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Thread: Homework Thread

  1. #91
    Haters Gonna Hate Homework Thread Omni's Avatar
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    ok. anyone need help? I'm very knowledgable and can do(some)(Note i said some. Nona that fancy crap. I'll look it up if I need 2) high school level problems. Not too much or my brain'll fry and I'll be asleep for a week.

    I'll need help in a while. School starts tomorrow. Thanx for the creator of this thread. It'll help a lot.

    And BTW, hot water boils at 212 degrees (100 C) and in order to boil it needs a boost of heat. You can have 212 degree water that will or will not boil. If the heat source is +213 degrees the water will boil. If the heat source is a steady 212 degrees the water will just be really hot.

    I was bored and since were on the subject of water degree I decided to post it. Sorry if its spam.

  2. #92
    Homework Thread rJ floW's Avatar
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    Reppin the old skool since 1984


    everyone be ready to help me in LAW

    if anyone is amazing at it, I WILL BE VERY HAPPY


  3. #93
    I am taking Physics so i might be able to help. We did vector shit in PDM last year so i already know some.

    I need help with AP Calculus, DAMN MATH!!!!! I am doing the review of last year and i forget everything!!!!!! Other than that i only have 3 classes a day, 6 in total for the semester

  4. #94
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    School just started today. i'm a freshman in high school mand it's been rough. We were assigned some homework and I'm bored so help me out?

    We only have one question though (yay!)

    What are the numbers in the 17th row of Pascals triangle?


  5. #95
    Darrk Phoenix
    1, 17, 136, 680, 2380, 6188, 12376, 19448, 24310, 24310, 19448, 12376, 6188, 2380, 680, 136, 17, 1

    If you want to know how to compute the numbers in a row then visis this site:

  6. #96
    Hey that's a pretty cool site...
    What do you study in University again DP?

    Now for a great question:

    I have 12 balls, all similar in size, shape and look. 1 of these balls are exceptional, either heavier or lighter than the rest. YOU DON'T KNOW WHETHER IT IS HEAVIER OR LIGHTER.

    You have a scale balance, which are those things that were used in the past to measure gold or whatever. Using the scale only THREE times, find out which ball is the exception.

    Note: find the answer for all possible situations, and no ands, ifs, or buts.

    Good Luck!

  7. #97
    Homework Thread KnightSaber's Avatar
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    Split the balls into two groups of 6 putting both groups on the scale. One group will be heavier, split that group into two groups of three and place them on the scale, again one group will be heavier. Now choose two of the 3 left and place them on the scale. They will either balance (which means the ball thats not on the scale is the of the two is heavier giving you the answer.
    Pilot of: RahXephon, Eva 01, Sakura's Spirit Armor, Zoltek(Shadow Hawk), Tomahawk(Warhammer), and the ARX-7 Arbarest (still getting used to the lamda drive)

    <embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60"></embed>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="What Element Are You?"></a>

  8. #98
    sigh, did you not read the CAPITAL LETTERS?
    you don't know at first whether the exceptional ball is heavier or lighter!

  9. #99
    Homework Thread KnightSaber's Avatar
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    Bristol, UK
    I thought that was easly lol.

    ok i think i have it figured out

    If you split them into 3 groups and then measure the first two if they balance then you can take one from the previous groups (as a control) and then take 3 of the 4 untested and measure them 2 by two. if they balance you know the untested one is the heavier or lighter one.

    If the last group you just weighed wasn't balanced then take the two that didn't have the control in them and weight them. If they balance then its the one that was with the control.
    If they don't balance then (if control pair was heavier) the lighter one is the different one. (If it the control pair was lighter) then its the heaviest.

    Ok now if the first two groups of four never balanced , then take the first two of the first group with one of the balls from the second group and measure those against a third ball of the second group along with the second ball of the second group and a ball from the third group (again a control). If they balance then you you know its either the untested ball of group 1 or its the two untested balls of group 2. measure the two of group two. If they they balance you know its the 1 unmeasured ball of group 1. If they don't balance then the lighter ball is the diff. one (assuming the second group in the first measure ment was heavier) If the first group was lighter then its the heavier ball thats diff.

    Going back to the two groups of 3 if they didn't balance and the first group is lighter then measure the two that were together in the first group. If they balance then you know its the second of the group 2 (the one with 4 balls) If they don't balance then the lighter of the two is the diff (opposite if the first group was hvy.)

    If the second group was heavy. Then measure the first ball of the very first group you measured against one of the balls in group 3 to see if its diff. if it isn't then you know its the ball from the first group of four that you put in the second group of three.

    I hope thats possible to follow.
    Pilot of: RahXephon, Eva 01, Sakura's Spirit Armor, Zoltek(Shadow Hawk), Tomahawk(Warhammer), and the ARX-7 Arbarest (still getting used to the lamda drive)

    <embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60"></embed>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="What Element Are You?"></a>

  10. #100
    Lol Okay, I'm not sure if you're right or not... but I don't tihnk that's right... I'll post the solution a few days from now...

    Anyways, I have a psychology assignment, and I was wondering if anyone would be able to give a brief (1/3-1/2 page typed) summary about the "history of psychology" from ancient times to present.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: Also, could someone also help me explain the different types of psychology there are?
    And if anyone can find it, or know of a good site to find statistics, help me find out how many Psychologists there are in the United States today...

    Any information is greatly appreciated
    Last edited by Jecht; 09-07-2002 at 06:32 PM.

  11. #101
    Homework Thread KnightSaber's Avatar
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    Bristol, UK
    Its definately right, I should have labeled the balls like 123 etc or abc to make it easier to follow.
    Pilot of: RahXephon, Eva 01, Sakura's Spirit Armor, Zoltek(Shadow Hawk), Tomahawk(Warhammer), and the ARX-7 Arbarest (still getting used to the lamda drive)

    <embed src="" quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="468" height="60"></embed>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="What Element Are You?"></a>

  12. #102
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    Once again, I turn here for help. Category: Government. We studied this for a while but thenthe teach just gave us this worksheet where we had to find all these def. about diff. gov. types. So, we have to tell the differences. between totalitarianism and a constitutional monarchy. now I could only find that a constitutional monarchy is like where a king or somebody gets almost all of the power but has to follow a constitution, but I lost my dictionary and I don't get totalitarianism. Help?

  13. #103
    Homework Thread Wookie's Avatar
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    Living in a constitutional monarchy myself I can tell what it means in Denmark, but I don't know the technical definition:

    In Denmark we have a monarch i.e. a queen as well as a government. Technically the queen has the power, for example all new laws must be signed by the queen before they take effect. However in practice the government is the one who has the real power as no monarch has exercised any power in modern times.

    I hope somebody out there has a more technical explanation...

  14. #104
    Shion Uzuki
    I need help! ideas for my graphics coursework.

    1st: I need to do an illustration for a glossy magazine.
    2nd: I need to find an artist which has done illustration before
    3rd: Its not promotion or advert etc, I need to make an illustration on photoshop and it has to be the style of the artist i chosen.

    I havent chosen an artist yet and im going to do a theme of Fantasy and i will do the FFX game. So i have to illustrate it. Is there any artist you know of that did/do illustartions and are japanese? It has to be in a fantasy theme. And one more thing, anybody got any idea on how to do this? I dont even know what to put in it. How do i set it out to make it look good and great effects etc.

    PLz help

    Thank you

  15. #105
    Sublime Wolfwood
    I too need help in thinking of an advanced research project involving either...

    1. Time Paradox
    2. Multiple Universe Theory
    3. Dolphin Evolution
    4. Quantu, Physics.

    Anything of these topics, which either involve data collecting and analysis or a hands on experiment.

    Any feasable ideas would be appreiciated.
    Last edited by Sublime Wolfwood; 09-12-2002 at 04:10 PM.

  16. #106
    Homework Thread Wookie's Avatar
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    It will indeed be hard to find experiments which illustrate anything about the two first subjects (none has ever been done, and nobody knows for sure that any of these have anything to do with physical reality). The third one would be hard too, unless you can experiment on dolphins in some weird way, and even of you could, it would probably be hard to relate to evolution anyway. Quantum physics on the other hand shows up in numerous 'hands-on' experiments, so I'd suggest you do that.

  17. #107
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Homework Thread

    Originally posted by Lionhart
    Okay, this is the first time i believe that an idea like this has actually been carried out. In this thread, members of TFF can post their questions about school/college/university subjects and regular members of the uiversity will answer them for you as best we can.

    This is just an example question:

    Sierra: How many planets are there in the solar system?

    Then i will post,

    Lionhart: There are nine planets.

    So, basically, if you have any questions we will answer them.

    So far, there is only me and Tifa Leonhart who are lecturers/teachers and who will answer your questions.

    If you wish to become a teacher then PM me and tell me what subjects you excel at.

    At the moment me and Tifa Leonhart will answer Maths, English and Science questions.

    Also, Sierra, i would like it very much if this thread was made sticky as it will be in the best interests of the members of TFF.

    No offence, but personally, this idea sucks. You should let ANYONE answer the questions, instead of having to wait around for the "teachers" to answer

    Anyways, I seriously need help. I'm making this lab report for my Phsycis class, and I need to form a hypothesis, and I have one, but, I need help.

    Now, I need to know what pi is, not the decimal, I know it's 3.14, but I think it's the ratio of the diameter to the circumference (diameter over circumference) of a circle.... but I'm trying to make sure....

  18. #108
    Homework Thread Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    pi is equal to the ratio of circumference of a circle to the diameter, that is correct, you can see that because C=d(pi), divide both sides by d to get pi = C/d

    it's appx=3.14159 or 32/7....but the exact is C/d

    and the thread's not like that anymore...that'd be just stupid

  19. #109
    I need a C programming tutorial site.
    Suggestions anyone?

  20. #110
    i was just wondering, i put a suggestion forward for a homework forum, and i got told there already was one. is this it?

  21. #111
    Homework Thread Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Mountain View, CA
    Originally posted by Synthesis
    I need a C programming tutorial site.
    Suggestions anyone?
    sorry, I know where you could find a java online textbook, if that would help, but I do have a question

    In computer programming we were supposed to write a program to find the number with the most divisors between 1 and 10000. I wrote it and I think it works, but I'm not completely sure its write. My number is 7k something......and it has 64 divisors. Does anyone know if that's right?

  22. #112
    Registered User Homework Thread
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    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by Spike

    In computer programming we were supposed to write a program to find the number with the most divisors between 1 and 10000. I wrote it and I think it works, but I'm not completely sure its write. My number is 7k something......and it has 64 divisors. Does anyone know if that's right?
    erm.. this is probably late, but i just discovered this question so.. the number is 7560 and it has 64 divisors, so yup.. looks like you were right.

    I was so bored so I even wrote a test code just to check ^_^
    Last edited by Nolwynn; 10-07-2002 at 01:13 PM.

  23. #113
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    Okay. problem: There are 2 flowers aranged a distance apart from eachother. There is a sprinkler set up that has to be placed an equal distance from the two flowers. I need a formula to test it the coordinate ( on an X, Y graph) are an equal distance. How do you get this?

  24. #114
    Homework Thread Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    You could use the midpoint theorem to find the midpoint where you would place the sprinkles. That states that the mdpt is ((x1 + x2)/2, (y1 + y2)/2)

    To confirm the distance, use the distance formula


    just use that to find the distance and confirm that they're equidistant
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  25. #115
    Vaogun Dar Neo
    I could use a recommendation to a good site for historical research and revolutions. I went to some places but they're just plain crap. I need a good reliable site with stuff for the Industrial, French, and American Revolutions.

  26. #116

    could anyone give me some help on Religous studies - HiNDUISM

    - i need some info on why they dont eat meat...cheers

  27. #117
    Registered User Homework Thread
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    Jul 2002
    A suggestion, go to: and search for HINDUISM, then read about it and learn.


  28. #118
    Hey yall..

    First time I ask things right here..but I need help with Biology

    Can somebody please explain broadly how this works:

    In the beginning of the earth there were one-celled organisms. They didn't use oxugen to stay alive, but stuff like S-
    Can somebody please explain how this system works?

    Thanx...could somebody PM me when they have the answer.

  29. #119
    Darrk Phoenix
    The organisms that didn't use oxygen got their energy by using anaerobic respiration, as opposed to aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration uses oxygen in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the energy carrier for cells), while anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen in the synthesis of ATP. It's been a while since I've taken biology, but IIRC there are a couple types of anaerobic respiration, but the only one that I can remember is fermentation. Organisms today (the use oxygen) use both aerobic and anaerobic respiration (aerobic is used first, then anaerobic to use what's left over). Very earlier organisms only used anaerobic respiration, though. However, aerobic respiration is FAR more effecient than anaerobic respiration, which is why organisms eventually evolved to use oxygen.

    Hope that answered your question adequately.

  30. #120
    I'm available to help people in latin. Chemistry, U.S government, math, countless web-related content.

    suggestion: can we make this a whole new forum. surely if you people have a forum to waste for goodbyes then you can make a homework thread called Bevelle or those weird names u give each one. and split the forum into main categories so we don't get the confusion we have here.

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