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It'd be very expensive and would require alot of staff, in other words very inconvenient and expensive. I think we shouldn't make a big deal out of this, because these cases are still very rare. If they were more frequent and persistent, then changing gun laws could help, but US is very big and diverse state law wise, so it wouldn't really work anyways. Let's look the truth straight in the eyes. When you have a country drowning in recession, rising unemployment and poverty, these things will happen more frequently. Also look at the movies these days. Nothing but shooting and action. Video games have alot to do with this as well. Biggest problem is recession, anger, and frustration with not being able to live the dream. It effects all aspects of family life, teens included. Oh yeah, and schools aren't strict enough. Students fool around too much, create hostile environments for drugs, bullying and other bad things. Schools, teachers, rules have to be more stricter, less of what students can do, more of what teachers and principals can.