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Thread: why do peole fear death?

  1. #61
    Asking all the personal questions. why do peole fear death? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silence1214 View Post
    people frear what they don't undersatnd that is a basic instinct we have. instead of understanding it we either fear it or destroy it. people fear death cause they fear the unknown. they fear what comes after death if anything does. WE fear what is yet to come we fear the inevitable. We fear what we can not see or pevent. thats why people are afraid of death their afraid of what they can't stop so there fore they fear it.
    That exactly right but it is a natural part of life instead of understanding it we need to accept it.
    Nothing lasts forever.
    I used to fear death as a child and asked a lot of questions now as long as i have fulfilled what i want and my kids grow up to be successful by that i mean at least grow up with a level head and are stable then i should be happy to accept death.
    I do believe in reincarnation though to some point.
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  2. #62
    Why do people fear death?

    I think that, no matter what everyone fears death to a certain degree. Whether it be because you fear never seeing your loved ones again or, based on your beliefs. If you don't believe in life after death, then yeah, it would suck to die because once you're dead that's it, no more life, soul or conscience. Even if you do believe in life after death, it's still not fun to think about. People "fear" death because they enjoy living, doing the things that make them happy, that's what it comes down to. Those who dislike living are the ones who usually end up committing suicide, but even being unhappy in life is a luxury. In death, you don't even get the chance to be unhappy for that matter. "Fear" may not even be the right word to use, I don't know. I wouldn't say people fear death, because as human beings, we know it is inevitable and everyone will die at some point. It's not like something we can run from and escape.

    I guess it just comes down to beliefs, and how much you enjoy life, the more you enjoy it, the more you will fear losing it.

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    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  3. #63
    People fear death because it's ingrained in our minds to live on, reproduce, and spread like some crazy virus, destroying everything we come in contact with. Without the will to live, humanity would risk extinction.

  4. #64
    Shake it like a polaroid picture why do peole fear death? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Asking why living creatures fear death is like asking why we get thirsty and hungry.

    We have to survive.

    If nature wouldn't tell us that we'd have to eat, drink, be careful so we don't die, we wouldn't stay alive for long, would we?
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  5. #65
    Death Before Dishonor why do peole fear death? Josh_R's Avatar
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    People fear death because ever since they were born they have been taught to fear death..This causes them to live there lives in the background, if you do not fear death then it encourages you to make the most out of your short time you have on earth...

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  6. #66
    I will finish the hunt why do peole fear death? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    IDK why other people fear death, but since death is one of my phobias I can tell you why I fear it. I don't believe in the traditional God. I don't believe that when I die I am going to be reunited with my friends and family. I don't believe I will have the memories of my first child telling me he loves me, my mother and I talking for hours on the phone, getting married to the man of my dreams, or the birth of my baby girl..... I believe that when I die I will go out like a flame being snuffed by the wind. That scares me. I appreciate my life too much to be "ok" with the thought of it being taken from me. I want to stay here with the people I love........... forever. So I fear this....forgetting.....and being forgotten.
    "Some men just want to watch the world burn"

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Kisuke_Hellsing View Post
    People fear death because ever since they were born they have been taught to fear death..This causes them to live there lives in the background, if you do not fear death then it encourages you to make the most out of your short time you have on earth...
    I'm not sure if you meant we are taught to fear death(by parents or whoever), or you're saying when we're born we already fear death.

    I really don't think it's a learned thing. This is why 2 and 3 year old kids who watch disney movies get freaked out when a character dies or something. They wonder where he went. It's something that comes with us right out of the box, to give us that fight to survive and resume life.

  8. #68
    Crash Boom Bang why do peole fear death? Lily's Avatar
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    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    It's a fear of the unknown I guess, not knowing what's gunna happen, where you're gunna go, if anywhere...

    I couldn't give a stuff myself, it happens to us all in the end, one way or another, just as long as it doesn't hurt. At the end of the day, I'l be dead so it won;t matter. If there IS something to worry about once I've snuffed it, I'll worry then. No sense worrying about shit you can't control

    I'm more arsed about getting old, because we know what comes with old age, and it's grim. I'd happily take death over having someone wipe my arse for me. To me, that's FAR more terrifying than the idea of dying

  9. #69
    Registered User why do peole fear death? Locke4God's Avatar
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    For one, you know that there can be excrutiatingly painful deaths. Some seem peaceful, but others are horrific, and that's something anybody would fear.

    But I think more than anything, people fear it not from physical pain, but from psychological distress. You start to wonder if you were the best person you could be, if you accomplished anything of value, if anybody will remember you. You start to really wonder if anything really matters, and your regrets of what you never did or were unable or unwilling to do begin to weigh on you.

    You might remember your girlfriend in high school and you begin to relive how your whole life might have been if you had only been able to keep her.

    You think about a child you may have lost or decided not to have and wonder how your life would have been different if they had been there, or perhaps if you had decided not to have a child that you did bring into the world.

    You start to think about how much things have changed in your lifetime. And you really start to wonder what new events you will miss in the future.

  10. #70
    Registered User why do peole fear death? Gilgameshed_up's Avatar
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    This may sound like I'm being somewhat of a beef head but I don't fear death it is inevitable
    there is no way you can stop it and its eventually going to happen someday.I think people fear death because they don't know what will happen and if ( I'f you belie in it) they will be reincarnated
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  11. #71
    Registered User why do peole fear death? Diyala's Avatar
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    Because it is something unknown
    and people always fear the unknown
    and because there is another life after death

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  12. #72
    There is the saying "If you fear death, then you have something worth living for."

    Though that isn't the case, since if you offered a homeless person death, he probably wouldn't take it. It is our Human instinct to want to survive, or will to survive, which probably compells us to not accept death as a beautiful thing. Whatever you do, you'll face it eventually.

  13. #73
    The Mad God why do peole fear death? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    People fear change, loss, and the unknown. Death is all 3 rolled into one unpleasant package. Many fear death because they have seen death. They think of it the same way they think of seeing someone die. What many simply don't stop and think about, is that one you're the one dying, there are no unpleasant feelings to go with it.

    Jim Morrison of "The Doors" had some excellent thoughts on the subject of death.

    "People fear death even more than pain. It's strange that they fear death. Life hurts a lot more than death. At the point of death, the pain is over. Yeah, I guess it is a friend." ~Jim Morrison~

    This one of two of my favorite quotes on death, the other is also by Jim Morrison. But Let's start with this one. The guy's absolutely correct. Another quote it reminds me of is probably better know, "He who loses his head is the last one to miss it". We worry about death too much, why not worry about life? Death is when it's over. There's nothing left to worry about. Death is the end of worry and pain, not their cause.

    This is my favorite quote on a person's thoughs about death.

    "I wouldn't mind dying in a plane crash. It'd be a good way to go. I don't want to die in my sleep, or of old age, or OD...I want to feel what it's like. I want to taste it, hear it, smell it. Death is only going to happen to you once; I don't want to miss it." ~Jim Morrison~

    Death is the one thing in life that nobody can ever teach you. Nobody who knows what it's like can tell you. The only way you'll ever find out is to experience. When my time comes, I'll embrace it, not run from it. Not to say I look forward to it or anything, but resisting it is futile. When it comes, it comes. May as well make the best of it.

    I find that life is more important than death anyways. Those who spend their days hiding from death, clinging to life, never really live at all. Constant fear, and running away isn't a life. Don't wake up every morning fearing that today may be your last. Live every day like you're sure it is, and when you go to sleep at night, be glad it wasn't.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  14. #74
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES why do peole fear death? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Death is enevitable so I choose not to fear it I believe Death comes for us all when its time to go there is no point in trying to run from it and no point in hiding from the human race fears what they can't see but that is what everything out there fears
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  15. #75

    Re: why do peole fear death?

    i think "fearing death" is a reaction to the human body. its not really that we fear death, because we all know that one day we will have to die. its fate. its set. when the time comes...who wouldnt want to have a long rest 6 feet under ground...but its the thought of being lonely....forever. cause when you die, you lose EVERY SINGLE THING THAT YOU OWN RIGHT NOW. and because we can only die once (i'm not sure if you can die more than once), we dont know what we'll feel, where we'll go and we're scared. death to me is a long dark road that you go on alone forever.

  16. #76
    Death comes on silent wings why do peole fear death? bobbo087's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    I believe that people fear death because they don't really know what happens when you die, where some believe that you will be reincarnated, others believe that you will go to Heaven or Hell those who believe in Heaven and Hell also fear that they will be judged by the Lord about everything that they have done in their entire lives and the thought of not being able to get into eternal paradise but instead an eternity of sorrow gnashing of teeth and a pit of eternally burning fire. Then there is the belief that when you die all that happens is you die and nothing happens you just decompose no afterlife, you just fall out of existance and all that remains is those that remember you and Hell but I think that everyone is fed all these different scenarios and they are just hoping that they pick the right one, so they can keep from going to the different kinds of Hell depicted in all of the different religions.

  17. #77
    Registered User why do peole fear death? Megatron0000's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    People in general fear death because they have no idea whats next. The only way to know is to die. Only get to do it once. People almost always fear what they don't know. Me personally I don't fear death i fear dying. Yes there is a difference. I fear not knowing how it will come and what will happen to my family afterward. I don't fear death because its unavoidable. If I can't stop it why be afraid of it, but you can affect the way you go. Hence my getting out of the Army after 2 years in 2 deserts crapperholes.

  18. #78
    Memento Rhapso why do peole fear death? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Personally, death does not truly frighten me. I know it's not desirable because of the emotional turmoil it would inflict on my loved ones. I am curious with death actually, what happens? Religion says tis, non-religion says that, zombie movies say the other. But what really happens?
    People probably fear death because of the unknown aforementioned. Most are afraid of new things, and what we can not or will not perceive truly frightens us to our cores. Sometimes this is good, sometimes it's bad. In the case of death, we simply do not know.

    *Sorry for such a generic post, didn't read through them all.

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  19. #79
    Registered User why do peole fear death? xXx Rikku xXx's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    I'm being deadly honest here but i don't fear death in the slightest. There is a girl in Battle Royale, can't remember her name but she says "people don't fear death itself, but to be forgotten is what they fear most" or something along those lines. I kind of think this is why because i know a lot of people that have a lot of friends and most of them are afraid of it, but i'm not because a lot of the time i keep to myself.
    Also Ragnatoaeds post makes a lot of sense to :3
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  20. #80
    Boxer of the Galaxy why do peole fear death? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Death is inevitable. Its something out of our control. It also something that we know nothing about. The fear of the unknown, perhaps? Fear of pain? there are so many factors , so many things to think about. I personally believe that we are reborn. This has nothing to do with a god, but rather the natural way of life. People die, people are born. Wouldnt it make sense that the people dying, are the ones who are being born? Obviously with no recollection of a past life.
    just think about it and maybe it would put your mind at ease if you are in fear of being gone forever. Because i strongly believe that you stop existing. How would it be that you are here then?

  21. #81
    Registered User why do peole fear death? HUNK's Avatar
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    My thoughts on death...

    I honestly think people (in general) fear death because they don't really know what to expect next.

    Many religions and other views and opinions can guess, but no one really knows what'll happen. I gather that a vast majority of people who don't fear death, don't believe in any kind of Heaven, Re-incarnation, or Afterlife. Personally, I don't egarly await death, but when my time comes I do look forward to finally knowing what the truth of it all is. I don't really fear it but at the same time I don't want it. I simply accept it.

    Death will always be a constant. I don't think we should live our lives fearing and preparing for our deaths. I think we should enjoy the time we have in our lives.

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  22. #82
    don't put your foot in there guy SOLDIER #819's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    I don't think it's necessarily a fear of the unknown. The unknown hints at the possibility of an existence beyond life as we know it, however indistinct its features may be. However, I see "death", given that there are no religious or philosophical dogma to modify my views, as an ultimate end in which "you" (your consciousness) simply cease to be. Whether this means that the world simply moves onto other things in your absence or that the whole world suddenly collapses as you are no longer there to view it... or whatever theory, they're all sort of irrelevant. You're dead, meaning you won't be able to view any of these outcomes. You can't do anything, and won't realize that you can't do anything, or that you are "you".

    It is in knowing the true identity of death (which I term loosely, and have no way to prove its validity) that personally scares the hell out of me. If I stop thinking, what am I? Nothing, probably.

    Can't blame other people for following other after-death theories. Heaven, or even hell, is better than ceasing to exist in the 1st person. It can't be imagined, much less described.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda
    just turn off your PS3 or 360 go to your dust tomb and say you'll give birth to 1500 people a day for the 1000 that'll be killed until the doors to hades open and you can pull out ar tonelico and turn on that glorous PS2 and be bathed in its radiant warm glow

  23. #83
    Registered User why do peole fear death? sayian's Avatar
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    Re: My thoughts on death...

    Quote Originally Posted by H.U.N.K View Post
    I honestly think people (in general) fear death because they don't really know what to expect next.
    Agreed.. i sometimes think about how life is today, and there is more bad than good, more struggles than relief, rich is getting richer, dishonesty etc.. get your local news paper and read, now look at the world we live in.... how can death be harder than that... its the future in life i fear probably more so than death..

  24. #84
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. why do peole fear death? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    As a studying psychologist, people usually fear death for these 3 major reasons.

    1. THey don't want their family and friends grieving for them
    2. They feel like they will miss, or they don't want to be separated from friends or family.
    3. Because the "what now" factor. What happens next.

    For me... Fear is a fuel, it is desirable... Death is immortal life...
    Upon it's one true resurrection of eternal glory and eternities wane, beyond the extant plains and wrought death nihility, our destinies shatter into a million fragments of luminescent doom...
    Ehh... I always do that...

    Your pathetic existence will shut down. I will make your lives end in ruin. Fear me, as you fear death. Not a threat, not a promise, but what must be finished. 7 final arcs...

  25. #85
    Registered User why do peole fear death? Diamond Dust's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Thought I'd just throw in the following extract taken from this website.

    The Psychology of Death

    Reaction to Death

    As previously noted, primitive man's reaction to death was one of fear.

    In this enlightened age, man still reacts to death with fear.

    Death is still an unknown. No one obviously, has ever died and returned to tell us what death is really like. Man naturally fears what he does not understand and can not control.

    The so-called "near-death" experience is still not a death experience. We can never know exactly what death is, so we can never fully understand it.

    Therefore we can never stop totally from fearing it.

    Much of our response to death is avoidance. Death is not a pleasant topic of conversation. When death must be talked about, it is usually done in academic terms.

    Talking about death on a personal level creates discomfort. It is much easier to talk about death in terms of, "People die," rather than in terms of, "Someday I will die."

    Within the last 20 years or so, much has been written about death and dying. At times it seemed like everyone who has suffered a loss was writing a book about it.

    Each death is unique and therefore each person's experience is unique. That makes much of the material available unusable for another person experiencing a loss through death.

    Indeed some of the advice available becomes contradictory simply because each person must deal with their own grief in their own way.
    For further reading, follow the link at the top. It's very interesting in my opinion.

  26. #86
    Registered User why do peole fear death? EveVanilla's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Everyone has different beliefs of where they go after they die.
    What I believe is that either you done good deeds, obey the lord, and have Christ in your heart and life you will go to heaven. But if you done things God doesn't expect then...the scary firey pits of Hell. (Don't judge me for my beliefs, I know everyone has different beliefs so this is what i believe in.)

    And the idea of dying is quite scary to me, unless we die in our sleep that would be less pain full. So to me "death" is a bit scary and i fear it alittle.
    (Note also, I don't judge others or judge for what you do or believe in.)

  27. #87
    Passing fair judgement why do peole fear death? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Quote Originally Posted by EveVanilla View Post
    Everyone has different beliefs of where they go after they die.
    What I believe is that either you done good deeds, obey the lord, and have Christ in your heart and life you will go to heaven. But if you done things God doesn't expect then...the scary firey pits of Hell. (Don't judge me for my beliefs, I know everyone has different beliefs so this is what i believe in.)

    And the idea of dying is quite scary to me, unless we die in our sleep that would be less pain full. So to me "death" is a bit scary and i fear it alittle.
    (Note also, I don't judge others or judge for what you do or believe in.)
    I take it you are a Christian than EveVanilla? If you are a Catholic even better, and you are a great person for not fearing to state what you believe in.

    Everyone fears death even knowing what will come after. It is part of human nature to fear death, and as such we need to trust that there is life after death. God our creator will give us the reward we deserve upon our death. The only thing we should really fear is if we go to the happiness of Heaven or the torture of Hell. I'm a Catholic and I believe in the one true God, and as much as I would like others to be like myself I won't force my view on anyone.
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  28. #88
    Registered User why do peole fear death? EveVanilla's Avatar
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    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    I take it you are a Christian than EveVanilla? If you are a Catholic even better, and you are a great person for not fearing to state what you believe in.

    Everyone fears death even knowing what will come after. It is part of human nature to fear death, and as such we need to trust that there is life after death. God our creator will give us the reward we deserve upon our death. The only thing we should really fear is if we go to the happiness of Heaven or the torture of Hell. I'm a Catholic and I believe in the one true God, and as much as I would like others to be like myself I won't force my view on anyone.
    I'm Christian, but that Awesome your Catholic
    And i agree with you Judge Magistrate, and I'm the same way i won't force my view on anyone either.

  29. #89

    Re: why do peole fear death?

    Dead is natural part with life life,we shou not fear it,we shoud live with it

  30. #90

    Re: why do peole fear death?

    I think death is nothing to fear for many reasons.
    First scenario is we go to heaven right? Not a problem, heaven will be so cool. It's like a conjunction of fantasy worlds. You'll see.

    But before we go there, we have to learn to enjoy this world with no regrets.
    So make a lot of friends with people like me. We'll go far.

    Is there a God that cares about us? Don't get bogged down by organized religion yet. Yes, religion can be cool, but let's use our imaginations first. If there was no God mankind would just continue evolving with our technology. One day we'll be as far beyond ourselves as we are beyond one celled organisms. Especially due to technology. Then one day we'll use time travel to exist outside of time. That's where God would be. And outside of time the God that someone is destined to evolve into will go back and save the souls of everything right before the point of death... even the animals... and take them to the places where they'll be happiest. For all time.

    Did God evolve from our planet? IDK. Don't think we'll make it that far? That's one of the things to fight for. Stands to reason that if we can stay alive on this rock, then other planets also have the ability to produce God one day. And once outside of time God protects all time lines everywhere. That's how the time travel thing doesn't get too screwy. Creationism is true and evolution is true. They are the same.

    And God looks like us because this is the time when what intelligent creatures think and feel matters. That and the fact that we'll begin using technology to stop our physical appearance due to DNA from changing... soon. Since we can just about control the direction of our evolution, we won't try to look much different as a species. We've arrived at the edge of the eternities.

    Death, isn't really anything at all anymore.

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