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Thread: Another suicide thread

  1. #1
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Another suicide thread Leon's Avatar
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    Another suicide thread

    As I saw that the old one is over 2 months old, I started this thread to avoid necroposting. I'm sure you've heard of Amanda Todd and such, and as much as I don't want to talk about it, I got a lot on my mind about life in general.

    People can jump on the bandwagons when it comes to suicide, like Amanda Todd and that other girl that jumped in front of a train. It wasn't until it was pointed out to me that I realized people encourage suicide when they start caring AFTER somebody dies. "Don't kill yourself! But if you do, that's when we'll care about you. We'll defend you on Facebook and Twitter, even though we did nothing to stop you." I thought about this a lot and it just gets on my nerves. Lives come and go, but what's worse is when hypocrites do nothing to prevent suicide in their community and only seem to care verbally. I know what it means to be picked on and during those days I thought about killing myself. I even lost a friend to suicide. I feel that if people cared as much for others as they seemingly did for these bandwagons, the suicide rate would probably go down.

    What do you guys think? It's obvious that respect for the dead is called for, but to what extent? If we ignored what a person did during their lives, people like Hitler would be revered today. It really bothers me to what extent the hypocrisy of mankind can extend to.
    Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
    ~St. Augustine

  2. #2
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    You could have posted in that thread, the rules is 9 weeks iirc lol But anyway, people always try to pretend like they care to make themselves look better. Just look at Nancy Grace, that show is built entirely on the disgusting premise, yet they only talk about once instance out of thousands. How often do you see people talk about poor black kids that get abducted or kill themselves?

    A pretty little white girls kills herself because she was a camwhore, as far as I'm concerned, it's natural selection doing its job. If you're going to get naked on cam, especially for teenage boys, it's going to ****ing get out. If you can't deal with the consequences of your own actions, you're just getting in the way. The people calling her a role model and shit are what really get me, how in the **** is she a role model?

    Since I've been out of school, about 10~ people have died from my class, yet only one got major attention, the whole ****ing town came out in remembrance and shit. All people are NOT equal in the eyes of the masses, and I personally wear it like a badge of honor. I feel great going against the typical mentality of society today. For the past 50 years, children have just become more and more babified and spoiled and never grew up, so they expect everything to go their way, as soon as it doesn't they ****ing lose it. But now I'm just ranting. >_>

    I don't give a **** whether a person commits suicide or not, but most people that do tend to sicken me. You have people in third world countries struggling just to stay alive every day, yet there are people killing themselves because some one doesn't like them. But, as I said before, it gets them out of the way, they would never make it in the real world.

  3. #3
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Another suicide thread Leon's Avatar
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    I double-checked the rules before creating the thread and I could have sworn the limit was two months.

    It's been all over Facebook, even those pages that exploit pics for Likes are calling her an angel when most people don't even know the true story. I even saw a picture of her being compared to Paris Hilton (who I have a lot of respect for now), who is often labeled a slut and such even though she's a humanitarian. Somewhere along the way, society has failed this planet.

    As for me, I care when one of my friends dies. I'm generally friendly with people in hopes of being their friends, and many times that's just what someone needs. A friend to talk to about their problems because they have nowhere to turn to. Because there are people out there who don't do it for attention, they could be depressed about the death of a close friend or something. That's exactly what happened to one of my friends, she just couldn't take it anymore.

    My views on death stay the same: lives come and go, but I break down when I lose someone I'm attached to, overly or otherwise.
    Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
    ~St. Augustine

  4. #4
    #LOCKE4GOD Another suicide thread Alpha's Avatar
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    Yeah it's two months, I just went and closed the threads on the first page of ID that are too old. I'll try keep on top of it. I can't see myself giving warnings for necroposting--the onus should be on me to close threads.

    I think suicide is a pretty cowardly thing to do, although I do feel a lot of sympathy for anyone considering it. If (and more than often it does) it stems from depression or some other disorder, then you have to be pretty heartless to be impatient and dismissive of people who do it/consider it. A walk a mile in their shoes kinda deal.

  5. #5
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    I even saw a picture of her being compared to Paris Hilton (who I have a lot of respect for now), who is often labeled a slut and such even though she's a humanitarian. Somewhere along the way, society has failed this planet.
    I actually shared that pic and was soooo close to posting it here xD but the pic was of that on girl in her underwear, so i wasn't sure if it would be ok to post. But I just dislike Paris Hilton for being stupid and rich lol

    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Yeah it's two months, I just went and closed the threads on the first page of ID that are too old. I'll try keep on top of it. I can't see myself giving warnings for necroposting--the onus should be on me to close threads.
    I should really stop talking when I'm wrong >_>;

    I think suicide is a pretty cowardly thing to do, although I do feel a lot of sympathy for anyone considering it. If (and more than often it does) it stems from depression or some other disorder, then you have to be pretty heartless to be impatient and dismissive of people who do it/consider it. A walk a mile in their shoes kinda deal.
    It's really a case by case basis for me. When it stems from depression, I find that to be a pretty lame reason to kill yourself. Plenty of people go through depression, but if a person has a terminal illness or something, they should have the right to end their suffering.

  6. #6
    I do what you can't. Another suicide thread Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    It wasn't until it was pointed out to me that I realized people encourage suicide when they start caring AFTER somebody dies.
    That's a pretty good point. The average kid could kill themselves, and they will get more attention and more pity in death than they ever did in life. And childhood suicide attempts are heavily centered on attention. As with Amanda Todd, people seem to forget or ignore what type of person she was and instead demonize those who called her out on what type of person she was.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    When it stems from depression, I find that to be a pretty lame reason to kill yourself. Plenty of people go through depression, but if a person has a terminal illness or something, they should have the right to end their suffering.
    There is a huge difference between being depressed and having depression. People with depression aren't "bullied" into suicide like teenagers are. People with depression don't make youtube videos telling everybody that they're struggling, they don't bring their problems to light. But please, understand simple concepts like depressed mood vs. clinical depression before you openly insult anybody who's considered suicide.

    What I don't get is the idea that "bullying" causes suicide. Now, first, of course, I will say that a child committing suicide is not a good thing, as every life is sacred. But, that having been said, if somebody can't take a little bullying now and then, there's a problem. Everybody gets bullied, it's a fact of life -- either kids in school are bullied by bigger or more popular kids, or those big, popular kids are bullied in the real world when they realize that high school status makes absolutely no difference in status in real life. Hell, different social groups mock each other. We, as a society, need to stop coddling children and trying to protect people from having their feelings hurt.

    The first type of thing that needs to happen is that authorities need to go to the Todd parents and ask, "why in the f*** did you let your teenage daughter send nude videos to teenage boys". If they have any other children, they should be taken away from the parents, because obviously the couple has no idea how to raise a child.

    Sig courtesy of Plastik Assassin.

    Greater love hath no man than this; that he lay down his life for his friends.
    John 15:13

  7. #7
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    It seems more and more people get diagnosed these days, but the problem I have is indeed with that. The psychology is ****ed and soooooo many people are just sad, but get diagnosed anyway. As for true depression, there's not much can be done outside of medical attention, since it's not a mind set or anything. If a mentally ill person kills them self, they were failed by the state or their guardian. (if they have one) But yes, depression and "depression" are two different things.

    In case you want to rage over her parents some more, she had to get her stomach pumped for drinking bleach before she managed to kill herself, yet her parents did nothing to help out. Heroes and role models~
    Last edited by Lacquer Head; 10-28-2012 at 11:02 AM.

  8. #8
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    She was so freaking young, I as well blame her parents for not being more attentive to what was going on. Its obvious she had some self esteem issues, and in no means do I think she's a "saint" or a "hero" for killing herself because suicide is incredibly selfish.

    What makes me very worried for society are the little shits mentality that she "got what she deserved" for being so stupid. No one 'deserves' to die, end of. I can't believe I just read "that's natural selection doing its job for her being a camwhore" on here. Absolute ignorance.

  9. #9
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Nice job completely twisting what I said. Fox News would be proud~

    If you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger, you deserve to die. If you touch wet paint and get paint on yourself, you deserved to get covered in paint.

  10. #10
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    A pretty little white girls kills herself because she was a camwhore, as far as I'm concerned, it's natural selection doing its job.
    Sorry. Forgot the part about saying she was pretty. My bad! Oh how I twisted those words around! /sarcasm.

    The world isn't so black and white, but it must be really nice to live in that bubble to think that its really so cut and dry.

  11. #11
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger doesn't mean you deserve to die. I can't think of an instance where someone deserves to die (I'm on the fence when it comes to the death penalty, but that's another thread for another time). Dying is just the outcome of putting a pistol to your temple to firing it, an outcome that can be avoided if people cared more about one another.

    Amanda Todd did something stupid (that a lot of people do, btw) and she felt the only escape was to kill herself. Whilst some people would say sending naked pictures of yourself to someone is undignified, I say you loose more dignity if you can't face it when (or if) it gets out. You loose more dignity by letting it get to you. Obviously, you'd send a naked picture of yourself to someone if you were proud of the photo. Why can't you be proud, if not embarrassed, afterwards? In fact, I'd be more embarrassed for the person who'd sent the picture about - what kind of trust do you put into a friend who'll distribute naked pictures?

    What's even worse is the torment. If that were a friend of mine, hell, acquaintance, I'd be the first to support them. The bigger deal for me is making sure that person is alright - not laughing at them to make them feel even more shitty. People make mistakes, but that doesn't give you the right to treat that person any differently unless it was something hugely personal to you. We're flawed - we make mistakes and judge, and that's all we know how to live because no one supports each other.

    That rant aside, suicide is the cowards way out. Like mentioned above, you loose far more dignity in my eyes if you take your own life that stand up and deal with your problems. It's your life, and you can make it out to be what you want it to be. People do dumb shit all the time, but it's how they deal with it after that leads to the happy ending. When my step dad tried to kill himself almost two years ago, he beat himself up for months afterwards from loosing all dignity because when we all saw him in hospital, tubes down his throat, dried up drool marks on his chin, urine bag, etc, he really was the worst he'd ever been. It's not a pretty sight, but what he felt even worse about was how he'd made us all feel. Everyone was blaming each other, or blaming themselves when really it was his decision, we thought we were going to loose someone we loved and wondering what we could have done to prevent it.

    I'll never forget that night and the day after, neither will everyone else present. He has to live with that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  12. #12
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Sorry. Forgot the part about saying she was pretty. My bad! Oh how I twisted those words around! /sarcasm.

    The world isn't so black and white, but it must be really nice to live in that bubble to think that its really so cut and dry.
    If you're going to get naked on cam, especially for teenage boys, it's going to ****ing get out. If you can't deal with the consequences of your own actions, you're just getting in the way.
    If you do something on camera, it's obviously going to get out, why else would it be on cam? It was her own indiscretions that caused them to get out. She obviously didn't look at all the possible side effects of it, which wound up in people thinking she's a whore, so she killed herself. I don't give a **** if she was a whore or a saint, so reeeeeeead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Putting a gun to your head and pulling the trigger doesn't mean you deserve to die. I can't think of an instance where someone deserves to die (I'm on the fence when it comes to the death penalty, but that's another thread for another time). Dying is just the outcome of putting a pistol to your temple to firing it, an outcome that can be avoided if people cared more about one another.
    The only way people can objectively "deserve" to die is by actively and knowingly engage in something that will kill them. What you view as a piece of shit, some one else could view as a hero. I don't care what people do, it makes no difference to me, but if they purposely kill them-self, I don't feel sorry whatsoever.

    Amanda Todd did something stupid (that a lot of people do, btw) and she felt the only escape was to kill herself. Whilst some people would say sending naked pictures of yourself to someone is undignified, I say you loose more dignity if you can't face it when (or if) it gets out. You loose more dignity by letting it get to you. Obviously, you'd send a naked picture of yourself to someone if you were proud of the photo. Why can't you be proud, if not embarrassed, afterwards? In fact, I'd be more embarrassed for the person who'd sent the picture about - what kind of trust do you put into a friend who'll distribute naked pictures?
    This. Though, if you don't want people to see pics of you naked, it's best to not do it, as soon as they get pissed, they have leverage. Never put too much trust in people, things can and will change.

  13. #13
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    UE - <3 Nailed it completely. I agree! I do believe that suicide as well is the total cowards way out.

    Lacquer - You are entitled to how you feel. I'm entitled to think that you are a ****ing idiot. Yes, I'm sure that Amanda Todd "actively engaged" in camwhoring knowing FULL WELL it would lead to her suicide. Bahahahaha! And clearly, you do care what people do otherwise you wouldn't be on an internet forum spouting off your stupid crap about someone you don't even know, yet acting like you know her fully and have her completely figured out.

    Unless you were there while she was doing all this shit (which was incredibly stupid on her part) then don't try to pass off like you are an authority on the subject.

  14. #14
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    I've got a massive problem with people who say its the 'cowards way out' and that it's 'selfish'.

    You're ****ed how you judge people like that who have mental illness, you make me sick.

  15. #15
    G'day Another suicide thread NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Nobody deserves to die. Dying is inevitable for us all, some of us take others lives and some of us, take our own. For various reasons. Doesn't mean any of those people derserved it. Everyone derserves the chance to live and make a life for themselves, however they choose to live.

    Life sucks sometimes, we all need to deal with it. Some people just cannot deal with it. We shouldn't hate them for it. It's sad that someone has lost an oppurtunity to live and it is sad, that the people that loved that person, have to deal with the grief of losing them.

    I think about how that person felt at the time and the time leading up to such an act. Suicide for most people, is the only thing they can fathom as a way to stop the torment in their life. Whether it be self inflicted or not. These people have lost all hope, they cannot see the light, they cannot comprehend that they can go on and be ok eventually. They are stuck in a world of darkness, they can't get out of. It can take years for some people to partially get out of that darkness. I'm not saying to feel sorry for them, but I can empathize with them. That someone feels so low in their life, that they can't bare to go on for one more day and feel that dying will bring them peace. It is not easy to convince someone in that frame of mind, to just give it one more day.

    It's easy for people to say, oh suicide is selfish. But you are not them. You don't have to deal with what they are dealing with,in their own minds. We all have problems yes, we don't all go out killing ourselves because of them. Makes us stronger, them weaker. But it doesn't devalue their lives any less than ours.

    We live in cruel world. We are cruel to one another, to ourselves. The first sign of weakness, we congregate and attack people who have made mistakes, instead of giving them a chance to better themselves. I doubt Amanda Todd would have killed herself, if she hadn't have been tormented the way she had been. She did do some stupid things. But never got the chance to learn from that (if she would have), because people were too busy hating her to the max, for her to. It was her own personal responsibility yes, but remember, she was young, still growing up, still learning. Tell me you didn't do some stupid s*it when you were that young. People influence one another more than you think, instead of crucifying her, for something that A LOT of people do. People should have given her the space and time, to think of her actions and try to learn from them. Instead she was bombarded with hate. Being the age she was, it would've been very hard to deal with. She wasn't just bullied a little bit. It's hard to deal with that stuff as an adult. Let alone at that age. Yeah we all need to learn that bullying is a part of life, but nobody should be treated that way. Nobody should HAVE to deal with that s*it. We just have to.

    You also need to remember also, she didn't THREATEN to kill herself, so people would feel bad for her. Like so many people do, do. SHE ACTUALLY DID IT.

    The only reason why this case was blown up so much, was because people were being ridiculously inappropriate, making horrible jokes and comments on social media sites about it. A lot of people dislike her, because of the amount of focus was put on HER and not the many people who commit suicide everyday.

    The issue here isn't actually about her, it is about how people run their mouths for their own entertainment to cause hurt, instead of thinking. People shouldn't have to deal with bulls*it like that. People need to grow the f*ck up and treat each other a bit nicer. (I know that won't happen) I'm not saying to forgive everyone who does stupid s*it, some things people do are unforgivable. But this girl, what she did, doesn't warrant the hate she received. She could still be whoring around today or she could be going through the process of growing up, learning from her mistakes, if she was still alive.

  16. #16
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    My father in law took his life, and for sure I feel it was the cowards way out. Going got tough, he checked out and left the rest of us to deal with the aftermath. Effin' selfish. He might have not been my actual father, but I loved him like one and to be left behind to deal with his shit is MESSED up.


    What's worse is that he's not the only one in my life who's done that. Far too many people have needlessly died and left horrific pain for their friends/family left behind because they chose to not get help. One friend couldn't handle her boyfriend cheating on her anymore. Literally killed herself over a guy. What the actual eff? We are very close with her parents, we see how horribly it affects them. Our daughter has her name as one of her middle names, that's how close she was to us.

    Doesn't mean any of them deserved to die though. Mental illness is ****ed up for sure. However yes, they took the easy way out and left the rest of us here to deal with the pain, anger, upset, betrayal and whatever negative association you want to add to it.

    Just my 2.5 cents.

  17. #17
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    So he was meant to deal with his emptiness for your and your own families personal comfort and happiness while he suffered? Sounds to me like a selfish expectation of yourself. Personal experience means nothing since something as complex and sensitive as depression is different for each and every person. At the end of the day, sitting in your happy little world and calling someone with serious mental issues a coward, really pisses me off, regardless of the love you have for them. It's understandable you would not want them to die, but you must understand always respect the decision that your loves make, even of you disagree with it.

  18. #18
    G'day Another suicide thread NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    I can see the other side too. It's a very broad, complex issue, from both sides.

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that stuff, I know sorry doesn't help, but that is all I can offer

  19. #19
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    So he was meant to deal with his emptiness for your and your own families personal comfort and happiness while he suffered? Sounds to me like a selfish expectation of yourself. Personal experience means nothing since something as complex and sensitive as depression is different for each and every person. At the end of the day, sitting in your happy little world and calling someone with serious mental issues a coward, really pisses me off, regardless of the love you have for them. It's understandable you would not want them to die, but you must understand always respect the decision that your loves make, even of you disagree with it.
    He killed himself because my mother in law decided she didn't want to be with him anymore. So now my husband and my sister in law get to spend the rest of their lives without their father. We know exactly why he did what he did, he wrote it all in his note. My MIL would be better off "financially" as a widower rather than a divorcee. You do not know us, you do not know the situation nor did you know him. Don't try to lump it all into one category.

    People can and do kill themselves over stupid reasons. Fact. My father in law did, our friend did, Amanda Todd did. Too many people take the "oh its their choice" route... but you know what? I wish I had fought harder for him, tried to get him help, tried to get him councelling, whatever. Our entire family hurts so freaking bad because he's not here anymore. **** the money that my MIL gets because he's gone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by NikkiLinkle View Post
    I can see the other side too. It's a very broad, complex issue, from both sides.

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that stuff, I know sorry doesn't help, but that is all I can offer
    Thanks <3

    Was trying to not get into the whole personal aspect of it as then I get defensive of them. I'm also still really freaking angry at them too! But that is for another day and another cheque to the psychologist

    ETA - Suicide is stupid. However, people who took that route didn't deserve that. We live daily with the feelings like we didn't do enough to try and save them. It sucks.

  20. #20
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    UE - <3 Nailed it completely. I agree! I do believe that suicide as well is the total cowards way out.

    Lacquer - You are entitled to how you feel. I'm entitled to think that you are a ****ing idiot. Yes, I'm sure that Amanda Todd "actively engaged" in camwhoring knowing FULL WELL it would lead to her suicide. Bahahahaha! And clearly, you do care what people do otherwise you wouldn't be on an internet forum spouting off your stupid crap about someone you don't even know, yet acting like you know her fully and have her completely figured out.

    Unless you were there while she was doing all this shit (which was incredibly stupid on her part) then don't try to pass off like you are an authority on the subject.
    Are you literally ignoring what I said? I never said taking nude pictures results in suicide, ****ing read. Letting people takes pictures results in letting them get out. The consequence is people seeing and forming their own opinions, and obviously teenagers aren't going to view it as "freedom of expression".

    As for the I don't care what other people do thing, I'm referring to the fact that I don't give a **** what other people do, if some one wants to take nude pictures and share them, it doesn't effect me whatsoever, more power to them. If some one kills them-self, I don't care either. I am annoyed by people making her out to be a role model or something though. That's just not a good message to send to children.

    As for the other responses, as I said, there are different causes for suicide. If a person with a mental disease commits suicide, they were failed by their guardians. If some one is in a state of intense pain and suffering, I think it should be a decision they get to make, I mean, their family seeing them suffer like that is just as bad as some one dying, at least they know their loved ones AREN'T suffering. But there ARE stupid selfish people that just can't handle life. It's not really their fault, usually their parents did a shitty job preparing them for life, but unless you've been 100% sheltered, you're more than equipped enough to handle life, if you want to quit, go for it.

  21. #21
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    A 'stupid reason' in your mind. Obviously it was enough to make him take his life. So disrespectful. So in your opinion, what IS a good reason to kill yourself?

  22. #22
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    To you, yes. To each their own.

    ETA - I do find it amusing that you are taking offence to saying its selfish and cowardly... but don't seem to take any umbrage at all for the thought that they deserve to die. So is that how you think? Genuinely curious, not trying to be snarky. Tone is hard to guage over text.

  23. #23
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Report: Teen Commits Suicide After Seeing His Favorite Naruto Character Die

    Now, I will agree it's subjective...but there's only so much before it's pretty ****ing stupid.

    I may be "disrespectful" but I don't sugar coat life, I like to look at it from a natural point of view. I'm just honest when I don't care about something, these people had no connection to me, I didn't know them, why would it affect me if they kill themselves? There are regrettable instances, but everyone goes through rough patches, and I just can't feel sorry for a person that commits suicide over a TV show when there are people going through a living hell in other countries. I don't really judge them, but I sure don't feel sorry for them. But yes, it's my opinion.

  24. #24
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Report: Teen Commits Suicide After Seeing His Favorite Naruto Character Die

    Now, I will agree it's subjective...but there's only so much before it's pretty ****ing stupid.

    I may be "disrespectful" but I don't sugar coat life, I like to look at it from a natural point of view. I'm just honest when I don't care about something, these people had no connection to me, I didn't know them, why would it affect me if they kill themselves? There are regrettable instances, but everyone goes through rough patches, and I just can't feel sorry for a person that commits suicide over a TV show when there are people going through a living hell in other countries. I don't really judge them, but I sure don't feel sorry for them. But yes, it's my opinion.
    Its all perception. To me there's a huge difference between disagreeing with someone, finding it stupid (what have you) and saying they deserve it. Maybe a poor choice of words? I dunno.

    But I do agree, its incredibly stupid and a long term solution to a short term problem. I will never respect a person's decision to do it. But to go so far as to say their actions deserved it is what gets me. All I can say is thank GOD that the Internet wasn't as readily available when I was that age... because believe you me, I did some stupid shit.

  25. #25
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    You're all missing the point. the reasons that you're claiming people kill themselves for are not THE reason, the reason is mental illness and often the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Like with other mental illness, sociopaths and psychopaths don't kill you because you piss them off, they kill you because they suffer from a mental illness.

  26. #26
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Well, deserving something is subjective, but I'm too lazy to use proper descriptions >_> I usually don't use such subjective descriptions though <_< All I'm saying is, I don't feel sorry for people that make STUPID choices and then can't handle the results.


  27. #27
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Rowan - Have you ever lost anyone to suicide?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post
    Well, deserving something is subjective, but I'm too lazy to use proper descriptions >_> I usually don't use such subjective descriptions though <_< All I'm saying is, I don't feel sorry for people that make STUPID choices and then can't handle the results.

    Fair enough, and maybe because I am a Mom I feel differently... but I don't put a 12 year old girl and a 68 year old man (being my FIL) in the same category. She was still young and growing, still had lots of years to learn shit. My FIL... eh, I dunno. That is also for another day and a cheque to a psychologist.

  28. #28
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    She was old enough to know people wouldn't exactly think highly of her if they got out, and dear lord, you know it's going to get out. She was 16 iirc. I mean, I remember girls calling other girls sluts and whores when I was about 12-13. I'm not excusing her attackers or anything, hopefully they reap their own consequences.

  29. #29
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Yeah, I feel the same. Hopefully they'll get hit with the karma bus one of these days ha ha ha.

  30. #30
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Whether I have lost anyone to suicide is absolutely irrelevant. **** personal experience, only the truth matters. And the truth is that someone who is mentally healthy and sane, does not kill themselves over fictional characters.

    Laquer head is talking about something else entirely. Someone who decides to drink boiling hot coffee and complain about it is not proof of mental illness.

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