I wouldn't say that's necessarily to do with bad call centres, I'd suggest it's got a lot more to do with Jetstar being a pain in the arse. Budget airlines can be good but I would never fly with them period. Bad experiences.
British Telecom. BT. Here's one for you. I have kept my mothers' landline in my name even when I moved as she has some issues with her bank account and by the time it was fixed it just made sense for her to transfer the money to me every month if I was to keep telling her what she owed. I'm on what they call a monthly plan, yet I receive bills quarterly. The flexibility (that I'm supposed to have anyway) is that I can pick and choose what I pay as long as it's at least what they recommend that I pay. Therein lies the problem - they always want much more than necessary. I have two problems with this: the first being that the last time this happened I wasn't paying attention and I ended up being in credit to the tune of a three-figure sum, and two like most normal people I want to pay what I owe and NOTHING MORE. This basic idea is something the folks at BT are unaccustomed to it seems. Let me give you an example.
i have a bill generated for three months. It's at £75. I'm happy paying £26 as it pays the outstanding balance with a little credit. Reasonable? BT disagree. They want £45 a month MINIMUM. Here's where the call centre fun begins. I call them up (usually once every three months as it happens over this) and I'm queued for at least half an hour. I speak to a friendly lady of I'd claim Asian descent, who spends minutes 'looking through my account' to tell me she doesn't have the authorisation to do anything about it. So basically they're holding me to ransom if I don't pay what they want. She changes this tack when I explain I'll cancel thy payment leaving my bank. I am transferred to the call centre management. They claim it's an error of the automated payment calculator that they use, that it will be set to the amount I want and that they promise it is done and that that should be the end of it.
Two weeks pass and I check my account. They take £45. I tell Ofcom. They tell me to get an indemnity claim filled in and basically sue BT for fraud. My mums collecting evidence.