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Thread: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

  1. #1
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Shiro's Avatar
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    What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Religion is a very sensitive issue. We are advised when dealing with people to avoid sex, politics and religion. However sometimes you'll be either sitting in a conversation, or overhear one, where someone feels they need to vent their frustrations on "those two-faced Christians" or "terrorist Muslims" or "cheap Jews" to use a few expressions I've heard. I have then seen the different reactions of the people who belong to those faiths: some take it quietly but you can see them cringing. Others leap up and begin a full-blown religious debate that turns what could have been a pleasant social into an uncomfortable stalemate, as religion is an argument no one can win, IMO.

    Then you get the people who, for just the slightest joke or secular opinion, will get riled up and begin challenging you about your beliefs and theirs. And some who, when they find out what you believe in, will proceed to bash it down to your face. How do you react?

    I have had the experience where a girlfriend of a friend refused to come to my house because I play "Satanic music" and I'm a "devil-worshipping witch" (I'm pagan, and don't believe in Satan). I normally let that just go over my head. Another experience was when a person, once discovering I was pagan, began a heated lecture about how I need to find God, and stop rebelling against Him, and pray to Jesus for forgiveness - in my own house. I had no idea how to react. I began by trying to defend myself, but in the end I just asked him to leave.

    Please note that I'm not generalising here but the majority of people I've had problems with regarding my beliefs are Christians, though I'm in no way implying that they're all like that as I have many Christian friends who know what I am and have no problem with it. We have mutual respect for each others' religions, which is a rare thing these days.

    So, have you ever encountered a situation like the ones mentioned above, and what is your view on "minding your Ps and Qs" regarding religion in a social environment?

  2. #2
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Leon's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Well, I'm a religious guy, but to be honest I don't even go to Mass on Sundays, so you be the judge on how religious I really am. But only because the nearest church is far away, and I can't even drive a car yet.

    But enough of that, as you can tell, I'm Catholic. We get a bunch of lunatics telling us we worship idols as well as doing other "unchristian" things. They don't really take the time to study our faith, they just spew a bunch of nonsense that sadly either comes from parents or Protestants in general. They don't even know the difference between worshiping and reverence.

    I do have Christian friends, and they either keep it to themselves or they have no problem with Catholicism. But I do end up getting a debate when someone questions my faith, but in every case I come very prepared. It's hard to debate with a Catholic, especially one who DOESN'T follow their religion like a sheep and actually knows why he's affiliated with the Church in the first place.

    Ignorance and intolerance are serious problems in the world. They do more harm than good.
    Last edited by Leon; 03-09-2011 at 12:00 PM.
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  3. #3
    Ellipsis What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I'm a Christian, and I used to attend church (before we moved, years before). I don't take the religion seriously or offend other people's religions. In fact, I don't even care about anyone's religion.

    As far as I know, there hasn't been anyone who mocked or criticized my religion, so I don't really care if anyone would call me names or anything. Around here, at least from my view, we just chill out and such, as if religion never existed. Nothing serious.

    If someone does insult me because of my religion, I'll always let them fly over my head. >w>
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I'm not religious, so I don't really get it all that much. I do dish the dirt a little bit on religion, but I don't personally attack anyone - I'll just express my opinion as an atheist. If that insults anyone, I won't apologise because I'm allowed to have my own beliefs, and I thought that that was accepted in many beliefs. Free will and all that.

    I don't think it's very nice when a believer tells me I will go to hell if I don't believe. The way I look at is how can you know that a God or greater being exists in the first place? You could say "Look around you at the world He built," but to me, it's just the world and there's no evidence to link Earth to a God. The Earth and the Universe contains evidence of millions of years of evolution, something which cannot exist by God's laws of building the perfect Earth in seven days. Also, if someone can believe in God, another can decide not to - there's no rules stating that you have to.

    Religion is just as mockable as not having a religion. So when people do mock me, I tend to mock back.

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  5. #5
    Bananarama What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I honestly don't really ever run into anyone mocking me because of my religion. If they did, I really wouldn't care too much, and I'd probably bust their balls based on whatever religion they decided to subscribe to. It's funny though because I've gone to Catholic school, we've been taught the aspects of several of the major religions, and so in the rare instance that I do have to throw a few verbal jabs, I can.

    I don't really take religion seriously enough to care or to judge someone based on it... unless someone else decides to judge me based on mine.

    But really, mocking someone based on their chosen religion is pretty lame... unless it's one of those psycho religions like militant Islam or those Fred Phelps people. They can all die in a big ole bus fire.
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  6. #6
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I second that Pete. I don't really believe in "Power Based" religion. (Like militant Islam)

    Anyway, I normally just take it in stride, I live in a county(Possilby even state) where not many different religions are found, so I can't be offended because people may not have herd of my religion and think it's strange. That is there own opinion and like a$$holes, everyone has them and they all stink. I don't talk about my own religion too much though, and when I do, the only problems I come across is people who think it's wired and think I'm wierd for practicing, but Y'know, that's their opinion.

  7. #7
    Sir Prize What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    ^Most intelligent post I've seen in the ID forum. =/

    Mocking someone's religion is a part of someone's insecurity or ego trip. That's wholly their affair. If they bait their victim or if they are merely defending themselves when they feel attacked, either way it's no excuse.

    The proper reaction is seldom used, however. That is, of course, to shrug your shoulders and ignore them. To be honest, no one I would care about would mock someone's religion.

    And I can't say that there is really much to be said against my religion that would wound my faith, either. My faith is not dependent on another's opinion of it.

    I'm also slightly proud of the fact that I've NEVER mocked anyone's religion.


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  8. #8
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I don't believe in any religion at all, but I don't bitch at other people for being religious or pick at what the religion is.
    As said in other posts, religion is a sensitive/personal issue, and I don't think there is any need for people to mock anothers religion, we all believe in our own thing, and we should all respect each others decisions.
    I choose not too believe in religion, and if people pick at that, I don't care, because it's my opinion.

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  9. #9

    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I think criticism and skepticism is healthy, even in regards to religion as it is a very important subject. It is a personal choice yes, but when a large group shares the same religious faith they allow their beliefs on religious matters to make decisions on non-religious voting. I find it to be very unhealthy how many people vote purely on a candidates religious beliefs, it's almost sickening that someone will trust an individual with their country despite contradicting opinions on major topics solely because they share the same belief of who is looking down at them from the sky. Being a skeptic and encouraging those of faith to question their beliefs (not discourage their beliefs) so they really do truly agree with the whole picture I think is a good thing. Simply putting someone down because of a differing opinion however (mocking) has no place.

  10. #10
    The Mad God What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Technically speaking, I'm agnostic, though I strongly lean towards athiesm. As such, I don't really have a religion to mock, but having bible thumpers try to cram theirs down my throat is similar enough for me to make a point from.

    Generally, partially because I'm a critical thinker and philosopher, and partially because I'm a huge ****, I imeddiately respond to anybody trying to force their religion on me simpyly by asking, "why?". Why should I believe what you tell me to? Then I kinda lead em around in circles via the socratic method for a while, ultimately resulting in them either subscribing to subjectivism, in which which case they've completely failed to prove, or even support that I should do anything other than what I already am, or I find some nice holes to pick in their arguments and end up converting them to my lack of religion through logic, though that occurs much less often.

    Then of course there's the even more uncommon scenario in which case a Westboro jackass confronts me when I counterprotest whenever they show up anywhere near here. Them I usually don't watse the effort on, I just point, laugh, and move on with my counterprotesting. Some people just have their heads so far up their own asses, there's not really even a point in trying to reason with them. These people are what I like to refer to as "insane", and shouldn't be taken seriously anyways, hence the pointing and laughter as a response to them.

    I must agree with OnOneRyder. Simple bashing is idiotic, but forcing people to question their faith is a good thing, as it brings people to develop better reasons to believe what they believe, or realize that what they have believed isn't worth putting faith into. As Socrates once said, the unexamined life is not worth living.
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  11. #11

    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Well I'm actually atheist but I go to a christian school. So when ever any of my classmates try to use my atheism as an insult I just show them how illogical their religion is and tell them that is the opposite of what the bible tells them to do to "non believers".

  12. #12
    Passing fair judgement What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I am a devout Catholic, but I have a lot of friends that aren't. Some of them would be considered the "enemies" of the Catholics. I love my faith and I wouldn't leave it for the world. Having said this, I'm not going to force my beliefs on someone else. A Catholic that tries to do this is not a real Catholic, you welcome the people, but they don't have to join. God said in the Bible that he came for peace and he would not force people to follow Him, they had to choose.

    If people try to mock me or my religion of course I'm going to defend it and myself. It is the job of a Catholic to defend their faith. Like I said though, I have plenty of non-Catholic friends, and I like it that way.
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  13. #13
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I know this sounds like a weird thing to be writing in a religious based thread, but here goes...

    It's not so much that people comment on my "religion" per se, but I am gay, and also believe that there is a Godly or higher being out there. Nearly everyone I know has the basic idea of my beliefs, yet still always challenge me, saying that being gay means that I can't believe in God. This is my experience of people mocking my "religion" even though it isn't a full-out religion, like worshipping and the like.

    When people comment on it, they tend to think that I am a hypocrite for believeing in an entity, and being a sinful "gay." To be honest, I have no problem with people saying this, because at the end of the day, we all believe different things, and all have different ideas of "sinning." Thing is in my case, it always seems to be Christians that bash me as well. I have a few Jewish friends, who don't mind, I also have two Muslim friends who couldn't care less of my sexual orientation. Also, two of my family members are Pagan, as are lots of my close friends, and obviously that is more a case of loving and respecting every living thing, so they are very supportive. However, in my community I continuously get questioned by Christians of all sects. They actually have the audacity to say to me "you are filthy if you think you can have a belief in a god and still live your lifestyle." Bad news i'm afraid, but Christians are notorious for "purging" throughout history, the murder of millions of innocent people. I'm not Christian bashing, just merely showing that the statements made to me a totally hypocritical. As are most religions.

    As for the main point of the thread: my reactions?

    I just tell them that everyone has the right to their own beliefs, and that if they continue to harass me and bash others for their beliefs, then it is going against their own God's wishes, as he says to "Love thy neighbour." This usually makes them think twice before mocking or criticising other people's beliefs, no matter if they are religious or not.
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  14. #14
    Passing fair judgement What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I can speak from my Catholic perspective and say that I don't care if your gay. I have some gay friends, I think as long as you love God you're okay.
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  15. #15
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? AshNStuff's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I'm an atheist, and I haven't come out to my family about it yet. My dad is a super-christian and the rest of my family idk. So obviously, I would never mock anybody else for what they believe in because I know how it feels to be an outcast. I think people need to get over it all, NOBODY really knows what will happen after we die. & I hate when people say they are CERTAIN that 'you're going to hell' or whatever. If you're a real Christian, then you know that only your God can be the judge of that.
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  16. #16
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by AshNStuff
    If you're a real Christian, then you know that only your God can be the judge of that.
    Precisely :') And thank you for pointing that out btw.

    Also, as you said, nobody knows what is going to happen when we die. Isn't that basically the fundamentals of a religion, basically how many Gods you have and what happens after you die? If I were religious, I would be worried about getting myself into Heaven, than being busy mocking people about their non-religious life. Unless it's a psychological case of "I'm going to Heaven and you're going to Hell" <-- aka bragging? This is not my opinion,I'm just wondering if anyone would agree with this ...
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  17. #17
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? AshNStuff's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by nickness89 View Post
    Precisely :') And thank you for pointing that out btw.

    Also, as you said, nobody knows what is going to happen when we die. Isn't that basically the fundamentals of a religion, basically how many Gods you have and what happens after you die? If I were religious, I would be worried about getting myself into Heaven, than being busy mocking people about their non-religious life. Unless it's a psychological case of "I'm going to Heaven and you're going to Hell" <-- aka bragging? This is not my opinion,I'm just wondering if anyone would agree with this ...
    I completely agree, I guess it's the childish side of these people. Nana nana boo boo type of thing lol. It's ridiculous. I think that next time somebody tries to shove their religion down my throat, I'll point that out
    They will stop degrading us

  18. #18
    Passing fair judgement What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    If people are mocking you for your religion than they are not doing a good job of reaching Heaven. As a Catholic I am to care about other people regarless of their religion. I think I do that, I'm not going to attack anyone for their religion, and anyone that does is not a very good person.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  19. #19
    Balaclavas on...let's go shopping!! What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? nickness89's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate
    If people are mocking you for your religion than they are not doing a good job of reaching Heaven. As a Catholic I am to care about other people regarless of their religion. I think I do that, I'm not going to attack anyone for their religion, and anyone that does is not a very good person.
    Well, you have certainly been doing a very good job of being caring for your TFF friends That wasn't sarcastic by the way, you are genuinely very nice and helpful to everyone

    I may change your Title on my TFF family from Bestest Friend to Good Samaritan
    Favourite Lyric For Now:

    "Don't be insecure if your heart is pure,
    You're still good to me if you're a Bad Kid, baby."

    Lady Gaga


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  20. #20
    Registered User What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? AshNStuff's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    If people are mocking you for your religion than they are not doing a good job of reaching Heaven. As a Catholic I am to care about other people regarless of their religion. I think I do that, I'm not going to attack anyone for their religion, and anyone that does is not a very good person.
    Yeah, I know that. There are the respectable people out there who understand that some people are different, but unfortunately I can't speak for everyone when I say that.
    They will stop degrading us

  21. #21
    Passing fair judgement What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Judge Magistrate's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    A pity, you must not know very many nice people. You seem like a nice person, and regarless of your religion people should try and get to know you better.

    Thanks for the complement Nickness, it means a lot to hear that from someone.
    None shall escape judgement, all shall fall by my blade.

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    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  22. #22
    Boxer of the Galaxy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Religion should be kept to ones self to avoid being critisized. I happen to believe its a crock of shit, personally. I dont want to start a thread asking people to prove their beliefs to me, so ill just ask here.

    Faith is nothing more than believing something without a good reason.
    Prove to me that your beliefs are logical.

    and ill report any trolls here because I only care for serious responses.

  23. #23
    All is One.One is All. What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    @ Nickness: I am a Christian,and to be honest with you..I really don't care if a person is gay or not,its THEIR choice and everyone should respect that. People then tell me," Oh if thats the way you feel,then your not a TRUE Christian." Who cares if I think men and women can make any choice they want on love,that doesn't mean I still don't believe in God and etc.

    Anways,back to the topic.I live in a small town,and almost everyone is a Christian,but sometimes someone,who is not a Christian,will start bashing my religion in my face. I like to keep the peace,so I kindly ask them to stop because...I'm a Christian,and if they keep going..usually I will just walk away....
    Last edited by Firefly; 07-18-2011 at 08:19 PM.
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    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  24. #24
    Boxer of the Galaxy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    @ Nickness: I am a Christian,and to be honest with you..I really don't care if a person is gay or not,its THEIR choice and everyone should respect that. People then tell me," Oh if thats the way you feel,then your not a TRUE Christian." Who cares if I think men and women can make any choice they want on love,that doesn't mean I still don't believe in God and etc.

    Anways,back to the topic.I live in a small town,and almost everyone is a Christian,but sometimes someone,who is not a Christian,will start bashing my religion in my face. I like to keep the peace,so I kindly ask them to stop because...I'm a Christian,and if they keep going..usually I will just walk away....
    Why do you choose to be a christian? Believing in god doesnt automatically make you a christian, many religions have god.

  25. #25
    All is One.One is All. What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    I understand that..but I also believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and was placed upon this Earth to wash away our Sins.
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    * My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
    * My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
    * My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
    * My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]

    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  26. #26
    Boxer of the Galaxy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    I understand that..but I also believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and was placed upon this Earth to wash away our Sins.
    Okay, now what evidence do you base these beliefs on? What I'm trying to understand is why you believe this.

  27. #27
    All is One.One is All. What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Umm..for one...its in the Bible.And for two,I believe what I want to believe.
    My TFF Family:
    * My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
    * Illusion :]
    * Cait Sith :]
    * My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
    * My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
    * My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
    * My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]

    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  28. #28
    Boxer of the Galaxy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Umm..for one...its in the Bible.And for two,I believe what I want to believe.
    "peter 3:15: give a logical explanation for the faith that you have."

    If you fail to provide anything other than "its just what I believe" then its an illogical thought and you're not doing your job as a christian by not giving me the logical explanation that I ask for.

  29. #29
    All is One.One is All. What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Why do I need to prove myself to you anyway? I am still learning,and just because I don't have the answers that satisfies you, doesn't mean that I am not a Christian. I came to this topic to answer the question," What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion??",not to explain why I believe in Jesus Christ and God to anyone. I am 15,and still kinda lacking when it comes to fully knowing my religion... -.-
    My TFF Family:
    * My Awesome Older Brother, Judge Magistrate :]
    * Illusion :]
    * Cait Sith :]
    * My Sweet,Caring,Older Sister angelmarie190515 :]
    * My FF Twin, nickness89 :]
    * My Favorite Australian Cousin, NikkiLinkle :]
    * My Long Lost Cousin, Hero without a Name :]

    ***98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature.

  30. #30
    Boxer of the Galaxy What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What do you do when people mock/criticize your religion?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
    Why do I need to prove myself to you anyway?
    "peter 3:15: give a logical explanation for the faith that you have."

    I am still learning,and just because I don't have the answers that satisfies you, doesn't mean that I am not a Christian.
    Im merely asking the most simplest of questions, "why do you believe what you do" and you cant answer it. Saying you believe in god but not being able to answer 'why', other than "its just what I believe", sounds to me like you're believing in something blindly.

    I am 15,and still kinda lacking when it comes to fully knowing my religion... -.-
    So you'll believe in something without knowing everything about it. Im not claiming to know god doesnt exist 100%, but what I will say is that he doesnt based on lack of evidence , hence, there being no reason to believe in it.

    once again, if you are a christian, please remember to

    "peter 3:15: give a logical explanation for the faith that you have."

    im convinced that noone can do it.

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