It's been a pretty good year. Still had faults, but was a million times better than good ol' 2009.
Year didn't start off too great though. First big **** up of the year was when Facebook made a few changes and completely messed up my privacy settings. A lot of people who I wish didn't know found out about my relationship. First day back at college after the Christmas holiday, it was all my friends were interested in knowing about. One friend of mine said some really horrible things and we had to be restrained. Following weeks, things died down, but one evening on msn, another of my friends said that I'd "changed" since I'd been in a relationship, which was bullshit - I'd been in a relationship almost a year prior to my friends finding out about it, and I'd only changed since they'd found out - I felt withdrawing myself would protect myself or something.
I skipped a few days off college to get work done, because I couldn't concentrate around my friends. Also, I was really behind because my USB had reformatted itself early in the school year, so I needed that time to bang out work. Then my grandmother got quite sick, and I skipped a whole lot more college. I only ever showed my face on the Monday some weeks because it was the only full day I had, and I needed to use the college software that I couldn't get to work at home. I spent about a fortnight studying and looking after my nan until we worked out that she'd been accidentally taking an overdose of her heart tablets (she used to take like two tablets of 25mg something every night, but her doctor changed her tablets to 50mg to make it easier on her... so she was taking 100mg of the stuff every night for a few weeks x.x), which would have been fatal if we hadn't done some investigating. I had to look after her for a further good few weeks until she was able to walk properly again... which she still hasn't got the hang of quite yet, but she has a stick to help her now so she can keep some form of independence.
However... my college progress kind of slipped because of the time off - I'd missed assignment handouts, helpsheets, you name it. I never missed a deadline, and I made sure to show my face to those. I eventually got my act together, and started going back every day, and worked my ass off. I got three Distinctions in my final week, but totally deserved two or three more - my tutor was an ass, and another teacher refused to re-grade an assignment because he'd already allowed me my redraft (even though I was THAT close to the Distinction after it).
In my last week, I was stressed beyond belief. My tutor had messed up deadlines, so instead of having to have everything finished in July, we had to have all of our work graded in May... leaving us but two weeks to get about seven assignments done, three of which had just been given to us. I don't know how I survived that week... I was up at 6am every morning, back home at 6/7pm every evening, I worked until gone midnight, and I was up again the day after. A teacher of mine was under so much stress, she burst into tears in the classroom, and came in most days looking as if she'd been up all night crying too.
Despite that... I miss college... =(
Summer was a drag. I assumed I was going back to college in September, but I wasn't allowed back in/I wasn't going to be funded for the course, despite education being free until you're 19 here. Mum wasn't happy at all. So since then, I've been looking for work. Thing is, there's LOADS of jobs out there, but everyone I've applied to or spoken to about a job has asked me for experience - apparently two weeks in UBS isn't even enough for a minimum wage administration/clerical job. Games testing has taken my fancy, but no one wants English speaking testers.
That's about it. I'd type more but it's early...
EDIT: Oh. And I had a shitty 18th birthday.