But it's alive, no matter what. Sperm cells are alive, a heartbeat doesn't make them any more alive, it doesn't change anything. The closest thing I could see that could POSSIBLY be relevant would be brain development. If there were some kind of consciousness or self-awareness, otherwise, it's still just a wad of living tissue living off the mother, heartbeat or no.
Sorry, no LOGICAL detriment. Morality is ju...this thread already exists. Killing off inferior genes is the epitome of natural selection, it would only benefit the human race, in a natural way.Yeah, because we all can see that you of all people would never have to worry about having a substandard IQ, right? And of course there's no real detriment, you know, other than wholesale slaughter.
Once again, it's alive inside of the dad's testicles, so if we were to go down "killing a living POTENTIAL human is bad" road, cumming outside is murder. Is there a way to determine when cognitive function begins, or is that after birth? Because THAT is what makes a person human.The aforementioned heartbeat issue was brought up to point out that a child is alive before it is born, so whether or not is has traveled a whole ten inches or so through the birth canal makes absolutely no difference.
It's not about individual rights, it's about hypocritical thinking. I never said anything about slaughtering children, I condone slaughtering parasites. A good example is when there are conjoined twins, but one didn't develop correctly. If left alone, the parasitic twin will kill them both, yet it can't survive on it's own. It has cognitive function, but it must be removed, and thus killed for the other to survive.You're willing to slaughter children for the sake of population control, or those you dictate are lower-quality humans, and to force parents to pay fines or force sterilization upon them, and now you're whining that a child's right to life may be protected more than an adult's right to irresponsible sex. Don't pretend that you care about individual rights.
I remember this exact scenario on Ripley's Believe it or Not or something along those lines, was pretty interesting.