of Cote d'Ivoire-Portugal. Portugal doesn't seem to be playing at its best. There are so many tackles in this game, and barelay any attempts at the goal.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  14. #44

    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Edit: I just saw Ronaldo's shot that hit the post and I must say that was very exciting
    It's about the only thing that was exciting in that match.

  15. #45
    I want to play a game. 2010 FIFA World Cup Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    I just saw Ronaldo get booked. Ha!
    Well the commentators said he shouldn't have been because he did nothing, that time he was actually fouled. They also added that the officiating had been really good so far but that the ref today was not officiating to that high standard. But I did see Ronaldo fall a bit too easily many a times, he just shouldn't have been booked.

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  16. #46

    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    It wasn't a foul when he got booked, he fell before anyone even made contact. I think the booking was for the handbags after it though.

  17. #47
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by Palazzo View Post
    It wasn't a foul when he got booked, he fell before anyone even made contact. I think the booking was for the handbags after it though.
    Yeah, it was. I still love seeing him get booked for anything. I hate him

    It was a boring game anyway. I espected a lot more. Ivory Coast went for it at the end, but Portugal were surprising. Although, I only caught about 45 mins all together anyway.

    Brazil v Korea will be better.

  18. #48
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth 2010 FIFA World Cup Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Honestly I don't remember the last time Brazil played this boring, sure, they had enough chances but there was no creativity and beauty in their play, something that was their trademark all this time. Korea deserves my respect, they displayed impressive defending, and still weren't afraid to go forward, especially in the first half, may sound crazy but they deserved that goal.

    Portugal played terrible, just as I expected, not that Ivory Coast was any better. That yellow card for Ronaldo was uncalled for, I know he's a diver but that was actually a foul. I kept my eye on Ferreira and Carvalho, haven't seen them play in Chelsea for a while now, just wondering did they lost their momentum. They were great in defense but did little in offense, I know that's not their task but they were quite good at it.

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  19. #49
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I thought Brazil v North Korea was a good game. Sure, after Brazil scored, you pretty much knew they were going to win, but Korea held their own and really went for it, even scoring in the process, which I didn't expect. Overall, one of the best games so far.

  20. #50

    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    People seem to be forgetting one main component of a foul. Contact. There was none on Ronaldo, he was already going down before anyone could make any contact.

  21. #51
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) 2010 FIFA World Cup che's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Brazil vs N. Korea game was insane! Both of Brazil's goals were beautiful, and well deserved. I definitely saw some creativity in their game. North Korea was surprisingly good! I think they played better than Portugal or Ivory Coast.

    Also, Ronaldo can play football, I'll give him that. But he doesn't need all the flash that he thinks he does. A lot of it doesn't give him an advantage, although I admit some of it can throw people off. But his "performance" was terrible, minus the shot that dinged the goalpost. He was constantly diving and faking. Why fake when you can try to score? He got what he deserved, and I hope Portugal doesn't advance.

    Also, I loved that the New Zealander that scored celebrated so heavily. The first goal for your country? **** yes!
    Last edited by che; 06-15-2010 at 02:53 PM.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  22. #52
    #LOCKE4GOD 2010 FIFA World Cup Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    In case you missed it

    "Reid was shown a yellow card immediately after scoring for taking off his shirt as he celebrated wildly with his team-mates. They celebrated so much Shane Smeltz, who delivered the pinpoint cross, lost his balance and almost took Reid with him over the edge of a 3m-high moat that surrounds the field."

    All in all, however, Slovakia kind of deserved to win. I did feel that Vittek was offside, but they had too many easy opportunities for counter-attack, which they carried out well but were always snuffed in a series of flukes.

    And I'm glad there was no Green-esque moment, as at one stage I had to actually turn away...

    The first half was performed well by the Kiwis, in particular the first 20 minutes. We could have scored then. However our problems really came down to a compressed formation that really gave no room for our strikers to get possession, and Slovakia too often intercepted, and used Weiss' speed to get away. We were very much left scrambling.

    In saying this, I'm still grinning from ear to ear.


    Reid's now a new national hero. As lame as it is sounds, that's our best ever international performance, or at least our most important result. My Facebook news feed went crazy.

  23. #53
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth 2010 FIFA World Cup Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Had a lot of classes so I had to skip the first game today, I barely made on the second half of Spain but I was too tired to watch, though I kept an eye on the score. To be honest I wasn't too shocked, I think this World cup had it's fair share of surprises so far so this was nothing unusual, I've seen many people bitching on how Switzerland played. It goes so far that some even blame Murinho for formation and game some of the teams showed these days, I'm okay with it, after all some of the teams didn't have any other choice than to rely on rock solid defense. I only hope it gets more interesting than this.

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  24. #54
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I missed both of the group H games today, but I was shocked that Spain lost. I was in town and all the betting shops had Spain to win 2-0, 2-1, even 4-0 in one of them. And they were really good odds. I don't think they're the favourites anymore.

    Going to watch South Africa v Uruguay. It's not going to be a fantastic game, but it will be better than some. Predicting 1-0 to South Africa.

  25. #55
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES 2010 FIFA World Cup Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    I have seen a few of the games on tv
    My guess is that England is gonna go far this year
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  26. #56

    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by Ethan Blitzball King View Post
    I have seen a few of the games on tv
    My guess is that England is gonna go far this year
    England just need a win tommrow and then it be ok for their last group game.
    i am still in shock Spain losing yesterday, ace

  27. #57
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み 2010 FIFA World Cup ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Wow, did not expect Uruguay to win, let alone that decisively. South Africa were pretty poor though. The first goal was amazing!

    I'm disputing the straight red to Khune though. I think that was way too harsh. He hardly clipped him (yet he fell down like a sack of shit). Deserved a booking I guess, but definitely not a straight red.

    Looking foward to the Argentina v South Korea game. That will be a good one. From how they both played the other day, this will be the best of the group. I am expecting a draw 1-1.

    Nigeria v Greece won't be good. If Greece play like they did the other day, it will be a very boring game. I predict 1-0 to Nigeria.

    France v Mexico, I'm guessing, won't be good either. But then again, they both might play better today, if Uruguay is anything to go by. I think France will start to get sneaky like they did in the last one, so I'm going for 2-0 to France.

  28. #58
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Quote Originally Posted by ZantetsukeN View Post
    Wow, did not expect Uruguay to win, let alone that decisively. South Africa were pretty poor though. The first goal was amazing!

    I'm disputing the straight red to Khune though. I think that was way too harsh. He hardly clipped him (yet he fell down like a sack of shit). Deserved a booking I guess, but definitely not a straight red.

    Looking foward to the Argentina v South Korea game. That will be a good one. From how they both played the other day, this will be the best of the group. I am expecting a draw 1-1.

    Nigeria v Greece won't be good. If Greece play like they did the other day, it will be a very boring game. I predict 1-0 to Nigeria.

    France v Mexico, I'm guessing, won't be good either. But then again, they both might play better today, if Uruguay is anything to go by. I think France will start to get sneaky like they did in the last one, so I'm going for 2-0 to France.
    Did you see the 3 different angles on the replay for the red card of South Africa? It was complete bollocks! Only one of the player's foot touched the keeper, and it happened to be the foot already in the air, yet he sold it and drew the red card for the keeper.

    This is my opinion: if you're stopping play, how easy would it to be to run to the sideline and review what happened if you're a referee who didn't see what happened?

    Also, watching the game in 2 hours! GO ARGENTINA!

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  29. #59
    .............. 2010 FIFA World Cup smurphy's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Come on South Korea!!!! Any team that has a really good chance to make a certain bloated junkie look like a chump is great in my book. I expect them to run rings around a less than average Argentinian defence. I can see a high scoring draw on the cards. Spain deserved to lose yesterday. Del Bosque doesnt seem like a wold cup winning coach. I mean his team needs a goal and he leaves Fabregas, of all players, on the bench. He must be a bloody masochist. Couldnt really care about Greece-Nigeria. And of course I will be cheering hoarse any team playing against France. Viva Mexico!

    Will finally be able to get my England replica jersey today. Which version do you all think I should get. White or red?
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  30. #60
    Shake it like a polaroid picture 2010 FIFA World Cup RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: 2010 FIFA World Cup

    Well I knew Argentina would be great, but 4-1 was a surprise.

    South Korea was quite good actually. They had a good defence, but the Argentinian forwards were just too strong.

    Messi showed some really nice skills, but didn't finish it, like the last match Argentina played.
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