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Thread: Another suicide thread

  1. #31
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    No, that's an example of obvious cause an effect. If you're 16 and you let boys take nudes of you, you should expect them to get out.

  2. #32
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Sure. But it's also cause and effect that if you have mental illness that you are susceptible to suicide, without reason.

  3. #33
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Well, depends on the illness. I could understand if people weren't looking for it in the case of some one with an unrelated illness, but not every case of suicide is caused from mental illness and not every mentally ill person is suicidal. If a person is actually DIAGNOSED with severe depression and they end up committing suicide, it's the fault of who ever is watching over them.

  4. #34
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    You're all missing the point. the reasons that you're claiming people kill themselves for are not THE reason, the reason is mental illness and often the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain. Like with other mental illness, sociopaths and psychopaths don't kill you because you piss them off, they kill you because they suffer from a mental illness.
    At the end of the day, sitting in your happy little world and calling someone with serious mental issues a coward, really pisses me off, regardless of the love you have for them. It's understandable you would not want them to die, but you must understand always respect the decision that your loves make, even of you disagree with it.
    People who clearly have no idea what its like to lose someone to suicide really piss me off.

    By your logic, we should all be respecting the mental illnesses of the world. So yes! Lets respect everyone who's killed themselves. But hey, why stop there? I guess we should respect the pedophiles of the world too. That's a mental illness as well and therefore not their fault by your logic! Do you respect them as well? Oooh how about the killers of the world, people who hack and dice up others for shits and giggles? Obvious mental illnesses going on there too, lets respect them now!

    I think you should really start campaigning to bring more respect and awareness to the Ted Bundys, Ottis Tooles and Eileen Wurnoses of the world. Hold up signs at your local prison saying "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT!!! YOUR ILLNESS MADE YOU DO IT AND WHILE I DISAGREE WITH WHAT YOU DID I RESPECT YOU FOR IT!!!!!"


  5. #35
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Whoa, Rowan. So much for feeling like I can have my own opinion, eh? Sorry to have offended you, but I don't think I (or anyone else expressing the same opinion, depending on what I'll post about now) deserved to to be called "****ed".

    There's a bold line between suicide and mental illness. I do not think mental illness is cowardly, and I do not view those with mental illnesses lower than myself. I do think taking your own life is selfish, whether or not you have a mental illness - as Lacquer Head mentioned, not all suicide starts of from a mental illness. Sure, I have no idea what could possibly be running through someone's mind before they make that final, fatal decision, but I'm telling you now, it's not of anyone else's feelings but themselves.

    I usually hate it when people turn to experience to prove a point, or explain using it as such, but it's inescapable here. I'm not an expert on suicide just because my step dad tried to top himself, and nor am I for the friends and relatives who succeeded in doing so. But I do think it's the cowards way out, and I do think it's selfish. When my step dad finally woke up after the longest twenty-four hours of my life, he apologised and even said it himself. If I remember, he said he could "kill himself for being so selfish" but at the time, I don't think he could grasp the irony of such a statement. To this day, he still calls himself a coward.

    If he had died that night, he would have left me, my mum, my brother, my nan, his own son, his son's mother, his own mother, his brothers, his sisters and everyone else who was relying on him to teach the ways of life as he knows it. He was a hypocrite. While he was lying in that bed, I was furious with him as well as upset which are completely normal reactions. This was a man I looked up to as a father figure, a man I respected; how can I respect someone slumped in a hospital bed, using up resources just because they couldn't hack it? He had help all around him, and he knew he had help, but he didn't ask for it.

    Before that and for a while after, we all had to live with him suffering from depression. When he took that overdose, we blamed ourselves for not being able to help. He made us think we'd caused it. Do I love him even more or even less now? No. I love him the same. But I can't forgive him for those few days.

    There are other different forms of suicide, euthanasia as such that I don't think of as cowardly or selfish. Honestly, if I was dying from an incurable disease, I wouldn't want to use up precious medial attention or supplies. I'd be devastated that I hadn't done or seen everything I'd wanted to do or see in my life, and I'd be devastated to leave behind the people I love, but I will do everything in power to make sure I wasn't wanting to die because of them and that I love them with every ounce of my being.

    Maybe I am a disgusting little bitch for holding these views, and you can hate me or it if you want. But this is my opinion.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  6. #36
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    You are NOT a disgusting little bitch for thinking that way, and **** anyone who tries to tell you otherwise hun. My SIL and I started a suicide support group after my FIL took his life, and what you described is a normal reaction to a loved one trying to take their life. Unfortunately we've seen it far too often. My hubby is probably the most logical person I know. He definitely doesn't respect his father for doing what he did.

    To say that one "must" respect a person for having a mental illness is ridiculous to me. Respect in my world is earned and not freely given, and rather than sitting back and going "oh, he died. Gotta respect his decision" I would push more for getting them through whatever illness they're suffering from. And yes, people do off themselves for less conventional reasons. Like all those Heavens Gate people who thought that by killing themselves they'd get to whatever UFO that was going to take them to paradise. I'm to respect them? Whatever.

  7. #37
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Another suicide thread Leon's Avatar
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    As the thread starter, I just wanna say something.

    I still think society is messed up. We have people who are quick to judge when there's, for example, a sex scandal (namely in politics) and thus never look much into it to have a better judgment on whether the subject is guilty or not. Or when there's a mass murder somewhere and the guy kills himself; the typical response from people being something like "Oh, I hope he burns in Hell!"

    But when someone commits suicide, boom. "She's an angel, you're stupid for looking too much into it." I could say harsher things, like how Hitler committed suicide and sadly he's still revered by white supremacists. I agree that suicide is never the way out to your problems, but we also have to think about what drove these people to suicide. As I mentioned before, I lost a dear friend to suicide and that was because the death of her friend was just too overwhelming and her life was just bad (her parents disowned her after her first attempt, luckily her friend took her in before she passed away). I won't be so quick to judge Amanda Todd, but she's definitely no angel. Sure, I got no problem (to an extent) with her sending nudes, but she also ruined someone's relationship by causing another girl's boyfriend to cheat with her. So I can't say I feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her parents, one reason for the loss of their child and another for the way she was brought up.

    EDIT: And one more thing. Again, if we focus more on suicide prevention and less on waiting for people to kill themselves in order to do something, maybe we can make a difference in someone's life.
    Last edited by Leon; 11-17-2012 at 07:52 AM.
    Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
    ~St. Augustine

  8. #38
    TFF's Token Imp Another suicide thread Martin's Avatar
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    I have a lot to say here.

    Firstly, I'm appalled by the lack of humanity and respect in this thread - I understand Alpha is busy but this is pathetic sniping at one another and I thought the people on here were better than that. I'm ashamed to see the responses regarding the Amanda Todd situation, and how judgemental some of you are towards her - a 12 year old child that was coerced into flashing herself to a stranger, and whom suffered for a number of years as a result. No one is mentioning the fact the stranger who did this stalked her, and made her life a living hell. Of course some responsibility lies with the parents for not taking her bullying seriously enough but to tarnish her and her family in such a way is reprehensible and wrong.

    For those of you whom claim that suicide is cowardly - your personal experiences are responsible for that opinion. I think you're almost entirely wrong. I usually am a balanced person but this subject inflames me so much that I can't possibly sit on the fence. Instead of viewing it as shameful and despicable, try viewing the event as what it truly is - a cry for help if it fails or a f**king tragedy if it succeeds. The casual disregard for human life in some responses of this thread sickens me to my core. I understand some of you are angry with the decisions family members/close and loved ones take in choosing to end their life and I understand the pain that would cause. you see it as selfish and self-serving. But how can you stigmatise someone who has clearly decided that their only other option, for whatever reason is to end their own personal suffering? How dare you deny them the free will to exercise whatever choice they make that allows them freedom from their own personal demons, for the sake of making you feel better? Your flippancy in some of these cases shocks me and saddens me. I'm truly shaken by some of the what I deem to be disgusting comments in here.

    Mental illness has been brought into this. I abhor mental illness as an excuse to commit any suicidal act - the assumption that a person has to be mentally ill to want to kill themselves is a falsehood. I'm not denying its a factor in possibly most cases but to use it as a blanket term is also, wrong. I have contemplated suicide on many occasions. I have struggled with confidence issues, the loss of my father, the delayed reaction/grief of his death and the break-up of my family. I have been told I am worthless, that I have no place in society and I have been bullied and beaten up in my formative years. I have been shamed, mocked, abused in various forms, physically and mentally throughout my life, and financially I lived below the breadline for a number of years. I have worked harder than most and continue to do so to achieve some happiness in my life, and I battle with diagnosed (by several medical professionals) episodic depression, although this was a long time after my suicidal thoughts.

    Some of you would mock and belittle me if I had had the bottle to end my life. I would have added to the statistic and you wouldn't have given me a second f**king thought. I would be another point in your endless sad little arguments. I am angry, upset, and just have such little faith in the compassion of people whom I thought were friends of mine. Some of you will dismiss this without so much as a glance over what I've written. Some of you need to take a long hard look at yourselves. I'm not replying to any of this, I'm done.

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  9. #39
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Martin, well said but I'm afraid it falls on ignorant eyes. The same eyes that belong to the people who put word in my mouth such as me saying "disgusting little bitch".

    FYI, I don't give a shit about your personal experience and I make this point by not sharing mine with yours, don't assume I don't have anything to share just cause you like blurting out everyone who's died on your life and I don't. Stop trying to make this thread all about you.

    - - - Updated - - -

    I don't care if I get warnings for saying this, but you're an obnoxious fkn bitch.

  10. #40
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    I have a lot to say here.

    Firstly, I'm appalled by the lack of humanity and respect in this thread - I understand Alpha is busy but this is pathetic sniping at one another and I thought the people on here were better than that. I'm ashamed to see the responses regarding the Amanda Todd situation, and how judgemental some of you are towards her - a 12 year old child that was coerced into flashing herself to a stranger, and whom suffered for a number of years as a result. No one is mentioning the fact the stranger who did this stalked her, and made her life a living hell. Of course some responsibility lies with the parents for not taking her bullying seriously enough but to tarnish her and her family in such a way is reprehensible and wrong.

    For those of you whom claim that suicide is cowardly - your personal experiences are responsible for that opinion. I think you're almost entirely wrong. I usually am a balanced person but this subject inflames me so much that I can't possibly sit on the fence. Instead of viewing it as shameful and despicable, try viewing the event as what it truly is - a cry for help if it fails or a f**king tragedy if it succeeds. The casual disregard for human life in some responses of this thread sickens me to my core. I understand some of you are angry with the decisions family members/close and loved ones take in choosing to end their life and I understand the pain that would cause. you see it as selfish and self-serving. But how can you stigmatise someone who has clearly decided that their only other option, for whatever reason is to end their own personal suffering? How dare you deny them the free will to exercise whatever choice they make that allows them freedom from their own personal demons, for the sake of making you feel better? Your flippancy in some of these cases shocks me and saddens me. I'm truly shaken by some of the what I deem to be disgusting comments in here.

    Mental illness has been brought into this. I abhor mental illness as an excuse to commit any suicidal act - the assumption that a person has to be mentally ill to want to kill themselves is a falsehood. I'm not denying its a factor in possibly most cases but to use it as a blanket term is also, wrong. I have contemplated suicide on many occasions. I have struggled with confidence issues, the loss of my father, the delayed reaction/grief of his death and the break-up of my family. I have been told I am worthless, that I have no place in society and I have been bullied and beaten up in my formative years. I have been shamed, mocked, abused in various forms, physically and mentally throughout my life, and financially I lived below the breadline for a number of years. I have worked harder than most and continue to do so to achieve some happiness in my life, and I battle with diagnosed (by several medical professionals) episodic depression, although this was a long time after my suicidal thoughts.

    Some of you would mock and belittle me if I had had the bottle to end my life. I would have added to the statistic and you wouldn't have given me a second f**king thought. I would be another point in your endless sad little arguments. I am angry, upset, and just have such little faith in the compassion of people whom I thought were friends of mine. Some of you will dismiss this without so much as a glance over what I've written. Some of you need to take a long hard look at yourselves. I'm not replying to any of this, I'm done.

    Your reasons are yours and yours alone, and you can't lump others into what YOU personally went through. That's the problem with suicide threads, there's a myriad of reasons as to why someone would do it and none of them are the same and everyone takes it personally. Although I missed the part where anyone on this thread has said that they've wanted their loved ones to stay here alive, miserable and in torment and pain. Honestly? Where did anyone say that? I know I mentioned I would have liked to keep my FIL alive and get him the help he needed.

    So really, people should have just let you exercise your free will and kill yourself? By that logic you should never have been given help, people shouldn't have intervened and then the world would be a MUCH shitter place because you sir, wouldn't be in it. You never would have been diagnosed, help would never have been given. All those are interventions designed to prevent someone from killing themselves, should those things not exist? I will agree to disagree with you as I can't see your logic. Intervention and help is a good thing, I'll never see it as anything other that that.

    Leon - The Amanda Todd situation is a conundrum. I understand the anger from people for sure, she was no angel. But her actions didn't mean she deserved it. There seems to be such a divide between thoughts on her. Either "Angel" or "Saint" who persevered through so much but couldn't take it anymore and the others who feel she was a slut and that's what one gets when they whore themselves out.

  11. #41
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Noone is saying that you shouldn't help those in need! Christ , you are thick!

  12. #42
    TFF's Token Imp Another suicide thread Martin's Avatar
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    Against my better judgement I'm replying because you missed what I meant by some margin. I asked for help because that was my free will and my choice. Where in that did I say at ANY point that those are not necessary? It's for that reason I'm here right now - I cannot comprehend how you assume I'd think that interventions are a bad thing? That's mild insanity. I am not some eccentric egotist that assumes I deserve to be regarded any higher in this world than anyone else, and I've never claimed to be.

    Regarding personal experiences, your point is true but then it's the same about yourself? I sympathise with the situation you found yourself in, although I can't understand your personal response to it.

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  13. #43
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    How dare you deny them the free will to exercise whatever choice they make that allows them freedom from their own personal demons, for the sake of making you feel better?
    That would be where I got that from.

    ETA - Care to elaborate then? Because in my comments I have said that I would definitely want my FIL to be alive to get him the help that he needs, then I see "how dare you deny him the free will".

  14. #44
    I want to play a game. Another suicide thread Zargabaath's Avatar
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    I agree with Martin's free will point. A person trying to deflect their selfishness - in this case bad selfishness - by calling those who comitted/ attempted suicide is the real person who disregards how another feels. Would rather them continue in their current state of mind/livlihood.

    When the word "coward" is used with this topic I disagree with its use and notion. How many of us could kill ourselves? Right now or at any time in the future. Life is a b*tch, true, but death - that is greatest unknown. There are many faiths/beliefs held by people that describe the afterlife, however it is based less than rational means. Therefore, I still view it as one of the ultimate mysteries in terms of human understanding. Death has tried to been explained throughout time with no concrete knowledge. While living with their depression or shame is hard, I do not find death the easy road. Facing death, rather than continue to live, a natural instinct in humanity to survive, takes great fortitude. May I even say courage. For if it does not take courage then please tell me that on any day of the week a person can abandon all that they have, their only life they know they'll get and kill themself.

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  15. #45
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Another suicide thread Leon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    Leon - The Amanda Todd situation is a conundrum. I understand the anger from people for sure, she was no angel. But her actions didn't mean she deserved it. There seems to be such a divide between thoughts on her. Either "Angel" or "Saint" who persevered through so much but couldn't take it anymore and the others who feel she was a slut and that's what one gets when they whore themselves out.
    Forgive me, but I don't think I've ever said she deserved to die. o_o Quite honestly, no one deserves to die but it happens every day. I'm just saying I shouldn't be expected by society to feel sorry for her. If the reason someone killed him/herself was truly tragic, then I would have pity. But then there's someone like Amanda Todd. I just can't bring myself to pity her when there's people who are bullied and feel unloved and unappreciated by those around them. She was young and didn't know how to deal with it, sure, but she really took the easy way out of this one considering the worst that happened to her is humiliation.
    Please read the poetry from two great friends of mine. May they find peace.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
    ~St. Augustine

  16. #46
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leon View Post
    Forgive me, but I don't think I've ever said she deserved to die. o_o Quite honestly, no one deserves to die but it happens every day. I'm just saying I shouldn't be expected by society to feel sorry for her. If the reason someone killed him/herself was truly tragic, then I would have pity. But then there's someone like Amanda Todd. I just can't bring myself to pity her when there's people who are bullied and feel unloved and unappreciated by those around them. She was young and didn't know how to deal with it, sure, but she really took the easy way out of this one considering the worst that happened to her is humiliation.
    Oh! No, not what I meant. Just agreeing with you that the Amanda Todd situation is pretty tangled in people's personal views. More musing on how it brings out two extreme feelings (saintdom, slutdom).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    I agree with Martin's free will point. A person trying to deflect their selfishness - in this case bad selfishness - by calling those who comitted/ attempted suicide is the real person who disregards how another feels. Would rather them continue in their current state of mind/livlihood.
    And THIS is what I was talking about in my first response to Martin's reply. I honestly don't know where anyone in this thread said that they wanted their loved ones to stay in some sort of torment and personal hell and pain! That's where I came in with how I wanted my FIL to get help, to work through the issues.

    ETA - So which is it? Intervene and potentially deny a person their free will, or back off and respect their decision?

    I will always fight for a person, intervene, get them help, work with them, use every resource available to help them! But somehow that's coming across as a bad thing and that its denying them their free will. And yes, I can only use my situations with what I would do. I can't comment on anyone else's because I'm not arrogant enough to think I know the situations.

  17. #47
    TFF's Token Imp Another suicide thread Martin's Avatar
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    Okay, I see what you're getting at there. But my point isn't that you shouldn't try - more if that is the choice they choose to make, why condemn and vilify? That's their right to do so. It's free will to choose to seek help, and free will to choose not to if they don't believe it will work. It's your free will/choice to try to help, and theirs to refuse. I still don't believe there's any justification for passing judgment in any event. Sorry but I will never think otherwise.

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  18. #48
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    Okay, I see what you're getting at there. But my point isn't that you shouldn't try - more if that is the choice they choose to make, why condemn and vilify? That's their right to do so. It's free will to choose to seek help, and free will to choose not to if they don't believe it will work. It's your free will/choice to try to help, and theirs to refuse. I still don't believe there's any justification for passing judgment in any event. Sorry but I will never think otherwise.
    Anger is common in suicide cases, its one of the 5 stages of grief. Its also my free will to be upset and angry/hurt at their decision too. Just as its Rowan's free will to say that I'm thick and a ****ing bitch.

  19. #49
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    As I've already mentioned elsewhere, I use the word "coward" because I have pent up anger about the subject. Which is why I hate using personal experience for reasoning - there's too much emotion attached. Also, "coward's way out" is a common expression associated with suicide... maybe I jumped the gun, and it's too strong a word. And maybe it's selfish to want someone to stay alive. I don't know. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but you only get it once and there is beauty in this world that for some is always marred by its imperfections.

    I wish that everyone who has taken their lives could see through them, but they can't because we're all flawed and for some reason, are incapable of being like the Good Samaritan. We have to belittle people unlike ourselves, and that's evident in this thread. You don't have to go far to see it.

    But I can't help my own anger on the subject. It does indeed take guts to decide to and carry out suicide, but, and I'll be totally honest... when I usually say someone had "the guts" or "the balls", I usually think of a positive achievement. There's nothing positive about suicide, other than the person committing it believing it'll end their torment. Maybe for someone in that situation, it is an achievement, but I'm on the other side of the fence where I try and see the grass as green and the sky clear... even when it's not.

    I never meant offence and I came on pretty strong, and so I apologise. But like everyone's situations and feelings, we're all different.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  20. #50
    #LOCKE4GOD Another suicide thread Alpha's Avatar
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    I understand that suicide gets very titchy very quickly. Emotions flare up and people are thinking about personal experiences. That's no reason to take out that anger on somebody else. If you're gonna get angry, get angry about bullies or something. Tone your comments down. If nothing else, you'll sound smarter.

    With regards to the Amanda Todd thing, no slutshaming, mmkay? She didn't 'lead someone on' while 'knowing he was in a relationship'. No, that boy willingly cheated on his girlfriend. I'm not going to comment on her suicide.

    Question: what do you think about the way the media treats youth suicide? I know there's a lot of court-issued instruction about how such cases are treated in NZ--broadly, to ensure they aren't glamourised or raised up as heroes. Should the media act more responsibly?

    Jeez 4am comments... HowamImeanttowatch. Ok. At least one warning. I'll be back after a run.
    Last edited by Alpha; 11-17-2012 at 02:30 PM.

  21. #51
    G'day Another suicide thread NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say that with people in that state of mind, it is not an easy thing to 'get' them help. Whether they have mental illness or not (I'd say feeling out of touch with life itself, is a form of mental illness imo), you cannot make anyone, make that choice to get help. You can't gently encourage or get angry and tell them they have to snap the f*ck out of it. That s*it, just does not work. It doesn't mean you don't try or don't support them. But do so knowing, you cannot make that happen for them. I can understand the anger and grief of living with a person like that, of losing them. But you must understand, that they are in the worst state of mind imaginable, to the point of considering taking their own life. They cannot see what you see. They are blinded by their own thought process at the time.

    It's sad I know, it's complex. But these people have to be ready for the change and not everyone is ready for it. Not everyone is in the right frame of mind, to make that decision. It may take months, it make take years, they may need to actually make that step and make an attempt on their own life and somehow survive, to see that f*cking light. Talking about suicide only in this case, but that refers to all mental illness and some basic life decisions, minus the taking of own life part. Sadly, for some people, that readiness never comes.

    Like in your case UE, when your step dad woke up, from what you said, he seemed to realise what he had done and apologised. He had a moment of "Oh s*it, wtf have I done?!" I'm sorry it took an extreme event for him to come to that. But better late than never. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    I'm not saying it is right, I'm just saying it is what it is. You can be angry all you like, you cannot always win against someone's negative frame of mind.

    I'm not trying to make these people martyrs, I'm just trying to get you to understand, that it is the human condition we are battling here and in some cases, we lose. Instead of being angry, try to understand. Doesn't make your situation mean any more or less. Just try to understand both sides. Life is so fickle. Humans are ridiculously fickle. There will never be a solution to the suicide issue. Only thing we can do, is offer understanding, share our stories and hopefully try to help those in need, if we can.

    Each case of suicide is different. Different person, different life, different reasons. There are people who are legit having a really hard time with whatever personal demons they have, those people I have understanding for. Euthanasia, I understand and support that. But what about the people who have commited heinous acts, like murder, rape, all those other despicable crimes?

    The tune certainly does change. It's tough to say, after saying all I have said, what I think about that. I guess if people who have no respect for human life and take another life intentionally, or have such disgusting disregard for another and they kill themselves because they can't deal with it, because they got caught and have to go to prison. I guess I'd say, let them. But I'm still thinking about this. So I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it.

  22. #52
    Boxer of the Galaxy Another suicide thread Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha View Post
    Question: what do you think about the way the media treats youth suicide? I know there's a lot of court-issued instruction about how such cases are treated in NZ--broadly, to ensure they aren't glamourised or raised up as heroes. Should the media act more responsibly?

    Jeez 4am comments... HowamImeanttowatch. Ok. At least one warning. I'll be back after a run.
    who runs at 4AM

    I think the problem with the media is that it gives the attention people want so bad. People are so attention deprived that they end up becoming martyrs because they realise that it will get on the new and they will be remembered and talked about for a long time to come. Theres no real way the media can stop this kind of behaviour from occuring since the media will always report the news. And unfortunatly, in this day and age, a 12 year old girl taking nude photos of herself and killing herself is news. Things such as discovering the higgs boson particle are not even worth 5 minutes of air time. Things such as breaking new boundaries in the field of curing cancer, is not worth any news time. But hello, its 6:00pm , now its time for bra, fat loss and suicide stories. We'll throw in some propaganda on muslims there as well just to fill it up. Unfortunatly this is the world we live in, if you want to know about things worthwhile, you need to avoid television. There are people commiting suicide everyday over being bulled, molested, depression, what have you; yet its always singling out someone on the news and everyone forgets the others.

    In what way can the media stop this? The only way to stop glorifying such acts would be for the news not to report them. This could never be possible though. The news is the news.

  23. #53
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    As I've already mentioned elsewhere, I use the word "coward" because I have pent up anger about the subject. Which is why I hate using personal experience for reasoning - there's too much emotion attached. Also, "coward's way out" is a common expression associated with suicide... maybe I jumped the gun, and it's too strong a word. And maybe it's selfish to want someone to stay alive. I don't know. Life isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but you only get it once and there is beauty in this world that for some is always marred by its imperfections.

    I wish that everyone who has taken their lives could see through them, but they can't because we're all flawed and for some reason, are incapable of being like the Good Samaritan. We have to belittle people unlike ourselves, and that's evident in this thread. You don't have to go far to see it.

    But I can't help my own anger on the subject. It does indeed take guts to decide to and carry out suicide, but, and I'll be totally honest... when I usually say someone had "the guts" or "the balls", I usually think of a positive achievement. There's nothing positive about suicide, other than the person committing it believing it'll end their torment. Maybe for someone in that situation, it is an achievement, but I'm on the other side of the fence where I try and see the grass as green and the sky clear... even when it's not.

    I never meant offence and I came on pretty strong, and so I apologise. But like everyone's situations and feelings, we're all different.
    I hate that you feel you have to temporize how you feel about your own experience to others. Completely understand about how its hard when its personal insight. None of us were there when that happened to you, it wasn't our parent, we aren't you. You are completely and utterly allowed to feel however you want to feel about it and you don't need to apologize to others for it.

    Grief is unique and different. All this talk about free will, yet if one chooses to disagree with it they get jumped on. Mind boggling to me.

  24. #54
    Registered User Another suicide thread sayian's Avatar
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    so this lady on my fb friends list named Harmony got a random text from another young lady... the text said something like "hey we're going to the casino, come with us" and there was a picture of the young lady and some more girls that look like they'd been partying.... tha chik accidently sent that to the wrong number(harmony), and boy did she!!
    Harmony reposted that pic on facebook last night and then stated "anybody going to the casino, look for these girls cuz they're drunk and DTF...hahaha"
    then (i shit u, not) there were replys and she actually gave that girls number to one guy that i know of..

    ME, im thinking, Harmony is fat, and not very attractive at all stuck with kids at home while her man works... <--- thats what type of shit jealous girls do to very attractive girls when they get the chance to..

    thats not exactly the same situation but could EAZILY have been... but my point is... there are people who are evil all around us and theres really nothing we can do about it, but if its you in the situation just say "phuck it".. i think that behind every hatred action, jealous, ugly, or greed is present..
    ok keep on, its all shits n giggles until sombody giggles n shits....

  25. #55
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    I hate that you feel you have to temporize how you feel about your own experience to others. Completely understand about how its hard when its personal insight. None of us were there when that happened to you, it wasn't our parent, we aren't you. You are completely and utterly allowed to feel however you want to feel about it and you don't need to apologize to others for it.

    Grief is unique and different. All this talk about free will, yet if one chooses to disagree with it they get jumped on. Mind boggling to me.
    It's not something to hate. I came off strong, using expressions that I understand can cause some heat. I will never apologise for my opinions, but I will apologise for causing offence with the words I've used. And Martin is right.

    I think the media us just as bad as me when it comes to wording. They can only ever be for or against, it seems. It's never just news. But quite frankly, why did Amanda Todd's suicide constitute as news? I guess it makes people aware that even things like that are going on in the world, but it's not exactly the kinda of things I'd want in the news if that had been my child.

    If you're not prepared to open a thread and see that tgeres people in the world with a different opinion of yourself, then maybe you need to close down that window, turn your computer off and go outside. Because our there, there's far more people with different opinions, and maybe you'll be ready to come back to a small sized forum and read what we have to say.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

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    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  26. #56
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    I think the media us just as bad as me when it comes to wording. They can only ever be for or against, it seems. It's never just news. But quite frankly, why did Amanda Todd's suicide constitute as news? I guess it makes people aware that even things like that are going on in the world, but it's not exactly the kinda of things I'd want in the news if that had been my child.
    Various media outlets have to occasionally make a big stink about certain tragic events to seem like they care about people. They just pick and choose what works best. Apparently her mom made some kind of foundation in her name for victims of bullies or something like that, so I assume that's why she wants the story to get out.

    Also, I'm not going to pretend to care about stuff I don't just to convey "respect". If you wanna start some kind of bullying awareness thing or something, I'm down to help out, because it does suck, but I don't view her any more highly than the millions of people that die every year. Work towards the future, not the past and all that good stuff.

  27. #57
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    It's not something to hate. I came off strong, using expressions that I understand can cause some heat. I will never apologise for my opinions, but I will apologise for causing offence with the words I've used. And Martin is right.

    I think the media us just as bad as me when it comes to wording. They can only ever be for or against, it seems. It's never just news. But quite frankly, why did Amanda Todd's suicide constitute as news? I guess it makes people aware that even things like that are going on in the world, but it's not exactly the kinda of things I'd want in the news if that had been my child.

    If you're not prepared to open a thread and see that tgeres people in the world with a different opinion of yourself, then maybe you need to close down that window, turn your computer off and go outside. Because our there, there's far more people with different opinions, and maybe you'll be ready to come back to a small sized forum and read what we have to say.

    As for the Amanda Todd situation being so popular, it doesn't surprise me. There's all sorts of "tidbits" to make it a sensationalized story. Young girl doing risque things, older man (for all intents and purposes a pedophile) luring her into doing more, parents who are kind of nebulous and whom really didn't seem to do much to protect/help her according to public speculation, add in that she was a pretty girl and seems like a perfect story to go viral.

    As for the media popularizing youth suicide, hard to say. Alpha - you mentioned that there's strict things in place to make sure that they're not raised to being a martyr or hero... what is it that they do differently? How do they make sure that those things don't happen? By not sharing the whys and hows the people passed away? Its an interesting angle for sure.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lacquer Head View Post

    Also, I'm not going to pretend to care about stuff I don't just to convey "respect". If you wanna start some kind of bullying awareness thing or something, I'm down to help out, because it does suck, but I don't view her any more highly than the millions of people that die every year. Work towards the future, not the past and all that good stuff.
    I don't either. Loss of life is horrific and incredibly sad... but I also don't view her death as any more tragic than the people who die every day for whatever reason.

  28. #58
    Ayyye Another suicide thread Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    I don't view it as all THAT tragic, death is an inevitable part of life and not everyone will reach old age, the world's a dangerous place. I mean, it does suck, but there's no way to prevent it. But yeah, I don't view any life over any other. We're quite conditioned to faceless deaths, you can see something like "20 people dead after bus crash in Canada" and not really think much of it, but as soon as people see a face or a name, they try to pull the "giving respects" stuff.

  29. #59
    This ain't no place for no hero Another suicide thread Tiffany's Avatar
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    Ahh I'm different in that aspect, I feel sad even for the people who are faceless in those news ads. Probably because I've seen too much of it from being around families who have lost someone (not talking in just a suicide situation).

    So with all the talk about how people should feel when someone takes their life, how should someone theoretically react when a person close to them takes their life? This talk about Amanda Todd has got me thinking... lots of places say she doesn't deserve the "respect" she's getting. Does she deserve respect?

    She made her choice, its over and one with and can't unfortunately be turned around. If that was your friend, what would you do about the situation?

    Clearly how I would react is pretty much out there on this thread already.

  30. #60
    G'day Another suicide thread NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    The problem with media in general, is they don't give the public a balanced report. News is ok, as long as it's appropriate and factual, from all sides. But too often stories are one sided. Most people take the news as the only information available, so mostly, what we hear on the news should be taken with a grain of salt. There is always more to it. The stories come and go, are eventually forgotten about by the majority of the population. Then the news shows us a video of a surfing puppy.

    I think the only reason the Amanda Todd case was exposed so much, was because of social media. If Facebook and YouTube didn't exist, we probably wouldn't have heard about her. There's nothing wrong with her story being on the news, just happened to be her at that time, the media chose to do a story on. Her story exposes the lengths people go to, to hate an individual so much and shows that the youth of today are making really bad choices. I'd like to point out that ages 12 to 17, are children. When I was 12, I was playing with Barbie dolls and doing my homework. Sending nudes was not one of my priorities. If someone had asked me to, I would have told my mother. Times have changed so much in the last 10 years, social media/internet has a hand in that. You can blame parents all you like, but unfortunately, parents are not the only people who have influence on their children. You can be the best parent and still have something like this, happen to you.

    I'd like to point out, I don't respect Amanda Todd for her choices. Before and after the fact. I can just acknowledge, she was a child who made stupid choices and should have been given a chance to learn from them. She shouldn't have been hated SO MUCH for them. The amount of hate she received, is most likely what drove her to commit suicide. The amount of hate she received AFTER she committed suicide, was just disgusting. Her situation should be used to learn from, not used to joke about. Chances are there are a lot of 12 year olds out there, doing exactly what she did, right now. Hopefully they learned from it.
    Last edited by NikkiLinkle; 11-18-2012 at 09:14 PM.

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