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Thread: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

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  1. #1
    I invented Go-Gurt. Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Clint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    It's funny, I've been thinking about that lately, and based on this logic, since we're the ones sorting out the genes and using intelligence, it's natural
    What the hell? You're talking about population control. Sorting out genes by either not allowing people with unwanted genes to reproduce, or killing carriers of unwanted genes before they're even born. That's not natural. The former is slavery, and the ladder is genocide.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    It might not grasp the concept of being alive, but it does know how to stay alive to the best of it's ability. It instinctively knows it needs various things to live.
    Instinct wasn't your point. Your point was that in order to be classified as a person, you have to understand what it is to be alive, which babies don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    It's your opinion that those are responsibilities
    That pretty much states that you don't take responsibility for your actions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I want to make it a point that even practicing safe sex can result in pregnancy, and noone should be considered irresponsible for having an abortion under those circumstances. And also, the pill is not good for women. It is UNNATURAL to use drugs to control a menstrual cycle and therefor, no woman should ever have to choose the pill (nor suffer the side effects) over anything. Abortion isnt just a go-to option, it is the only option when you have an unwanted/unexpected pregnancy. Those who are responsible will take preventative measures, those who are irresponsible will not.
    I mostly agree with this statement, except for one thing. If people practice safe sex, yet still get pregnant, it's still irresponsible to have an abortion. The natural point of sex is for reproductive purposes, so if you plan on having sex, even if you're responsible and take preventative measures, pregnancy is always a risk, and that risk should always be accounted for before intercourse.

    It's irresponsible, because if you have sex, you should be smart enough to know what you're getting yourself into.

  2. #2
    Ayyye Pro-Life or Pro-Choice? Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christ Eastwood View Post
    What the hell? You're talking about population control. Sorting out genes by either not allowing people with unwanted genes to reproduce, or killing carriers of unwanted genes before they're even born. That's not natural. The former is slavery, and the ladder is genocide.
    Like I said, it's your logic vOv

    Instinct wasn't your point. Your point was that in order to be classified as a person, you have to understand what it is to be alive, which babies don't know.
    Sure am glad you know my point better than I do

    That pretty much states that you don't take responsibility for your actions.
    In your opinion

    I mostly agree with this statement, except for one thing. If people practice safe sex, yet still get pregnant, it's still irresponsible to have an abortion. The natural point of sex is for reproductive purposes, so if you plan on having sex, even if you're responsible and take preventative measures, pregnancy is always a risk, and that risk should always be accounted for before intercourse.
    That's still just your OPINION, there's not only ONE point to ANYTHING, that's just silly.

    It's irresponsible, because if you have sex, you should be smart enough to know what you're getting yourself into.
    Once again, there are unforeseen circumstances, if you REALLY only want to have sex for procreation, go for, but the vast majority of people DON'T. We're civilized human beings, we don't HAVE to just blindly accept easily correctable mistakes just because we knew there was an ever so slight possibility that things could take a downward spiral, if that's how you wanna live, more power to you, but personally, I'm going to take preventative measures AND try to rectify mistakes.

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